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Date Posted: 23:55:09 10/17/05 Mon
Author: Shoshanna
Author Host/IP: cpe-68-206-149-36.hot.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: One!life > Hello schwabralife! Gift given/life taken/Jesus gave his life
In reply to: One!life 's message, "One!life > Hello schwabralife! Gift given/life taken/Jesus gave his life" on 21:53:48 12/03/04 Fri

I'm not sure I understand One!life's respond to you, schwabra, but I offer you this:

You wrote:
I am sure you understand my disagreement to Jesus being the Ultimate truth.

You begin with this statement, but I still don't know why you think it. Did not the prophets describe haMachiach to us? Did not the prophets and sages tell us exactly that he would come from the House of David? Did not Yesha'yahu say that that by His Stripes we would be healed? Whose stripes did you think the prophet was talking about? ... and WHY did he say there would be stripes if Yeshua were to be sacraficed in a "humane" way such as animals? Are animals so sinful that they need a Savior? Certainly the only One Who can save us would be GOD Himself, for who else is able? If this is the truth, then Yeshua MUST have been the manifestation of GOD Himself. GOD is One. Nothing is too difficult for Him. If He loved us so much that He wanted to save us from ourselves, then why do you think it would be impossible for Him to manifest Himself to us in such a way that we may be able to understand? You can't expect me to understand Russian if I don't know the language! If there is no Ultimate Truth, then ... anything goes ... right? If I say the sky is red, it's red - regardless of what you say, because anything goes. It doesn't change the fact that the sky is blue just because I say it's red.

You also wrote: I would also suggest that the Ultimate Truth is beyond our understanding and really irrelevant to who we are. We are here to experience life, not to deny it for someone else's idea of what is true.

We are here to serve GOD ALMIGHTY. If we weren't here for this express purpose, then I would say that Ultimate Truth would be a moot subject. But He GAVE US His Word. For what? For us to look at the cover and never open the Book? It's written in "GOD-ese," but some of us don't speak that language -- and it's not because we can't learn it. It's because we don't want to learn it. He also gave us free moral agency to determine whether or not we SHOULD learn it.

What say you to that?

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