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Date Posted: 22:40:08 09/21/02 Sat
Author: Collie
Subject: Startled. (OOC: Wee! I have nothing to do, so this post contains VASTLY LYRICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF INSANITY!!! Fear my power. ...or not.)
In reply to: Devan, Esaki, Seleth, Ayrist, Phia Pride 's message, "Short Post for this Many... but mrph..." on 22:05:37 09/19/02 Thu

The soft sounds from off to her side draw the femme's attention, and her head turns sharply. In one instant, her entire demenor changes. Instead of the bouncing pup of moments before, she gazes solemly at Devan, green eyes clouding with a thoughtful sadness.

He has grown tired...they all have, while I was gone. Devan especially...all those fights and injuries he took when I was as I once was. We thought it was a miracle he survived each time. He is paying the price now, though.

Tulip shaped ears relaxed against her slim skull, the Dus Were turns her gaze to regard each of her friends. She still considers them all such, even if they will not accept her in this new body. A gloomy realization forms in her half-mad brain, the first clear thought she has produced since whatever traumas that drove her to be this way occured. For this time, the roiling fog clears away, letting her view clearly her own life.

Spirits know out of all of us, I should be the most worn. I shouldn't even be alive! And yet here I am, dancing on strong, young paws, and my bones do not ache. I still have flesh on these bones- flesh that should have rotted by now. Why aren't you asleep in your little dirt-bed, Collie? Why aren't you cozy in your grave? What card game did you play, how did you cheat Death out of what was due? O, brown my bones! O, spin like a ball! I have stolen their lives away, that I may dance on rabbits' toes!

The moment of clarity passes, the soul of the thin female is again buried beneath layer upon layer of nightmare and abuse, suffacating the what-could-be of her fragile life. O spin like a ball indeed, poor girl- the demons of your mind won't comfort you, and you cannot find the way to do it yourself. And so, ashamed of the fire she knows is licking at her ankles, the creature slinks to the edge of the room. Her taunt muscles quiver in agitation, but who can know the mind of those who ought to be dead?

Spin, Collie, spin, as fast as your little feet can beat out the circle, and maybe you will escape the clouds.

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