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Date Posted: 23:21:50 05/04/06 Thu
Author: Kaleb
Subject: He broke an easy grin when he saw her and pushed his fingers slowly throw her hair as he dipped his head to kiss her sweetly. A couple of years ago, there was no way he would have expected to be here in his life - living with his girlfriend, and four kids, and a dog - but he was loving it, even as chaotic as it could be. "Hello love." His lips brushed her forehead slowly as he took advantage of the quiet moment to say a proper hello to her - because as soon as the kids caught on to his arrival home, there would be no peace until they were in bed for the night. "Work was good... It was pretty quiet so I snuck out as early as I could before something happened. How was your day?"
In reply to: Kaleb 's message, "
Color the coast with your smile...
on 22:53:14 05/04/06 Thu

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  • "It was alright...Dakota got passed the belly scooting and went to all out crawling this morning and she's been practicing all day. So far she's bumped her head on the wall, the table, the couch and the entertainment center." She rolled her eyes a little, appeared their little girl was so pretty, very pretty but not very smart as of yet. She grinned a little, reaching up to press another long kiss to his lips. "Romeo and Moon are over at Katie and Justin's until dinner, Greg is upstairs being a little to quiet and Dakota is in her playpen...for a few minutes at least it's just us." (NT) -- Gabby, 23:34:30 05/04/06 Thu

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