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Date Posted: 15:19:55 09/06/01 Thu
Author: who the fuck else uses this board
Subject: I want ass

Well, while you and matt were cavorting around Penn. I had an eventfull day. Ms. Bales says that I can apply to oberlin early and still get my first semester grades in. She also said that you are correct to be taking your sat IIs in october. Of course, Dr. Major could not put me in journalism but oh well. I talked to a lot of people today. Firs I had a long conversation w/ rob, then mathilda. Then I talked to everyone during x-country, then I talked to max, then I said a few words to melissa on the subway platform. Maybe i am on my way to becoming a convorsationalist. Well maybe not. But I felt very socail. You would have been proud. Sometimes I think that always being w/ you has hurt my ability to talk to people. I mean, you always domonate the conversation, not that you do this purposly but you do talk better and more comfortably than I do and thus end up being the focus of any conversation while I look sullen. Matt is another matter. I am sure that I can talk better than him. But I think he might scare people away from talking to me. Or am I still scarrier than Matt? questions questions. Talk to you later.

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