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Shamrock Inn

The Inn sits nestled within a cocoon of cherry tree blossoms and oak trees. A brick path leads to a lovely oak door with fairy engravings chisled on it. Inside, a chandelier presides over the oak chairs and tables, covered in flowered tablecloth with real china set. A sign by the door sets out the fares for the inn, and the menu for the restaurant.

Room Rates
For regular rooms:
3 shillings/night
18 shillings/week

For suites:
5 shillings/night
30 shillings/week

Restaurant prices
Bowl of Soup - 2 shilling
Dinner~requested or pre-made - 5 shillings
Breakfast and lunch the same rate.
All drinks - 2 shillings


Red Room
Blue Room
Green Room
Purple Room

Rose Suite
Gold Suite
Silver Suite

  • Swiftly enters -- Ariana, 19:21:12 11/12/02 Tue
    The cloaked woman quickly enters, then looks around. Her mare is tied up outside, waiting for her master to return. The woman comes up to the counter, hoping to spot the inn keaper. Her weight shifts impateintly, for she did not have lots of time to wait here.

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  • ::enter:: -- §arina, 03:52:23 11/11/02 Mon
    ::she enters the inn, casting back the cloak hood as she walks in, revealing long wavy locks of brown hair, deep green eyes, and a mysterious tanned face. the woman strides to a table in the corner, and after removing her cloak, she sits down, and orders a glass of red wine, then, looks at her diamond ring, watching the light of the fire playing on it::

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  • "Ravyn!!!" -- Agel, 21:52:44 11/02/02 Sat
    She bursts in through the door before she could stop herself, silvery hair flying about her shoulders. Clutched in one hand, he had a small bag with the unmistakable bulge of numerous coins. Around her neck, she wears a golden ring attatched to an ugly string. Upon spotting the man at the table, her eyes light up and she tosses her hands into teh air.

    "There you are!" she cries, clearlly unimpressed. "Do you know how long I've been looking for you? I owe you 12 shillings for both lunches you bought me, you meanie! Here!" Chuckling, she drops the bag of coins into the table. It is then she seems to realize that there was a stranger sitting across from her new/old friend, and she blinks in surprise. "Oh! Sorry!" she gasps, bringing a hand to her mouth. "I didn't see you there! I'm in a real hurry..." Then, grinning, she clears her throat. "Soooo.....ooooh, now I feel like a third wheel. I think I here my mare mistress calling me...but just before I go, Ravyn, if you ever do something like abandoning me in the middle of a forest again, I'll slice out your eyes." Grimacing, brushes her hands off on the front of her traveling clothes. "Sorry, sorry...I should go now."

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  • Walks in -- Ravyn, 02:54:22 10/23/02 Wed
    The mysterious man once again walks into the inn. He glances around slowly from left to right. His facial expression never seems to change. That is of a sadden yet stern look. He walks over to a table that is by a window that peers out into the street. He thinks about sitting there but then again that wouldn't really be him. He then notices a table sitting in the shadows. He smiles a bit as he then walks over to it and sits down. He just dits there for no apperant puropose but just to take it easy. If someone wished to talk to him they could, but if they would get a response would be a different story. They may or they may not.

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  • walking into the inn!!! -- Aran, 19:08:34 10/02/02 Wed
    a boy of 11 years of age walks into the inn with a boy at his side!

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