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Date Posted: 14:43:59 08/18/01 Sat
Author: Dispatch
Subject: The dispatcher's entered each of the senators rooms...

Each with a personalized data note for each sneator. It read as fallowed...

From Lord Betacron...

Dear Lord...

It has taken me some time to confirm my suspisions on a most important matter. Last night, I recived yet another star chart of a planetary system that our scientists have been monitoring. It was, yes was, a fairly large system. The star the 5 some planets were orbiting was a yellow star. Some where between the age of 1 and 5 billions years, so yes, a very young star.

The next day, we recived another peice of data, this time, a very disturbing peice. When I looked at the readout, the entire star system was gone. Everything, every planet, every astroid and comet, even the star itself, was gone. I know what you're thinking, Super Nova, Right? Wrong. A yellow star just doesn't go nova over night.

This was a close star system. One we sent countless ships to monitor the system first hand not just a week ago. There was no sigh of any sort of major explosion. However, we did find one vessel like object in the system, it was a diamod shaped craft, we havn't been able to identify it. The groupd of scientists that were watching the system believe that to be the sourse of this mass destruction, but I was sceptical, until I saw the read outs.

Primus only knows what did this. But let us pray it never comes close to Cybertron...

End letter...

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