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HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC!!!! al the best to you xox -- :-), 18:11:43 10/20/04 Wed
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Bay City Rollers Fan Fest 2005 -- The Planners, 08:20:25 09/17/04 Fri
"Don't Let The Music Die"-The 30th Anniversary celebration of the Bay City Rollers' arrival in America., will be held in Anaheim, CA June 17 & 18, 2005. Don't miss the fun, come celebrate the Rollers, come celebrate the fans!
For more information please go to our website at: http://www.geocities.com/tartantwins2005
Early Bird Special: From now until Jan. 18th, 2005 cost of fest is $80.00. (Pay Pal fee of $3.00). So pay now and save. Or if you'd like, sign up and reserve your spot for $80.00. You will be emailed a reminder and can pay in full by Jan 18, 2005. After that, the price will go up!
Go to:http://www.geocities.com/tartantwins2005 for more details.
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Thank You!!! -- Duncan, 13:18:01 07/30/02 Tue
Hi this is Duncan here just wanting to thank Loraine and Ru Hunsaker, Kathy Flynn and Jan Zalewski for the wonderful gathering they organized this past weekend with as much efficiency as if it was put on by the White House.
The gifts , T-shirts , programs cd coasters , one would have thought The Bay Cities were themselves there for their re-union. Thank you all for a wonderful time and even more for the friendships which have been born...
Thank you to the wonderful Dedication band members, Steven, Gino and Dave who shared the stage with us and helped make the evening swing. They certainly rocked the Sheraton to its foundations.. Craig and I had a `blast `doing some harmonies with band and it was a nice ending with the 2 groups all having an out it jam at the end.. We wish them all the best luck in the future and hope to run into them again one day.
To the old familiar faces ,, ok, leave out (old ) whom I`m now beginning to recognize. It was so nice to see you all.. What great fans The Rollers have the ones who haven't let the music die.
To Loraine, her face says it all . What a wonderful person she is.
All the best love to Rollers, Rollettes, fans and friends.
P.S Thanks to Ru for the George Bush autograph.
Dear Loraine, Kathy and Jan and all the Rollerblast attendees...
I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for having us there at "Rollerblast" 2002......I have to say that I was very impressed with everything and how well it was organized....
I was so happy to finally meet you after all this time and Kathy to see you again after so many years...Also what a treat it was bringing Wills and Julia there to share in on the fun.....I was also glad that I was able to chat with everyone and I really wish that we had more time to do that......You all really made me feel so welcome and the whole event brought back so many memories for me and that is something that I will always treasure........My LA friends what a treat to see you there and we shall see you again in LA soon....Pody you will never change and thank God for that..you always make me laugh.......Also to Ru for being there and his support, what a great guy!!!!!!!!! Here is your big hug - Thank You :) also to Elizabeth, Loraine's Daughter for helping me out on Saturday.........
Also to all the familiar faces, hope that I have not left anybody out....if I have forgive me
Thank you again for such a great time and a wonderful fest......so nice again to be able to speak to everybody.........
And to Dedication. What a great band and some really nice guys. Thanks for show.....
Colleen, thank you for the Pug, darn I can't find it now...I will try and get another and to sweet Molly... and Loveable Linda, and Dodie ..Smiles..... and last but not least Pody. Laugh!
All my love Laurie
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Wow - Looks like the Rollerblast was so much fun -- Connie F., 14:36:56 08/21/02 Wed
I've been sitting here looking through all the pics that some of you posted showing the Rollerblast. I really wish I had known about it sooner so I could have had time to make plans to go. Thanks to all of you that shared your pics and stories. Will there be a Rollerblast in 2003? I would love to go.
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RollerBlast -- Trouble, 00:56:54 08/12/02 Mon
It looks like you all had such a great time. Sorry I didn't get to come. But, i'm enjoying the pictures and stories!! :-)
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home -- CherylN, 05:09:04 08/01/02 Thu
Hello everyone,
Tonya and I got home safely.
I want to thank Loraine, Janzie, and Kathy for organizing this fest...GREAT JOB!! I had a wonderful time, and Dustin has a new appreciation for Roller music:)
Duncan, Craig, and Dedication...AWESOME SHOW, YOU GUYS ROCK!! THANK YOU!!
