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Date Posted: 21:11:16 12/28/02 Sat
Author: Rita
Subject: Re: Chapter 1 -re-write
In reply to: Rita 's message, "Chapter 1 -re-write" on 19:42:04 12/16/02 Mon

See http://www.voy.com/125112/

>The WalkOver
>Chapter one Words: 2550
>Dr. Agbabian
>Dreams. Have we not had a hundred or more?
>Personally, I liked dreams, especially when I had
>heard that they helped to
>make-up the person's total being, that saying was over
>fifty-years ago. My
>husband and I were both born in June 1942. When I was
>young, I had heard
>that if a dream awakens you, it was one of importance.
>Your subconscious
>self was telling you something.
>Ahhh, dreams could oscillate like a pendulum, viewing
>good deeds and even
>evil. Often the reveries themselves would identify
>who desired the part of
>playing nice guy and who craved the part of the other.
> The reverie would
>baffle and bewilder. The dream could also be used as
>areas to research in
>waking life, as did one dream to me.
>In the twilight of a December 1978 reverie, I could
>hear the dream speak the
>word "Remember." I thought it was myself speaking, so
>I drifted along with
>the remembrance. In the dream, it was as if I was
>watching a TV screen.
>The scene was inside a hospital. A short, dark-haired
>man wearing a white
>doctor's coat entered my
>room. Quickly, I remembered the 1978 reality scene,
>when Dr. Agbabian
>walked into the room to visit me. I had met Dr.
>Agbabian once and that was
>in July 1978. It was on the second day of my five-day
>hospitalization. In
>1977, I had heard Dr. Agbabian's name mentioned
>several times when Hubby
>and son were hospitalized. The doctor expert trinity
>was Dr. Spiering (family
>doctor), Dr. Agbabian (internal medicine), and Dr.
>Knauss (surgeon). On the
>fifth day of my hospitalization, I had met with a
>phenomenon, a hospital
>ghost that said; "This is your last ride home!"
>It scared the shit out of me. I put my clothes on and
>went home with my
>last visitor, which was my husband, Bill. Someone
>might call the phantom's
>voice an apparition, a spirit, or a guardian angel.
>Meanwhile, hubby was
>angry as he thought that we might have to pay the
>$2500 hospital bill.
> I remembered Dr. Agbabian's visit. "Yes, that was
>in 1978," I replied to
>the dream.
> Then the dream showed a second visit with Dr.
>Agbabian. Dr. Agbabian
>sat at his medical desk, thinking about Rita's next
>medical test. I could
>clearly hear his thoughts: "If I run a test on the
>kidneys, then Dr. Knauss
>would run an ovary test."
> I had only met Dr. Agbabian once, there was never a
>second time.
>So, I replied: "No, I don't remember that!"
> The dream scene darkened, and answered in a slow,
>firm tone: "Y-o-u-d
>There was something in the dream that gave me the
>impression that the two
>1977 surgeries represented two devious-deed items: one
>was medical greed
>and the other was the destruction of the United States
>antibiotic policies.
> I felt annoyed and uncomfortable with the dream's
>words, so I started
>talking to the dream. "I only saw Dr. Agbabian once,
>and that was on the
>second day of my five-day hospitalization. He never
>visited me a second
>time. Why are you telling me that he did?"
> The dream's voice replied: "The chemicals can
>illuminate as well as
> I woke annoyed with the thoughts that a doctor would
>prescribe an ill fate...especially mine. My thoughts
>reminisced about every
>word that was mentioned during my one visit with Dr.
>Agbabian. The doctor
>and I briefly discussed Dr. Spiering thinking that the
>problem was in the
>ovary. Dr. Agbabian and I also briefly mentioned hubby
>and son's 1977
>surgeries. Maybe there was a medical cover-up within
>one or two of the
>1977 surgeries. The next test Dr. Agbabian ordered was
>the kidney test.
>According to the dream, the dyes used in both the
>kidney and ovary tests
>would cause a reaction, and probably fatal. Somehow
>the dream's symbol
>reminded me that a lie could destroy a complete
>country. The evil Michigan
>doctor would deprive my husband and me the right to
>the more effective
>In 1978, I had walked out of the hospital because of
>the unusual voice,
>appearing and saying: "This is your last ride home!"
>I knew nothing about
>chemical reactions.
> The following night as I entered the dream world, I
>could again hear the
>word "Remember."
> I carefully examined the dream scene. This time, I
>saw my dreamself
>standing in front of a six-foot tall bookcase. My
>eyes scanned the blurred
>book titles. As I looked toward to the top, two books
>were vivid and it was
>as if the TV lens had zoomed-in to focus. I'm only
>five-foot-three, so I
>couldn't reach the top shelf were the two books stood
>upright in the shelf
>middle and were surrounded by many other books. I
>strained my eyes to read
>the titles. One had a white cover and the title The
>Walk Over was printed
>on the book's spine, while the other had a black cover
>and sat further
>inside the bookcase, creating a shadowy outline. I
>couldn't see the second
>book's title. It set too far into the darken shadows.
