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Date Posted: 02:35:54 07/27/01 Fri
Author: Senator Decius
Subject: "Indeed we do."
In reply to: Embyr 's message, "In all her centuries, Embyr too had proven to be patient..." on 19:39:10 07/25/01 Wed

As he stepped into her office, Decius couldn't help but wince inwardly at the state of Embyr's exostructure. She was old - as old as any Decepticon currently on-line. The years had taken their toll, sure enough. The core of her being was intact, though, he knew that much just from looking at her eyes. The same steely determination was across the desk from him that had faced down Autobot after Autobot over millions of years. Some things do not change, he realized. Decepticons, no matter how hard they try not to be, will always be Decepticons.......and Embyr will always be Embyr. Those who would cross her would do well to be cautious - age has weakened her, but it has not addled her.

"Welcome, Decius. Have a seat." Embyr's voice was as dry as the ash mountains of Charr. A peculiar rattle in her vocal processors spoke, again, of her age. As he sat, she went on, "You said you had some news about the Transformers currently trapped in beast modes?"

Decius nodded and slid a datapad across the desk. "Cases of acute monostructural psychosis are on the rise. Transformers who cannot transform are, as we have seen previously, given to extreme depression and eventual suicidal tendencies. Several Maximals tried to throw themselves under the treads of a goods train yesterday. They have been sedated for the time being and the Autobot who was the goods train is being treated for stress-induced shorting out of his processors." Were the situation not also affecting Decepticons and Predacons, Decius might just have laughed.

"I once knew an Actionmaster." Embyr reflected, picking up the datapad and casting an eye over the figures. "Sure enough, the process that robbed him of his transformation abilities did make him faster, stronger than almost anyone else.......right up to the point where he threw himself into a fusion reactor. We are Transformers - rob us of that, and we are nothing."

Decius looked at his colleague. "We are, indeed, Transformers.......but some would say we are more than that. Our people are suffering, Embyr." - he hoped the aged Senator would understand just what group he meant by our people - "This is, to use an old Autobot prayer, their darkest hour. Something must be done."

Decius made his comments oblique as a matter of course - the Senate offices had more bugs in them than a Scraplet hive. As he awaited Embyr's response, he fleetingly wished they could have met in his office, with it's comprehensive suite of bug detectors and countermeasures.

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