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Date Posted: 22:05:37 09/19/02 Thu
Author: Devan, Esaki, Seleth, Ayrist, Phia Pride
Subject: Short Post for this Many... but mrph...
In reply to: The Ten 's message, "~!@#$%^&*()_+" on 17:05:58 09/19/02 Thu

The Nevashi has remained utterly silent throughout all of this, teal fur hidden among the shadows. If his voice was not needed but his ears could be of use, he saw no reason to call attention to himself. He approved of the many warriors coming and going, though he knew well enough that many of them would not return from the battle that they all seemed to so readily undertake. Intelligent orange eyes burn with a fury never lost since the past wars, and Devan bares sharp teeth in a mental snarl. He closes his eyes and though the words of others continue to flow through his head, in his mind he is already fighting the Drakka, the demons of battle causing his whole body to convulse once in utter horror. He knew well enough that he would be one of those not to return from this War. If Drakka were a match for a Korat, well, he stood no chance against the latter mentioned beasts. He took a deep breath, the dry air releasing him from his captive memories, and he realizes how much he loved it. Just, breathing. Living. Be alive. His previously perked blade fell to the floor, all necessity of upholding his rank forgotten. A small wet streak falls from one blue eye and the Nevashi lets it. The water drips, drops, and descends. Only to have it's molecules split cleanly through with the lighting fast movement of said bladed tail. Devan has gained control of his emotions once again. He steps back out into the light.

Tilting her forest green head towards her trainer, Esaki sends a concerned look Devan's way. She was at this point, forgotten, and slightly glad for it. She'd no intention of bringing up her mixed heritage again, as much as it had upset the Governor. Young orbs flick up and down the red muscular form. No. She would never, ever, want to be on the wrong side of that blade, size advantage or not. Three bladed tails fall instinctively to the ground to match Devan's. She respected the Nevashi, as manic-depressive as the aging beast was.

Devan noticed this and gave Esaki a small grin. Raising his tail to it's appropriate height he tilts his head for her to do the same. She does so.

Seleth watches this idly. Violet eyes water slightly. She'd known the Nevashi many years and this small, yet terribly obvious for those who knew him, display of emotion set her off. So he knew as well. He knew that some of them wouldn't be returning from this War. The Canises tail instinctively droops, her eyes taking a slow circle around the Den, wondering how many of these beasts would survive. Her eyes finally settled on the male next to her. Washi looked about as physically exausted as she felt mentally. Seleth offered him a half grin, and extended one violet feathery wing over his shoulder in comfort.

Ayrist did not notice this. Her mind only focused on Akartis. Her mate and father of the cubs within. The twitching episode had scared her. The fact that another War was on bothered her more. But the black's expression expressed nothing less then stern encouragement, she knew that though she could not fight, her duties of morale were just as important. She would be strong externally, even if her body and soul felt like digging a hole and leaping into it's protective depths.

And as for the Phia's? They stood in what seemed like majestic ignorance. Liram's ears however, remained perked for the information on Drakka. A well-aimed and hardly noticiable kick to her son put his attention back to words, instead of admiring the many warrior beasts that gathered about.

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