Date Posted:16:52:15 09/12/03 Fri Author: Miirielhael Subject: The smile of Miirielhael widens at the questions, but she doesn't answer any until she is done with the song. Fortunately, the song doesn't take long to play, because of it's quick and jolly rythum. Once she finishes the last note, she laughs at the questioning expressions of the other two. "Oh, just something my father taught me." she says quicky, and teasingly pretends to leave it at that until the instant before more questions can be thought of and asked, when she gives the full answer. "My father was a musician and travelled quite widely before he met my mother. He always tried to learn songs from the places he visited, and would trade a few songs for food and a bed. He passed through halfling land quite a few times, I believe. As I was his daughter, he naturally taught me and my brother to love music, and any of the songs we wanted to learn. I took a lot more advantage of it than my brother though, I must have more of my father's blood in my veins." She shrugs and smiles. In reply to:
's message, "a rather tall halfling walks into the cavern" on 10:01:29 08/23/03 Sat