Subject: Jumping Miss Congeniality |
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Date Posted: 11:51:55 12/31/02 Tue

Miss Congeniality
Dana walked up to a pretty Holsteiner mare, leadrope in hand.Miss Congeniality(the mare) looked up at the blonde haired woman & trotted over to her owner.Dana clipped the lead rope she was carrying to Miss C.'s leather halter & led the mare out of the paddock, & into the barn."Are you jumping Miss C. today, mom?" Jennie asked."Yah, but I'm not going to be jumping her a lot though if you wanted to watch," Dana said.Jennie nodded."Well I'm going to watch anyways, I don't really have anything else to do." "You finished exercising all of the horses you were assigned?"
"That was quick."
"I only had one horse to jump today."
"thats true."
Dana & Jennie finished talking & Dana put Miss C. in the crossties, where she started to groom the bay horse.She soon finished grooming Miss C. & tacked up the lovely horse.Once inside the indoor jumping arena, Dana swung into the saddle of the bay Holsteiner, her gloved hands picking up the reins.She gently squeezed the mare forward with her legs.Miss C. had a long, smooth stride.Dana walked the 11 y/o mare for a few laps, then with a light squeeze of her legs, got the mare to trot.the grand prix jumpers trot was light, & springy.Dana picked up posting immediately, making sure her posts were quick, & light on the horse's back.Soon, she had warmed up her horse at a trot, & cued the bay mare to canter.Miss C.'s canter was very different from her trot.Instead of being light & springy, it was bouncy, bumpy & hard to sit to.Dana went into a half-point right when she started cantering Miss C.Once she had warmed up her mare, Dana dismounted & set several jumps down to 3 feet as warm-up jumps.Dana mounted back on her horse.Miss C. sprang over these jumps easily, landing lightly on the ground.Once the Holsteiner was thoroughly warmed up over jumps, Dana urged her into a canter & started to jump her over a course consisting of jumps ranging from between 4'-6" to 5'-3" feet in height.Miss C. made powerful, speedy turns, kicking up lots of arena dirt.Her jump was fabulous, sending her high over fences.Miss C. was a little hard to control coming through a combination, a knocked a rail going over an oxer & a vertical jump.Otherwise, the elegant mare performed beautifully.Dana took her over one more course.This time, Miss Congeniality did not knock any rails.Dana gave her 16.2 hand mare a pat, & continued to walk her out.Once done with that, Dana dismounted & went through the regular routine, untacking Miss C., brushing her off, blanketing her & finally feeding her a treat before once more, turning out the gorgeous mare in her paddock...
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