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Date Posted: 10:24:11 04/23/07 Mon
Author: Jim Bevan
Subject: This review is a robot in disguise
In reply to: Patrick 's message, "REVIEWS: Shia LeBouef 04/14/07" on 10:37:55 04/19/07 Thu

And once you read it, you'll see it's more than meets the eye... okay, so you won't. But hey, I can't pass up a good Transformers riff. So let's do this thing.

Thank God You're Here!: I'll admit, I had never heard of this show before, and didn't know of its existance until I saw a commercial for it last week. And, I've never watched the thing, so I don't really understand the format of the show. Grier had a good line at the beginning, but the whole Imus thing was kind of overplayed. Everyone had already bashed him and accused him of being a racist, and it's kind of a tired subject. Plus, his lines weren't really that good, even if he was trying to be offensive. Sorry.

Monologue: I want to thank Patrick for pointing out to me that Shia was the guy starring in Disturbia and that it was a needless remake of "Rear Window" (can't believe I didn't catch that at first; the spirit of Jimmy Stewart must be so displeased with me.) I also want to thank cartoonist Darby Conley for introducing me to the New Zealand All Black's haka, which can add absurdity to any situation.

Peyton Manning for Condoms: Not bad. Nice use of football terminology as sexual metaphors. It was a little short, but still good.

Shrimp on the Barry: Okay, you read this and you're probably thinking "How the hell did he come up with this crap?" Well, I saw a cooking special where they discussed what the "vein" in shrimp actually was, and from there the idea of shrimp dicks entered my head, and it grew into this. It probably won't suit everyone's tastes, but I am proud of being the first person to use the phrase "shrimp dicks" on this site.

A Look through the Eyes of George W. Bush: The first of two sketches from our newest writer, "Weird Al" Mitrovic. (Do you mind if I call you Weird Al, Al?) Sorry to say, this one didn't really appeal to me. I'm not the biggest fan of "Bush is dumb/Bush has the attention span of a child" bits.

Lucas Goes off the Deep End: This was just great, a perfect Twilight Zone-esque sketch. Lucas' insane arguments with his father and friends were full of hilarious lines ("You want me to fight the power by getting a job" was one of the best.) And it was followed up by an incredible job of breaking the fourth wall. Though I've got to say, I would love to see the "Crazy General" sketch someday.

Backstage at SNY: I originally planned this for a CO, but since Mark sent one in I retooled it as a common sketch. I know the running gag was kind of predictable, but I hope it was okay.

Stinging to a Kill: This wasn't really for me, it was really just a bunch of STing song lyrics put together as dialogue. Sorry, but that's just not my thing.

Ode on a Ten Foot Schlong: Great piece, Al. The description of the timeframe made it stand out quite nicely considering the subject matter, the lines of his ode were very funny, and I love how you made it flow like a traditional old English poem with meter and phrases. Keep up the good work, we're glad to have you aboard.

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