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Date Posted: 13:12:21 10/20/05 Thu
Author: schwabra
Author Host/IP: nr19-66-117-225-149.fuse.net /
Subject: My reply to you
In reply to: Shoshanna 's message, "Re: One!life > Hello schwabralife! Gift given/life taken/Jesus gave his life" on 23:55:09 10/17/05 Mon

Where did the idea start that we needed a messiah for spiritual salvation?

I know you cannot show it from Jesus' words. It started from the mouth of Paul. Paul wrote to the gentiles because Jews did not buy his spin on the teachings. His spin was more pagan than Jewish.

God is the ultimate truth. If Jesus is God, you must also realize that I am God. For me to offer that, you too must be God. Now with that, Jesus is God too. Then Judaism has its messiah not through Jesus, but in the idea that we are all Gods. I will go there before I become a supporter of Paul's vision of Christ (Christ here used to show that I am not talking about a Hebrew messiah, but a Greek Saviour).

Where do Judaism teach that we need a personal savior to intercede for us? No place at all! Why do Christians not pray to God, and avoid all the Christ issues? If Jesus is God there would be not problem, and it would not be seen as blasphemy by some.

For the Christ myth to be true, we must all be God's or God must have an equal. If you believe in God's equal you are a dualist, not a monotheist. God is indeed one. Not two, not three, etc. God is All! There can therefore be no evil. Without evil, there is no need for a spiritual savior from damnation. All will return to God after this existence. Where is the need for salvation then?

Ultimate truth, to the best of our understanding would be found in the Shema, Hear O' Israel, Our God is One!

Ultimate truth is against our experience. When we ate of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, our eyes became clouded with uncertainty and doubt. That is the "evil" that we can believe that there is something not God!

We are not here to serve God. Period. God needs nothing from us. We are here to complete creation by coming back to God, One. We are told again and again that God has freed us from our bondage. Egypt taught us that we were created to serve. God made it apparent that we were not.

We are free. God is One. Any decision we make will not affect God, it will only affect our life. Our choices do affect other lives, and it is this fact that requires our knowledge of Torah and how we should remember the truth about life and that we are all One. What we do to each other we are in fact doing to ourselves.

This ultimate truth is beyond all but the most brief glimpse of our consciousness.

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