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Date Posted: 13:22:15 02/03/03 Mon
Author: T3-Zero
Subject: Hitting the ground...
In reply to: Fulcrumm 's message, "If he could talk he would scream, "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!"" on 20:52:54 02/02/03 Sun

he cursed under his breath as Fulcrumm tossed him heavily into the alleyway knocking over a garbagepail in his wake. He strained to catch his ballance, arms flailing for a moment before hitting the alleyway wall. With a grumble he pulled himself up to stand straight and adjusted the cloak around him once more. As he stood erect a few more curses escaped him as he spotted the reason for being so rudely shoved. For a moment his mouth hung open, never before had the teen seen such... well.. big bugs. The eye of the thing scanned the alley falling briefly on each of the three before falling on Fulcrumm as he charged.
For a time Zero's own flight instincts overwhelmed his natural senses to charge into battle as he stood there simply watching the streets from his position in the alley.
Somewhere off in the distance a cry of horror broke his gaze as his senses returned... this was going to be a long day.......... oh hell...
Tossing his right arm free of the cloak the hand litterally pulled into the large wrist being replaced with the barrel of a blaster. He looked back once to the elder 'bot trading a quick glance and ran closer to the enterance of the alley firing a shot from his blaster aimed towards the nearest bug.. he breifly wondered how effective someone as small as he would do compaired to the two taller 'bots but, he concluded, it was better than being killed straight off the bat.. it seemed he owed Fulcrumm one for shoving him aside anyway.
So much for keeping a low profile....

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