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Date Posted: 14:31:41 04/08/02 Mon
Author: Lt. Admiral Bhoare
Subject: Retaliation.
In reply to: The Swarm 's message, "The end is the beginning is the end..." on 13:49:10 04/08/02 Mon

The first wave of the alien attackers had torn through the forefront of the Cybertronian fleet Sector Z with no mercy.

Sci-Spheres, closest to the onslaught, burst in the radiant light of warp-core breaches. Space, irradiated and scarred by the clash of matter and anti matter began to unravel in its very fibers. Corvettes were rendered useless by the amount of debris which now enveloped this sector of space. Attack Frigates, barely in position when the attack had begun, now spun listlessly into the night, on collision course with Cybertronion atmosphere...doomed to burst into flame on re-entry. Cybertronion corpses littered Velocity's night, anti-matter dissolving their existance.

The crafts on the other side of Velocity knew what had happened as they stared in stunned horror at Epsilom's feed—then sudden cutoff. Dat-feeds and uplinks began falling dead and nothing but the sound of silence permeated the interchannel communiqes.

The wave hitting this side of the moon was more like a soft wave, but it was enough to run a surge of power through most of the fore-ships, momentarily shutting down some equipment.

Lt. Admiral Bhoare gave the order to his own crew...the other Command Class ships had no need of communication...the launching Skirmishers and Interstellar Seekers was enough to prove that the order to retaliate had come.

Transporter ships spewing wasp-like Skirmishers, terran pilots in Cybertronion attack crafts trained by the best pilots in the cosmos—the Seekers—began to back up and interlock....communications now comming back on-line.

"We got some data, now from the attackers. We're still trying to break down the data on that Energy Pulse, but we definitely know it was NOT electromagnetic. That's the confusing part"

"To hell with that. Take them out the old fashioned way."

"Roger that."

The Skirmishers sped over Velocity's surrface, low and silent, then as the moon-side gravity well had them in a decent enough grip, they pulled out, rubberbanding at thrice the speed towards the towering alien diamonds, cannons firing.

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