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Date Posted: 17:08:05 07/25/01 Wed
Author: Senator Decius
Subject: He stepped out of his office.....

Locking the door behind him, Decius heard the forcefield snap into place. His fractal encryption code sealed the door and activated the ECM packages built into the walls. Years of serving in the Decepticon military had left their mark on Decius - one thing he had learned as he rose in the ranks was that privacy was not only something to be guarded, it was to be fought for, tooth and nail.

As he turned and strode down the corridor towards Embyr's office, his gaze for the thousandth time took in the decor of the Senate building. Here and there throughout the corridors were priceless pieces of art and antiques from all factions and all periods of Cybertronian history. In one alcove, there was a picture of Alpha Trion, painted in Terran oils. In another, the glove from the exo-suit of Spasma, a Nebulan who had allied himself with the Decepticons. Yet another held a piece of armour plate from Fortress Maximus himself. Luckily for him, Decius' favourite was on the same floor as his office - an combination processor from Devastator's torso subassembly matrix.

Chalk one up for the Decepticons there, he thought, smiling on the inside. By modern standards Devastator was a lumbering piece of cannon fodder, but back in the days when Decius was a young soldier, he had been state of the destructive art. The first stable gestalt, and we did it.......those were the days, not like this.

The plan for the Senate building, Decius knew, had been to use these objet d'art and antiquities to promote a sense of unity in the Senate - visual reminders that Cybertronians had a common history. For such a divided people seemingly given to civil warfare, Transformers needed such a reminder from time to time. Decius, however, was not convinced that the plan worked.

One bot's reminder of unity is another's reminder not of what ties us all together, but what sets us all apart from one another.

In due course, he found himself outside Embyr's office. Activating his CIM, Decius sent a brief message.

I feel you and I will bring new hope to our kind.
I am here for our meeting.
A day of reckoning may be upon us.
May I come in?
I feel you and I may turn it in our favour.

After that, there was nothing to be done except the waiting, and Decius was very good at that.

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