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Date Posted: 21:20:00 09/11/02 Wed
Author: Seleth, Zoled, Liram, and Pride #1
Subject: We're BACK!

The swirling mass of energy returns a few minutes after it's closure, sphereical shape being formed by swirls of teal and cerulean. Energy lashes out from it's center, forcing any standing too close to back up a bit. This is perhaps a good thing, as pure force sends the Violet Canis ambassador Seleth careening gracelessly out of the Portal. Feathered wings fling out to the sides, stopping her tumbling and legs curl up underneath her, giving the femme a decent, if awkward, landing. Amythyst eyes flicker to all new beasts in the Den since she and Washi left, and she gives each a nod. However, a flash of her eyes lets all know that she is well aware of the tension held between the many cretts... and instead of the usual tail wag she merely turns to Redwood, her head lowering in respect.

"Mission Accomplished."

Her head jerks back to the Portal just in time to see the "the mission" emerge. The first out is a huge golden-furred beast, his lengthy sword like blade and impressive retractable fangs both extended. Seleth grins at him, and the crett grins back, Frash of a trip there pup. says the amused tenor voice. Golden form turns to the rest of the occupants in the Den, and with a nod to all, and a deep bow to Redwood he introduces himself in the Universal Telepathic Language. Hello. I'm Zoled, son of Liram and Inusu. Two Prides will be joining us shortly, I will introduce those of my mother's Pride when they arrive. I am sure my Aunt will introduce her own Pride soon enough.

Golden head turns to eye the Portal and with almost perfect timing a mass of colors and fur leap from the energy sphere. They line up beside Zoled, across from the Korat Redwood and her sons. The huge muscular male introduces each calmly, and they offer a salute to all Den occupants in response.

Zyquok. A powerful looking femme of pearl fur salutes only through instinct. Her stern gaze flicking from beast to beast.

Vefi. An ebon furred femme grins broadly as she salutes with a velvety grey blade. Amused jade eyes flicker happily.

Inusu, my father, mate of Liram. A lion-formed Phia offers a pewter salute only to Redwood and her sons. His steel colored fur shining with power.

Pamo and Emiwe, mates. A tin furred male and his tiger-formed wood-brown mate salute as one with blades of ebony and iron.

Juyu, pride advisor. Huge fushia femme stirs, raising her curving grey blade in greeting.

Zijel, tornado in a cub's body. A small bob-cat shaped male rumbles in annoyance to this, his ruddy fur raising in aggrivation. Juyu baps him with her blade and he reluctantly salutes with a steel crescent blade.

Ozaku and Docir Completely opposite Phias salute with straight and wavy blade. The male, Ozaku, is steel furred, and he eyes the area with an arrogant expression. Docir, a femme, is blonde and green patched, with brown stripes running on the outside of powerful cheetah-like legs.

Brothers Behus and Maloh. In contrast to the opposites, the kindred Phias look almost exactly alike. Both small with hyper looks to make up for it, they salute ebon blades with a grin. The older Behus has wood fur with green streaks along his muzzle, the younger Maloh ruffles burgundy fur proudly.

Zafi and Cafoc, my sisters and friends. The final two Phias in the line salute with powerful blades. Zafi, the smaller, has marbled aquamarine and azure fur with ruby stripes scattered across her muzzle, head, neck, back, and tail. She is muscular but built like a jaguar, like her mother. Cafoc is just as large as Zoled, amber fur touched with silver streaks stretching under her powerful jaw, on the throat, chest, and stomach. She lets loose a rumbling roar, trademark of her family to signify the coming of her Pride Leader and mother.

At the sound of the roar, Liram leaps powerfully from the sphere of energy. Her gaze flickers down the line of her Pride and she nods kindly to them, they each give a nod in return, blades flashing once in respect. Liram's violet blade flashes swiftly in a return of courtesy, before she turns to face Redwood and Akartis. A quick sniff was given to be sure that these were the leaders she saught, and with the assurance of scent, bends one foreleg and gives the red a deep honour-filled bow. Her gaze lifts and ice-blue eyes of the Phian leader met the ice-blue gaze of the Terolian governor.

I am Liram, Phia and Pride leader from Etreus. We are honoured to be able to fight for you and your planet. She pauses, one silver blue ear flicking in momentary thought of continuing, but she decides against it. My sister Migu will be here momentarily.

Seleth couldn't help but grin, the Phias had diplomatic skills... at this rate heads would remain on their designated bodies, Redwood might calm down a tad, and of course... less work for her! Her head turned back to the Portal, violet eyes fixed on it's swirling form. Hopefully Washi would arrive with the others soon.

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