L.A. girls, nice to get to meet y'all!
To everyone, planning and/or attending, this weekend, I enjoyed meeting and talking with you. It was great!
CherylN :)
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Be afraid...... -- KathyF, 14:18:55 08/01/02 Thu
Photos are up! A small sampling of my weekend photos have been posted to the Rollerblast site, www.ericfaulkner.com/rollerblast/.
Don't say I didn't warn you!
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Reporting Live from CNN -- ~Mary, 12:19:39 08/01/02 Thu
Hey all!
I know these posts end up sounding like thank you's to the academy, but it's fun to let people know how much fun they were. It's been too long a time that I've been out hanging with the Bay City Ladies and once again you guys didn't let me down on the fun meter! Loraine thanks so much for letting me sign on at the last minute as it was a much needed girls weekend out. You guys did a wonderful job. It was great to meet so many new people and just as great seeing the "oldies" too. Wendee and Deb C thanks for helping me to fulfill Will's desire for "chips"! Wendee all the best on your quest to do youknowwhat and Deb..your car is too damn clean! Thanks too for fulfilling that rated G version "amateur night" dream. I don't know yet if I'm prepared to watch the video of me "scarfing", but perhaps after having some more "Hot Sex" with KathyF and Pody I'll be ready to watch that. I will however not fall prey to peer pressure again and I don't care how long and loud you chant my damn name! Next time I think I'll opt for singing as who'd have thought someone would actually have the song "Give it to me Now" on CD?! All I can say is thank God there wasn't a pole in the room! Did Linda ever even sing? Brat has the honor of literally having made a mini-her who was such a good girl. I wonder if that'll last?! There isn't a shy bone in Dodie's body either and she may be Molly's undoing. It was nice to see Becky and meet her new hubby. You're a lucky woman to have such an understanding guy. (I won't bring up the draping part either Becky!! And Lu coined the term not I!) Course the hubby award also goes to Loraine's guy who actually not only wore a kilt HE BOUGHT IT and a matching outfit for his lovely wife. Men do that stuff? (He's not shy about dancing too!) Tonya, Jan, and Cheryl it was great to meet you guys. Jan I have an awesome picture of you that if I could put a headline to I would post it! Lu and Sabaca I made my flight...picture the old OJ commercials and that was me. To my "homies" aka the Mass Chicks/NY contingent you have no idea how great it was to see you all. I managed to remain dry-eyed until I saw Laurie. Thanks for letting me play with your kids and enjoy non stop tele tubby land. Duncan and Craig are my heroes and when I go back down the aisle you guys will be the entertainment! OK Dedication can come along too as how often do you get to relive that 80's style dance to the Ramones? I was doing the Eddie Murphy version of the white man dance and I'm sure it's on videotape somewhere! Dave you're a class A guy, Gino the Bad Boys of Boston rule, and Steve your set DID outdo my little number! As Nicki said I really missed you guys. Thanks Geej...you rock!
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Wow, wow and WOW!!! -- Becky, 20:05:11 07/29/02 Mon
What a great time we had this weekend at Rollerblast!!
We have a new Roller fan here in my house...hubby John, LOL! Now this isn't to say he didn't like the music before, but now he's a Roller FAN and a Duncan FAN! I couldn't believe it when I woke up Sunday morning and he was wearing his Rollerblast t-shirt, LOL! And it was he who suggested we watch the videos when we got home. Of course, I think he might have wanted to see our Karaoke too, LOL!!
We talked ALL the way home, (all 13 hours, LOL) listening to Roller music and Duncan music. He really had a great time, and that goes double for me. Loraine, Jan and Kathy, thank you for all your hard work and the great party you put together for us. And thanks to all who helped them to make it happen...I don't know who or what everyone did, but I do know that some girls did some decorations, made the bags, etc. so I just wanted to thank them too.
Thanks to Duncan and Craig for TWO great shows (at the blast and also Vienna.) Even though Duncan said he was getting over being sick, he sounded excellent to me and I told him that if that was the case, he's sounds better sick than most people sound healthy!!!! The cd is great and it was a real treat to hear some of the songs live! I can't even tell you my favorite song because they are all AA++ hits in my book. John liked "Take the Good" and "Love Can Hurt." (Of course John's new favorite song is "Let it be Right," LOL)
Thanks to Dedication for once again putting on a rocking show. At least no one called 911 this time, LOL!!! It was really great to see you guys playing a few songs with Duncan, too.
