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Date Posted: 20:06:38 08/31/02 Sat
Author: Seleth, Esaki, Devan, Ayrist
Subject: Okays I'm POSTING... mweehoo
In reply to: Washi, Dree 's message, "Same here. Kitty'll be gone as long as I am, too." on 13:10:55 08/31/02 Sat

Amethyst orbs widen and then shine with the glow of understanding. She grins to Esaki and then turns to the Governor, wishing only to share information, offer explanation, and perhaps back a supposed relative. "Some Warrior Canis and Magi trained in Air magic can create Time Portals. Washi will agree with me on this, and at the same time I will agree with him to travel to Raobé. I've been there before, and I will gladly go again." A tail flick and Seleth grins at Washi, for some reason very glad to have him as a traveling companion. Welcome to Terole friend.

Esaki had to grin, she'd been called conspicuous... it was admittedly... a new one. However, a nod of gratitude was sent to the violet Canis, and she gives a silent grin of condescending knowledge. An amused ear flick is given in Devan's direction, and a quiet whiff of the air is taken instinctively. One never knew what beast was coming next on this dang planet.

Teal fur ruffled slightly in a quiet shudder. Admittedly, he had known Redwood for ahwile, but having the Original stare in your face and bare her teeth... well... you were slightly driven to fear. However, the shudder was not only an expression of thus but a quick way to regain his usual silent composure. An ear flick, a tail twitch, and Devan was back to normality. Ready to listen, ready to share ideas. Ready to fight.

Violet eyes flashing Ayrist steps forward. She lifts her blade and flashes it once in the light, gaining attention the most efficent way she knew. Sake's words deserved EVERYONE'S attention. "I have a message from the late Librarian. Sake gave me many different messages, and I am to share them all with you. They are of dire importance." She paused, racking her mind for the memory of the Wolven's exact words, "The Drakka have destroyed many peoples who had the misfortune to be located near their home star. They have broken many contracts, and ruined peace wherever they could. They are physically, mentally, and technologically powerful. The Olashi people know that they are dangerous, and have added them to a standard list of enemies, which young students are trained to fight against. The crashed Olashi, Jymae Nishifal... she has undergone training fighting these beasts. She knows all that the Olashi know... even more than most. Sake mentioned something of the name Kashul." Ayrist pants, and contiues, struggling to copy Sake as best she could. "Drakka are far more numerous and powerful than our previous enemies. They have no allies, and therefore no ties. Their ships are so heavily armored that even sophisticated Olashi weaponry cannot penetrate it. The Adochi are developing an antimatter weapon - this has worked so far, but it cannot be mass-produced. The Olashi cannot make this weapon at all." Pant... Continue...
"The alliance between the Adochi and Olashi races is firm, but layered with rules and regulations. Two individuals consistently break these - Olashi Yendan and Of the Line Adochi Dewyed. They have admirers. If needed, we can cite their names to gain trust, respect, and most importantly allies."

Ayrist paused and continued in Koratian.

-Times as they have been are failing. Terole will be changed by this war. If she survives, a new order will be established. Even now, things fail. Devan trains an apprentice. Gutadrae arrives.- A slight pause to change Sake's words to fit, and to conquer her own embarassment with words that must be shared... -Akartis and myself continue Redwood's and Ana's Lines. I carry four cubs. They are the union of two great powers - We could have no stronger force together.. I am to raise them well... for they may be Terole's last hope...- Ayrist skips a part of Sakes mesage, for this was a message the Librarian had given to be known only to one... -Sake sensed many Koratian deaths soon... the Drakka target the best of the best... warriors first, and then civilians..- Ayrist continues in Kalash.

"They can be defeated... if Terole unites. If Terole fails then all is lost."

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