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Date Posted: 23:41:45 05/04/06 Thu
Author: Kaleb
Subject: His brows raised and he grinned a little, shaking his head a touch at the baby-update - she never ceased to amaze him just how much of her own person she was, and she was still so little. "Wow... That's a big accomplishment for her. She must be pretty proud of herself." The little girl was such a princess and definitely daddy's little girl, but not so spoiled rotten that she wasn't fun. His grin lingered as she gave him the quick rundown of where the kid's were and then ended with the conclusion that they had at least a couple minutes of alone time. "Perfect... So, I talked to your mama today.." He started as his arms wrapped slowly around her waist - pulling her away from the dinner she was working on as he wordlessly demanded her attention.
In reply to: Kaleb 's message, "
Color the coast with your smile...
on 22:53:14 05/04/06 Thu

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  • She nodded a little, smiling a bit. "Yeah, she looked pretty proud of herself." A grin crossed her lips before she shifted away from the stove with one last look at the time before she wrapped her arms around his neck, gazing up at him curiously. "Yeah? She have anything interesting to say?" Her mama adored Kaleb these days, it had taken her a little while to really warm up to him but as soon as she did she was enamored by the young man who was so good to her little girl, though she had grumped about Gabby had taken to doing things in the right order when she had Greg. (NT) -- Gabby, 23:50:49 05/04/06 Thu

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