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Date Posted: 20:54:27 09/10/02 Tue
Author: TFD
Subject: Yay! We're back. And with help XD
In reply to: Redwood, Gu, Akartis 's message, "Oh yeehaw... *G* Agitated Korats... well, one agitated and two ticked..." on 20:22:03 09/10/02 Tue

The tan-fur erupts from a fresh portal with a half-triumphant, half-expectant grin on her face. She'd heard from Dree about the presence of a Kytan, and took it upon herself to arrive first, to hopefully be able to deter the Zantarag's very likely attack. Glancing around quickly, she respectfully knods to Gu and Akartis, dipping her head to Redwood. Now her attention turns to the Zantarag, and she keeps her very wary gaze on the large male as she takes a seat. Addressing Redwood without as much as a glance away from the Zantarag, she speaks softly, but loud enough to be heard by everyone. "Mission successfull. I have seven Ayas, not including Dree, in tow. They will arrive shortly." And then she mind-speaks to Redwood confidentially. I came back first to keep an eye on the Zantarag. I can tell there's been some friction in the air, hmm? In case he gets too rowdy and I can't find a way to calm him down, I'll need every one of my crew to teach him a lesson or take him out. I'd hate to do that... he'd make such a great Drakka-slayer.

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  • ~!@#$%^&*()_+. I thought Veggietales was in deep crap when I read that title. Nyaah. Veggietales. XD. -- Vegekyt Qyxaaiax, 20:55:17 09/10/02 Tue
  • Veggies have no tails! Don't confuse me! ~O.o~ -- Collie, 22:50:36 09/10/02 Tue

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