It was WONDERFUL to see some old friends again like Wendee, Lu, Sabaca, Nikki and Craig, Duncan and Laurie, Mary, Gigi and everyone else, and to meet some new friends as well. Roller fans are the best. Thanks for a great time. Too bad we had to come home and be hit over the head with REALITY again...boo!! But this was a week we will never forget. It was the ultimate way to cap off our trip to D.C.
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- It was great to meet you and your hubby Becky! Glad you had a great time. (NT) -- JanZ, 20:11:11 07/29/02 Mon
- Re: Wow, wow and WOW!!! -- Sabaca, 11:41:58 07/30/02 Tue
What a great time!! It was so good to see you , Becky! Thank you in so many ways! John is great and a great 'bar tender' as well. To Debbie C: You are the best! Nice seeing old friends again: ~Mary-the-scarfer, Lu, Sabaca, who I feel like I've known for ever, Duncan, Laurie, Craig and Nicki....the Dedication guys...you rock...It was nice to talk with Laura B...what a sweet, sweet lady! Pody...you are a doll. Kathy, Lorraine, Cheryl, JanZ, Tanya and everyone who made this event a blast. You gals are the best! -- wendee, 12:21:36 07/30/02 Tue
- a few more mentions: Colleen thank you SO MUCH for the book for my SIL and for remembering this special time. Your daughter is so cute! Gigi you are the ultimate in calm, cool and collected. So????? when's the next party??? I'm giving up drinking by the way... -- wendee, again, 12:30:23 07/30/02 Tue
- Hey, if Lu is gonna bring hot fudge from the Newport creamery, I'm there. Steven should join us also for sandwiches! -- JanZ, 19:24:01 07/30/02 Tue
- Wendee just had to say how much I enjoyed talking with you! It was so nice to have quality time with everyone there :) -- Laura, 07:36:17 08/02/02 Fri
Well, now that my mind has cleared (Yeah, right. LOL!!), here are my thoughts on the weekend. -- Lu, 12:23:38 07/31/02 Wed
Well, a couple of days have passed, and I have done nothing but think about all the fun that I had last weekend, and how I wish it could have lasted a little bit longer than it did.
As some of you know, I was a bit apprehensive at first about going to Roller Blast, because I had been out of all the Roller stuff for so long, so the first big "Thank you" and hug goes out to Sabaca, for "talking" me into going. I have to admit, I have not had as much fun in a weekend for a long time.
Loraine, JanZ and Kathy: Thank you for a great weekend, and making me (and I am sure, a lot of other people) feel very comfortable. Loraine, your hubby is just waaaay to much fun to be with. (-:
~Mary, Laura, and Sue: My connections to the old stomping grounds of New England. I was SO happy to see you guys, especially since I didn't know before I got there that the three of you were going to be attending. ~Mary, let's not lose touch again, okay?
Becky (And her wonderful hubby John): One of the first people that I "met" on line when I signed on in 1996. It was great hanging with you again.
Then there is Wendee: Girl, what can I say? I nearly flipped when I saw that you were going to be there. And, if I had known before hand, I would have brought you a gift wrapped crochet hook. LOL!!
Steve and the guys from "Dedication": I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. You had the room rocking!
Duncan and Laurie: Wonderful to see you two again. Hope the whole family is feeling better. Thank you for playing "Brother" and "Let It Be Right". Waited the whole night to hear those two songs, and you didn't disappoint. Am waiting to get the new CD, and see what it has to offer.
I know that I am forgetting people, and I apologize, but I just had so much fun over the weekend, that it would take me weeks to write it all down. Just know that for someone who was out of the loop, the weekend felt like "Hello and Welcome Home".
PS. If anyone wants to, I had my pictures all developed, and they can be seen at:
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Rollerblast 2002 -- Steven Fallon, 09:08:09 07/30/02 Tue
Hi all, Steven from DEDICATION here, just wanted to say hi and that we in the band had a fantastic time at Rollerblast 2002!@ There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that anyone who didn't attend missed out on what was probably the loudest, wildest Rollers gathering to date. Duncan and Craig were really cool and jamming with them on various tunes was wild! And everyone there was indeed ready to get down and have a party, and that's exactly what it was, a big loud party. It gets no better.
