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Date Posted: 14:35:40 05/06/07 Sun
Author: Jim Bevan
Subject: The Jim Bevan end of the Spring Semester Review Spectacular!
In reply to: Jim Bevan 's message, "Sorry, Al. I've been busy with finals, but I'll have a review soon." on 12:57:50 05/06/07 Sun

Okay, the hype was a little unnecessary, but the semester's finally over at my school, and I am glad it is (very tough classes this term.) Now, onto the review. I'm not going to review Mark's because I don't want him to fly off the handle and attack me if I say I didn't think some of his sketches were funny.

Baldwin Controversy: Sorry, but this didn't really appeal to me that much. I'm not a big fan of celebrity-oriented humor, so that's the main reason why. There were a few good lines, though, and the whole thought of prepping Baldwin like a bound Hannibal Lecter was a humorous image.

The Hermit of Burima: Another hilarious piece from the new guy, what's his name... (looks at the author name on the sketch) right, Al Mitrovic. Anyway, this had some great dialogue and hilarious banter between the host and Gary, and the actions of the hermit were great. I would have loved to have seen it acted out. The only thing, though, is that I couldn't tell who played what role. Also, I'm afraid I don't get the mollusk/"Fatal Instinct" joke at the end. Still a good sketch.

Undeserving Celebrity Pinatas: Aside from the celebrity references and Alec's cameo at the end, this was a good skit. Bizarre novelty and party gifts are always great fodder for comedy, and Chuchos had great emotion and dialogue. I just think that instead of celebrity pinatas, they could have been modeled after something else obscure, or offensive. But that's just me.

The Notebook: Wonderfully surreal stuff. Adam's ordeal in trying to get the videotape could have been a killer sketch in itself, but the wraparound with the bum trying to pitch it as a story added to the humor. Plus, the twist at the end was great.

Columbus Day Special, 1976: Again, sorry Evan, but celebrity sketches don't really do it for me.

Person from Porlock: A very nice Monty Python-esque piece. Clever jabs at bureaucratic requirements and red tape, the questions on the form were killer (I especially liked the request for blood, second mortgage and t-shirt lines), and the banter between the king and the others.

Goodnights: Kind of fell a little flat. Again, I do apologize Evan, but celebrity jokes and parodies just aren't my preference.

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