> The dream then
>revealed the book's complete contents in two words:
>"My Salvation."
>Immediately, I could see my dreamself look more
>closely for a real title.
>My eyes scanned the books outline for details. All I
>could see was that the
>book was covered in black and sat a little too high
>for clarity.
> Then suddenly "The Walk Over" book fell from the
>shelf. The 8-1/2"X11"
>white pages drifted through space. I watched my
>dreamself read the pages.
>At first, I was impressed. I could see $250,000 was
>laced within the
>falling pages. The dream narrated, "Simple write the
>book the way you lived
>it. When it goes upon the shelf, it will go under
>non-fiction. Mine will be
>the biggest prophet of them all."
> I watched my dream-face-person's facial expression
>change from impressed
>to disgust, as I read each page drifting in front of
>my dreamself eyes.
>Another panic attack flared. My dreamself stepped back
>horrified. Raising
>my hand, I said, "No. It's not enough. No. I'm not
>going to do that!" I
>was furious at this remember-thing dream. First, it
>showed how easily a
>doctor could kill me; now it was showing the stupidest
>words I have ever
>I turned to exit. As I reached the open doorway, I
>turned again to face the
>narrator and have my last say: "Who do you think your
> Again, I saw my dreamself's facial expression
>change, as my dreamself
>stared at the dream's narrator. The dream itself
>identified the facial
>expression. It represented that my dreamself saw God.
> The scene again darkened. The darkness changed into
>a lit movie scene. It
>was a clear, rapid motion-picture-show to show my life
>flashing before me,
>one vision after another. It was similar to a short
>film clip with the
>narrator speaking.
>The first picture was our six-year-old son standing
>and facing me with
>horror in his eyes. The dream explained, "By the
>time, he's eight, the
>terror will be there on his face." (Two years later
>the déjà vu appeared.
>By the time my son was eight, he had plumed extremely
>backwards. He didn't
>even know his birthday date.)
> The next picture was a man lying in a hospital bed.
>The head of the
>bedstead was elevated and the patient had pillows
>propping his body into a
>half-sitting position. My husband Bill and I entered
>the room. As quickly
>as we appeared, it was time to depart. Bill stood at
>the foot of the bed by
>the door leading to the hospital corridor. I walked
>back to Sherman, Bill's
>father to give him a good-bye kiss. (In April 1983,
>the déjà vu appeared)
> The image began to scramble. The scene changed.
>The dream focused on
>Bill and I standing near the edge of a different
>hospital bed. Large
>medicine cabinets with large plate glass doors stood
>in the background. The
>dream presented the diagnosis as "Hodgkin's disease."
>(In August 1982, the
>déjà vu appeared, yet it wasn't until May 1983
>that Hubby's diagnose was Hodgkin's disease; after
>Hubby's blood infection
>became strong enough to disintegrate bones.)
> Again the scene changed. In the center sat a
>good-like myth figurine. The
>item sparkled with a golden radiance, increasing its
>glow by saying: "All of
>the earth and all of the heavens will be mine."
> By the dream's end, I could feel myself lost. I had
>nowhere to turn and no
>place to go. So, I reached for the figurine. It was
>a small object. As my
>hand touched the figurine, it shattered, releasing
>millions of sparks in all
>directions and jolted me awake.
>Once I was awake, I noticed that the dream prompted me
>to ask for medical
>The first medical record was my 1978 hospitalization.
>I was shocked to read
>that Dr. Knauss had ordered the Ovary test exactly as
>the dream had said
>happened. I complained to the Osteopathic Society that
>a doctor could use
>medical tests that could kill and nobody would notice!
>Two months prior to the Doctor Agbabian dream, my
>brother the table maker
>made the table that was used in the 1978 Shroud of
>Turin testing. First
>brother had placed a bid for the job, then he was
>supposed to receive the
>table back, in place of money.
>Well, you know how religious liars are. The priest
>told the United States
>judge that God wanted him to have it free-for-nothing!
>So naturally the
>judge agreed.
>I had joined a writer's workshop and shared the
>medical replies with the
>members. Also, I designed the book's cover. It was a
>hand drawn picture on
>a plastic overlay of the image on the cloth that was
>known as "The Shroud of
>Turin" and a photo of brother's table beneath.
>At the workshop, three subjects were mentioned: 1) The
>Bible, 2) The 1950's
>prescription drug law made Michigan drug prescribers
>the official stronger
>god, 3) My book's cover. My hand drawn cover was
>called a "nightmare".
