Well, I decided to get off my lazy butt and do a review. So….
Lorne Michaels addresses Baldwin Controversy: Funny sketch with some great, witty humor. Not hilarious, you could do better, but, overall, I liked it. Especially the line: “I’ve made my bed and now I’m gonna have to clean it cause I soiled it too”. I’m using that.
Scarlett Johansson's Monologue: This was hilarious. I read it when you posted it on the boards and I thought it was really funny. It had really nice flow, not a lot of “down time” between jokes. That makes it so you can’t stop reading easily.
Idol Spot Ads: It’s something SNL would air. That’s both a compliment and a critique. They made me chuckle, but they could have been funnier.
The Hermit of Burima: Glad you liked it. Let me explain the mollusk joke using math. Slugs = mollusks;
(Basic Instinct + Fatal Attraction) / 2 = Fatal Instinct;
It’s Fatal Instinct because they’re animals.
Cheesy, I know.
Undeserving Celebrity Piñatas: I too am not a big fan of celebrity-based humor, but this was a very funny sketch. It had some very tasteful toilet humor. Although, I felt that you shouldn’t have added that last comment by Andre since the joke got old fast. Overall, well written.
Topical Issues: In my opinion, it started off kind of slow with a big buildup, but it’s well worth the wait, because the punch line was hilarious. I love the way they deliver news of the cancellation to her, it was perfectly written.
An SNY Digital Short: The Notebook: I see no flaws; it was awesome. Well written, and so epic! Great sketch, keep them coming.
Vincent Price Columbus Day Special, 1976: Sorry, I tried, but I have no idea as to what’s going on. It’s probably because I’m too young and don’t know many of the people appearing. Also, this might be wrong, but from what I gathered, you seem to rely on bad celebrity impersonations to get laughs.
A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney & Bill Maher: I’m sorry, but I just didn’t find this funny at all. It had a couple of humorous lines thrown in, but the majority of the piece was a rant. I’m sorry, I’m sure you have other well-written stuff, but this just didn’t do it for me.
At the Auto Dealership: Pretty good. I really liked it. It would have been better if it were longer. I hope it’s going to be a recurring sketch.
The Late Show with David Letterman: I’ve never seen Letterman’s show, but I’m guessing he uses a lot of toilet humor. I liked the part with Rev. Jesse Jackson.