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Subject: Re: constitutional amendment

Alex B
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Date Posted: 08:14:25 07/02/01 Mon
In reply to: Jeremy H 's message, "constitutional amendment" on 20:38:42 06/26/01 Tue

I too like to think of the Scholars' College as beig above certain things, but one must never leave a system unprotected. There is the added safeguard of the senator-at-large position being voted on by faculty as well. We would hope that they would have more forsight than perhaps the students. The problems I stil see witht eh system is that not enough people come to council meetings I understand it though, I might not go to all of them if I were not a member. But int he meetings, you see that the brunt of the work is done by the president. The president keeps everyon in check and on track. If there is a problem with the council the president almost surely is held responsible. In short, the council would not be able to take a bad choic for president in stride. An unmotivated president or one without the best interests of the school at heart could easily bring the council to a halt and greatly decrease its effectiveness. This may sound doomsday, but the point is that the council chooses those who work. I think it would be nearly impossible to become president of the council on your first time in the forum council, however, with the senator-at-large rule, a newcommer to the council could very well be int he seat. Look at our current President (Bush not Bess). He is not very good at politics and the entire country is suffering. In some ways, a washington insider would be better. The same with the council, I think the idea of the school voting ont he president formt he list of second year forum council members would be fine, but the possibility of a novice president is not healthy or productive. Tell me what you think...More from other council members too.


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[> [> Subject: Re: constitutional amendment

always delightful Jeremy
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Date Posted: 16:40:53 07/02/01 Mon

To condense. . .you think there should be a limitation of at least one years experience on the forum council. . .i can dig it. Very good idea, but I was thinking that if a nominee had not served on the council before, said person surely would decline the nomination. I think that may have been too ideal of me, me of all people! I won't let it happen again, and a side note, why don't we make them do a series of tests as well(eg athletic, intellect, morals) these sorts of things bc we all read THE REPUBLIC and the philosoph king should excel in all of the above. That last remark was just one of my smart assed quips that should NOT, I repeat, NOT be taken seriously.

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[> [> [> Subject: Philosopher Kings

Alex B
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Date Posted: 09:54:50 07/03/01 Tue

I don't know Jeremy. I like the idea. That way we practice what we preach :) But I am not sure how much the school would appreciate the attire that Plato recommends for such athletic workouts.


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