Loraine put together a total kick-ass Rollers event no doubt about it. Others can try but it's gonna be extremely hard to beat this one. She and the others deserve total kudos for doing a fantastic job. What a shame some missed out on this one, because this one is now the one to beat, and if you weren't there, you missed out.
It was also great to see many familiar faces, and meet many new faces as well. Hopefully we in Dedication will play another Rollers event and see many of you again. I did a write-up on the weekend, keeping it as clean as possble for any potential kids reading LOL, it's at http://www.stevenfallon.com/dedication_at_rollerblast_2002_.htm if you'd like to check it out. Don't let the music die, and rock and roll forever.
- Steven Fallon
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Woke up enough to post finally, lol -- Loraine, 17:44:58 07/29/02 Mon
Wow - everyone was so great! As Kathy said, it was really nice to actually get to know everyone :) We were so fortunate to have the greatest people partying with us! It was hard to see the weekend end and have to say goodbye. Sure hoping I'll get to run into all of you again!
Thanks Kathy and Janzie for everything! Two of the greatest people you could know, honestly.
Craig and Nicki are just wonderful.
Dedication not only rocks musically, they are really sweet and great to work with. I'll have to check out King Vitamin, lol.
Ru and I enjoyed getting to know Perry and sharing stories ;-)
And Duncan and Laurie - not even sure where to start. They are two of the most honestly genuine and friendly, caring people I have ever met. Thank you for being so gracious and giving so much of yourselves.
Repeating Kathy again, the whole weekend really was a Blast! Thanks to all who came!!!
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Loraine -- Lisahk, 13:39:22 07/30/02 Tue
Loraine, I wanted to thank you for the RollerBlast package of info you gave to Laura to give to me. That was so sweet of you! I'm glad to hear you all had a great time. Now, let's see some pictures!
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ROLLERBLAST -- JanZ, 18:13:41 07/29/02 Mon
Thanks to Loraine and Kathy for all the hard work. This party rocked!
Thanks to:
Duncan for the great show, great time, and my special autograph.
Laurie Faure for making me laugh, the beautiful gifts and getting your family to the states.
Craig & Nicki you are very special people.
Steven, Gino & Dave for another wonderful weekend. Oh Dave, I have a box of Kaboom!
Tanya & Cheryl for the decorations. Tanya, for the term "sexums"
To all the atendees, you made this weekend memorable. Sabaca, we need to make a few more sandwhiches!
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Rollerblast report (really long) -- KathyF, 14:56:08 07/29/02 Mon
Man, was that one of the best d*mn parties ever? Where can I start?
Highlights of the weekend:
* Meeting everyone in the bar on Friday night, and then Duncan & Laurie having dinner with all of us in the restaurant.
* After dinner video party in the hospitality suite Friday night, complete with "Hot Sex" ;-)
* Heading out to downtown Alexandria with Wendee and Debbie C.
* Roller karoake, and "scarfing"!!!
* Dedication, who were awesome!!! They rocked hard and played a great set! Had us up on our feet rocking out for the whole evening.
* Duncan and Craig, who were wonderful. They sang lots of oldies for us, but the highlight of the set for me was Duncan's new songs, which are really good. What is that "I got the rhythm.." song called? (That's probably IS the name of it, lol.) Man, I haven't been able to get that one out of my head.
* Duncan and Craig being joined on stage by Dedication, to really rock out!!
* Followed, of course by an aftershow party in the hospitality suite
* Followed, much too soon, by breakfast in the hospitality suite, where we were joined once again by Duncan
* Steven Fallon of Dedication bringing his guitar down to the breakfast, where we joined in on an impromptu Roller sing-along, before I had to kick everyone out so we could check out :-(
Special Rollerblast thanks to:
* Loraine, who did such an awesome job with EVERYTHING!!
* Duncan, Laurie, Wills and Julia, for traveling so far for so few.
