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Date Posted: 20:22:03 09/10/02 Tue
Author: Redwood, Gu, Akartis
Subject: Oh yeehaw... *G* Agitated Korats... well, one agitated and two ticked...
In reply to: Lyisa Cannis 's message, "+Entrada+" on 20:40:10 09/09/02 Mon

Redwood's frigid gaze remains on the Zantarag for a long moment. Kyta was one she'd not heard of before, and from the lack of reaction from her sons, apparently not one previously affiliated with Terole nor Lavana. "You are here, so you may claim the title of Terolian," she rumbles, lifting her lip high in a gruesome expression. "Best watch your step, Kytan. Though Collie may tolerate it, I do not take kindly to insolence."

Akartis, meanwhile, flattens his ears at said canine's words. "I am no pup," he grates out, whiskers slicked back against his narrow muzzle. But beyond that, he doesn't answer the Dus Were - for once playing his position as Junior Governor... and his right to remain silent to lesser-ranking beings. To his surprise, though, his younger brother takes offense, and with an explosion of motion, a pale grey tailblade is pressed against Collie's neckfur. Gu, icy eyes furious, pushes his muzzle near the canine's and snarls. "Do not insult, dog, or I will tear your head from your body without second thought." The adolescent takes offense easily, like his mother, and the perceived insult was to Terole -becoming more unruly? not under his brother's and mother's reigns!- and to Akartis, who is physically older than Collie. Akartis, torn between letting the impulsive tan have his way and letting Redwood correct his behavior, glances to his mother. Her blue eyes are still on Ankalai, and with a hiss, Akartis lashes out, intending to slap Gu's haunch with the flat of his blade -- but the younger tan twists his spine, catching his brother's blade with one arched longclaw and kicking the strike away, all without removing blade nor glare from Collie's vicinity.

Redwood's voice erupts after the Kytan comments on Collie's presence in a boom. "I will remove those from this Den as I see fit. This is my privilege and if I hear one more questioning of it..." She lets the threat die off, ears slicking back to a broad skull before pricking again. She catches the blur of movement from Akartis' tail and the lack of movement from Gu's block - nearly too fast to detect by eyesight. "Gutadrae," she growls, lips curling, and immediately the pale-furred Korat backs off, snarling once more at the Dus Were for good measure before settling next to his brother. Akartis keeps a grey-violet eye on the adolescent, startled at how easily it was for him to block that strike. No Korat he'd ever met could match, let alone exceed his speed - though he wasn't fast for a tan, he still was a tan and that gave him a distinct advantage. But Gu was faster, far faster. Huh.

Redwood rose to her paws, matte black claws digging into the stone floor with her irritation at being interrupted... again. But she nods to the four-armed crett, a part of her mind muttering about four-armed evils (not only Drakka but those accursed Ajoitéi as well!) and glances at the young Canoid. After Lyisa finishes speaking, the red rocks back on her haunches thoughtfully, thick tail slowly coiling. However, Gu shares no such restraint and leaps up. "That is a Drakka ship!" A vicious snarl bursts from his jaws, "In our own Tri-System... the filthy--" Several more words are heard but not understood, unless one knows the language of Maned Heifias, who have terms just for such vulgar uses. Akartis' pale eyes widen and he growls quietly. However, the older tan calms himself quickest and nods to Lyisa. "You are welcome here, pilot. You land in a time of war, unfortunately, but nonetheless we will consider you a Terolian." Accustomed to saying 'we' instead of 'I', Akartis half-winces and shoots a glance towards the Governor, who gazes out at the Vygun's ship, her mind far distant.

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