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Date Posted: 15:50:29 08/18/01 Sat
Author: Lord Lye-Onitron
Subject: What utter nonsens is this?
In reply to: Dispatch 's message, "The dispatcher's entered each of the senators rooms..." on 14:43:59 08/18/01 Sat

What game is Betacron plaaying at? Is he trying to manuever us into reactivating the Trans-Warp Assault gates? Is he trying to position himself in the position of self-proclaimed "savior"?

Lord Lye-Onitron reclined in the chair as the dispatcher droid left his room and he wondered if he should respond to this or if he should take it in stride. Both moves were riddled with potential for disaster.

On the one hand, if he acknowledged this "threat" to which only Betacron and some of his "scientists" have been proclaiming like end-time prophets, then he would be throwing his weight with them. Politically he would have to support Betacron tooth and nail...Lord Lye-Onitron always followed through on his decisions if it came to supporting another.

On the other hand, if he rejected Betacron's news and the threat proved to be real, politically he would be in an impossible position to manuever out of. He would have to go the road of the outcast Hegemon or the righteous path of that bedeviled Lux. There was no way in a tankard of molten steel was he going to pitch his way in with some of the others.

What to do?

He decided to once again pull some strings in Cybertron's Naval Operations. He would pull this out of the politically volatile realm and place it right into the military circle. After all, there's nothing that the senate can fully do if this is a real threat. They would have to vote and coordinate with the councilors and perhaps even the Chancellor would have to get involved.

Contacting the Navy would be the best option. Contacting them and telling them of the scientific inabilities of some of these others in contrast to the professional military mind...many of the others, he believed, would agree with Lye-Onitron's manuever if they knew about it. Perhaps even Hegemon would agree.

Lord Lye-Onitron decided on his course of action and followed through...

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  • The dispatcher drone didn't survive long... -- Senator Hegemon, 05:43:43 08/19/01 Sun
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