* Craig and Nicki
* Jan Z, for helping us pull it all together
* Cheryl N. and Tonya, for the decorations
* Dedication, for driving all the way to VA, for rocking the house, and keeping the ladies entertained ;-)
* Eeryone who donated something to be auctioned
* ~Mary, for the hot sex and the scarfing
* Duncan, for making yourself available to everyone
* Laurie, for the gifts and conversation
* Colleen, for actually having some of my old labels!!! And for bringing those awesome FB's.
* Nicki, the California girl ;-)
* Wendee and Debbie C. for taking us out of the hotel!!
And to everyone I haven't already mentioned, thank you so much for coming. This is the first fest I have attended that I can say I got a chance to talk to everyone there. We ALL talked, we all hung out together and most importantly, we all got a chance to get to know each other a little bit better. Old friends were celebrated and new friends were made. To all of you who attended.....YOU ROCK!!!
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DEDICATION band -- Steven Fallon, 06:15:01 07/25/02 Thu
Hi everyone, Steven Fallon from the Bay City Rollers tribute band DEDICATION here, I want to say hello from the band, and also that we are very much looking forward to seeing you all at ROLLERBLAST 2002 in Virginia!
We are very honored and happy to be performing this Saturday, our takes of many of the Rollers' classic songs. What we are about, for those who haven't seen us or ehard us yet, we are a three-piece band who plays the Rollers music in a hard-rocking style. We see The Rollers' music as great party music, so we update the sound a bit for today's crowds. It's stripped-down rock and roll, our tribute to one of the greatest rock and roll bands ever.
We had a great time at the Seattle Rollerfest in 2000, and a very wild time at the Philadelphia Rollerfest in 1999. That was a wild crowd! But from what we hear, it's gonna be wild at Rollerblast 2002 in Virginia as well, and that's great because we are coming there to rock and roll and play the songs you wanna hear!
For a little bit of backround on the band, please go to http://www.stevenfallon.com/Dedication.htm and check it out. We look forward to meeting everyone and seeing all of you there in VA, we hope everyone is ready to get wild, loud and have a party! We also hope the hotel has a solid foundation because we are coming to rock and roll and tear the place down!
- Steven Fallon
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Have Fun! -- Lisahk, 17:20:09 07/26/02 Fri
I hope you guys have a wonderful time! Please take lots of pictures.
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Have Fun This Weekend -- Betsy, 22:43:22 07/25/02 Thu
Hope everyone enjoys themselves this weekend. Can't wait to hear the stories and see the pics
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36 hours! -- Brat and the 'Girls' :), 11:05:02 07/18/02 Thu
36 hours from now we will be in Vegas, after finishing our first leg of our flight. In 48 hours we'll be wandering the streets of DC. first stop Starbucks.. I'll have a Caffe Latte and a toasted bagel w/butter, please!
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Hotel update - D.C. touring info -- Loraine, 15:42:13 07/02/02 Tue
I just came back from checking on the new renovations from the Ramada turning into Sheraton Pentagon South. All I can say is "wow!" It was very nice before, but now looks Very Upscale and even the restrooms are lavish, lol. (Okay, I only checked the female side, but I trust hubby's opinion on the other ;)
Everything is completely redone: the rooms are decorated in Ralph Lauren, and do include coffee-makers (extremely important after partying late into the nights -with tea bags for the less caffeine-addicted); the very large indoor swimming pool just reopened a few days ago; the bar/restaurant now has large dividers to allow for a smoking section as well as a non-smoking section - with very good ventilation, I was assured (it opens at 4 pm) -and is plenty large enough to accommodate us on Friday night; and our banquet room...well, I am more than very happy with it! Without going into detail, it will suit our needs perfectly! (Yes, I checked it before signing the contract, but the revamp was really amazing!) By the way, the bar is right next to our banquet room and we are free to wander between the two. We cannot bring food or beverage from outside the hotel into the bar or banquet room, but we can take anything we like into our rooms.
I would like to publicly thank the Sheraton for being more than generous with us. They have made accomodations, since we are a smaller group than they are used to hosting, and non-profit, and I would honestly recommend them to anyone travelling this way in the future!
