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Subject: Trail ride!

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Date Posted: 11:05:43 12/26/02 Thu

Susan smiled at her friend, Emma, as she saddled up her stallion, Cobalt. The gorgeous black Trakehner tossed his sleek black mane as the girth was tightened. “How has B-man settled in at Laughing Brook?” Susan asked, looking at the sleek ex racehorse Emma was tacking up. Dalton and Mike, their husbands, were bridling their horses. Dalton slipped the bit into Poco’s mouth and patted the gorgeous gelding. “Ready to go?” He asked, holding Poco’s reins firmly. Mike had just finished tacking up Chance and the TB stallion was prancing playfully about. “We’re done!” Susan and Emma called, and they all led their horses out of the barn. Dalton gave Tricia a leg up into the tall colt’s saddle. B-man pranced beneath his experienced rider, throwing his head. “Let’s get going guys. B-man’s getting antsy.” Emma said, patting his sleek brown neck. Susan mounted her 16.1 stallion and watched as Mike struggled to keep Chance still. “Having a bit of trouble?” She joked, knowing how difficult to handle her colt could be sometimes. Mike vaulted into the saddle and gathered the reins. Dalton mounted smoothly and assumed a relaxed western position. “So where do you want to go?” Susan asked…

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Subject Author Date
moreemma14:09:09 12/26/02 Thu
  • Continued! -- Susan, 17:00:02 12/26/02 Thu
    • more -- emma, 09:23:36 12/27/02 Fri
      • More! -- Susan, 11:28:07 12/27/02 Fri
        • more -- emma, 08:38:38 12/28/02 Sat

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