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Date Posted: 21:45:25 09/11/02 Wed
Author: Vegekyt
Subject: ~!@#$%^&*()_+
In reply to: Seleth, Zoled, Liram, and Pride #1 's message, "We're BACK!" on 21:20:00 09/11/02 Wed

[I got a good excuse to join more Vygun! Joy!]

The wizened Lieutenant stiffens, holding his head high at the sudden massing of Phias, and the noticing of other cretts. He blinks down at them quietly, thoughts suddenly springing into his mind.

Phias and Kumayaki are coming because help is needed. Maybe I should bring help from home. They could draw the line between life and death, of me and Majhiik. As well as these die-hard Terolians. I must admit, I admire them.

The Vygun holds a hard, mental barrier, keeping the thoughts deep in the center of his mind. One of the newbie classes back at the Fleetgrounds was learnings of alien species; Kumayaki was one of such. He knew their telepathic abilities.

Yes, I believe I shall. It seems right.

"Governor Redwood. Through careful thought I have come to a new conclusion. You will soon be in command of ten of the best Vygun pilots the High Fleet of Magaol. Their blades are yours."

With the last part being a traditional saying, the black-striped elder givers a low bow, uphands folded and wingarms spread. His ratty locks of graying headfur fall into his calm silver eyes, quickly brushed away.

"I must go to my craft briefly, to call them. I shall soon return."

'Paladin' swings around, clapping Lyisa's good shoulder lightly with an encouraging smile, before ambling off to Edge and comming the Fleetbase. With innate powers of persuasion and a command that grows with age, Vegekyt convinces the Ten to come to Terole to fight in the war. It takes a brief period of time; everyone loves the old pilot. Thusly his return to the Den is quick.

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