Also, just FYI, directly across the street (not a highway-easy to cross) is a Chinese restaurant, a deli/pizza place, 7-11, CVS (pharmacy), and a Safeway (groceries). And as it says on the site, the hotel shuttle will take you to the nearest Metro station to easily reach the attractions in D.C. I was on the Metro recently - well-lit, clean and quiet (except for the chatter of the Girl Scouts I was accompanying). It's $5 for an all-day pass or less for a certain trip. There are also Trolley tours.
Please email us with any questions :-) See you soon!
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Awww Loraine! Everything sounds just wonderful! Wish I were able to afford to be a part of it.....I'd held out hope but it didn't work out for this year. However, you have my sincerest wishes that you all have every bit as much fun, and more, at the Rollerblast as we all did at the Rave and can't wait to hear about your fun, the music, and see the fantastic pics that will come out of it. Not much longer now, is it? -- Shirley, 19:23:53 07/02/02 Tue
- Sorry you can't make it Shirley :( But, we are still taking registrations - have 3 on the way now. So it's not too late for anyone still thinking about it :-) -- Loraine, 15:45:26 07/03/02 Wed
- Re: Hotel update - D.C. touring info -- JanZie, 14:01:30 07/06/02 Sat
Has anyone purchased the T-shirt and C.D. from Bodyguard Records? And if so I would like to know if the shirts are already pre-shrunk,and about how big is the large compared to the extra large? -- Kim G., 02:35:45 06/21/02 Fri
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20 Days Left!!! -- Rollerblast Committee, 10:11:11 06/06/02 Thu
...to book your room, order your T-shirt and send in your registration!
As long as we have space, we will continue to take registrations after June 26th, but cannot hold rooms or order shirts after this date.
We've had great response from some of the band members and managers in helping us put together a fun weekend with neat souvenirs for all. A huge THANK YOU to those supporting us!
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Derek's Reply to our invitation (posted with his permission) -- L, 16:13:20 04/17/02 Wed
15th April 2002
Dear Loraine,
Thank you very much for your kind invitation to your party in Virginia. I attended one in England and had a wonderful time with Roller fans from all over the world.
I would very much liked to have attended your get together, however, I will be in Portugal during that time on my summer vacation which has already been organised and therefore it is with much regret that on this occasion I have to decline your invitation.
I am sure you will have a wonderful time and appreciate what you all do in remembering the Rollers in your own unique ways. I will also have a look for something to donate to your charity auction to help with the fight against breast cancer.
Thank you again.
Yours sincerely,
Derek Longmuir
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Another L.A Girl here!!!!!!!! -- Karen (K.K), 02:40:56 04/29/02 Mon
I wish I could go to the 'Fest too but I don't think my hubby would be too keen on it. I went to almost every "KARU" show they ever did in and around L.A and I sure miss those days ~ Oh what fun I had!!!!!
I got a HUGE lift recently when I was "reunited" once again with Duncan and Laurie after almost 13 years and I'm hoping that we'll get together again and catch up on those missed years, sometime in the near future.
If there's anyone out there that went to "KARU" shows in L.A I'd love to hear from ya!!!!
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Just Because -- Laurie, 10:11:45 05/04/02 Sat
Hi There - Sorry for not posting in so long, just wanted to say hello and hope that everyone is well and happy.....
Duncan and I are very excited about attending the fest and time is realy moving on.....Everyone at Rollerblast has just been wonderfull......
Thanks and Big Smiles to you
all my love
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YAY! -- Brat, 12:48:39 04/12/02 Fri
I finally got Linda motivated! Her flight is booked! So from L.A (so far) we have Myself, Kathy, Dodie, Linda, my Molly, and Pody (she may live in Mass. But she's one of us!)
I'd say that's a pretty good 'West Coast' contingency!
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Alexandria's Scottish Games... -- L, 18:23:35 03/27/02 Wed
Are the same weekend as Blast! And just down the street from our hotel :)
They have Scottish music, food and games - and most likely a few men in kilts ;)
For more info:
Alexandria's Scottish Games
There is also a closeup map on the site of the area. The hotel is on Seminary Road and I 395.
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Damn, Damn, Damn -- Betsy, 19:32:18 02/27/02 Wed
Wanted to come, but that's the same weekend as the Whip Me Fest in Portland.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, gonna miss Steve and Gino
I'm so bummed, I could kick myself in the ass.
Who's gonna take care of them since I won't be there.
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