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Date Posted: 12:36:57 09/04/01 Tue
Author: Nathaniel
Subject: "You okay back there Chris?"
In reply to: Ensign Chris Braddock 's message, ""This is unbelievable!"" on 19:17:44 09/02/01 Sun

Nathaniel walked along with the group, his wings folded about his shoulders, and looked back to Chris. It looked like he nodded, so Nathaniel nodded, and faced forward once more as they continued their trek.

"Wish there wasn't this storm," he thought somberly, already missing the sensation of flight under his own power. The transformation was literally a dream come true for Justin Grey, and being relegated to walking was somewhat depressing. He was certain he had been an angel before, though his memories of such a prior transformation were still somewhat hazy.

"I could get used to this magic stuff though. Not the same as piloting a shuttle or shooting down enemy craft, and it is unpredictable, but it can be handy too. First Rana protected us from that blizzard, and now this Biggs manages to shield us from this sandstorm. It seems there's no limit to magic beyond the wielder's own imagination! Power like that would sure come in handy....

Still, get me behind the stick of a fast fighter any day...I know what those babies can do. Sure would be nice to keep my own wings, and this long hair. If Deb liked 'Karlson' for his locks, this'd win her back for sure.

Damn. Why'd I have to think of her again? Shake it off Grey; think flying, think flying..."

Nathaniel looked up once more wistfully; for a moment the sky seeming to turn crisp and blue in response to his unspoken wish. But as Mercado and the others spoke of the sandstorm, the group reality shifted into place. Nathaniel was here as part of a whole, not an individual, and the manifestation of one will did not hold against the group's accepted perceptions. Nathaniel squinted as a golden glow streaked across the sky overhead. It wasn't very large, though it was hard to tell from this distance. He figured whatever passed for a sun in this dimension filtering through the whipping particles of sand was playing tricks on his now excessively keen vision, and his thoughts soon returned to Deborah Reed, despite his attempts to find distraction...

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