>The Bible described evildoers. The Bible also stated
>"For the life of the
>flesh is in the blood". Yet, blood tests were used to
>deny my Hubby and me
>the right to the more effective antibiotics/medicines.
> I have used my
>husband's 1982 blood test as an example of the
>importance of establishing a
>personal blood test figure. It would be like having
>your personal blood test
>bible. It would be your way of knowing if you have a
>medical evildoer and
>not an honest doctor. When the 1908 tuberculosis
>vaccine was boycotted,
>Michigan doctors knew it. So, I felt that at the time
>of the 1978 dream,
>every Michigan doctor knew that the United States
>prescription drug law
>was also used to withhold antitumor/antiviral
>An example of Hubby's 1982 laboratory figures
>increased would be the
>Blood Test Patients Lab Figures (Increased Lab
>Figures) Personal
>WBC 10.9 H 4.8-10.0
>(4.8-10.8) 6.0
>Myelocytes 0 (a blood-disease indicator)
>Neutrophils 66* 54-62 (45-75) 59
>Lymphocytes 26 25-33
>(15-45) 30
>Monocytes 6 3-7
>(0-12) 5
>Eosinophils 1 1-3
> (0-4) 1
>Basophils 1* 0-0.5
>(0-2) .02*
>*Notice the decimal point.
>The figures were not flagged because of laboratory
>increase figures,
>therefore the cell abnormalities were not noticed, yet
>Hubby's neck tumor
>was noticeable.
> Myelocytes used to be included in the white blood
>cell differential %
>figure. Myelocytes were found in the bone marrow and
>when they appeared
>in the blood, they were considered a disease marker.
>Myelocytes and
>basophils were stained together.
>Why would a blood test be important?
>The President and his congress that created the
>prescription drug law; they
>also created drug over-seers. The government issued
>drug over-seers were
>discouraging new antibiotics made from the known
>mutated new germ cell
>strains that were discovered in the 1960's. The drug
>over-seers also knew
>that Michigan hospital laboratories had raised blood
>test tolerance level
>figures as much as four (4) times the normal in order
>to camouflage
>pathogens that appeared in the blood. A person could
>not receive any
>antibiotics unless a drug prescriber gave permission
>to pay additional money
>to purchase them. The drug prescriber made more money
>running medical
>tests, than truthfully reading blood tests and
>prescribing antibiotics!
>Several medical specialists were telling people that
>blood did not feed the
>The action was saying that the Bible statement lied
>"For the life of the
>flesh is in the blood", and the Bible also called a
>liar "A liar". Medical
>evildoers have existed since the Biblical times.
>Since we live with many subjects appearing at the same
>time, I again change
>the subject back to brother's table. By 1982, Bobby
>was never paid for his
>special table that was used in the 1978 Shroud of
>Turin tests. In place of
>money, he was supposed to receive the table back.
>Bobby had to sue and
>take the un-returned table issue to court. A priest
>stood before the judge and
>stated: "God wants us to have this table."
>The judge awarded the priest the table, and also
>awarded the priest that the
>original purchase price didn't have to be paid!
>Since it was known for centuries that some priest
>didn't practice celibacy,
>the judgement became a family joke: "The bigger the
>lie, the better the
>prize. Tell your invisible god to take our women,
>molest our children
>everything your heart's desire shall be
>Could there be a prescription drug lord/priest
>The 1950's prescription drug law made the prescription
>drug lord the
>official stronger god!
>At the end of the Second World War, it was known that
>more people died to
>disease and malnutrition than bombs or bullets. The
>Cold War was designed
>to talk your enemy into killing herself. I use the
>word "Herself" because a
>country was referred to as "Your mother". Health
>Sabotage was not used in
>the Michigan medical evildoer's vocabulary. In order
>to lie about the blood
>feeding the flesh (tissue), the medical evildoers had
>to get the United
>States President and his congress to pass the
>prescription drug law.
>Republicans blame it on Truman, and democrats blame it
>on Eisenhower.
>God only knows who is telling the truth.
>The prescription drug law was originally designed to
>keep the 1908
>tuberculosis vaccine from usage in the United States
>when tuberculosis was
>the #1 disease killer. The law was to create a larger
>medical business,
>which meant that no man, woman or child would have the
>right to the more
>effective antibiotics or vaccines. The Michigan
>medical evil doers wished
>that the law would include the right to destroy the
>United States antibiotic
>policies, therefore wrong blood test information had
>to be given.
>When Medicare was established, the medical advisors
>neglected to state the
>importance of blood tests. The patient had to
>establish his/her personal
>normal cell test figure. Medicare also neglected to
>have a paid-for test
>result be a patient's received copy. When the patient
>compared the medical
>test with the bill, Medicare fraud would have been
>reduced drastically! Also
>if a medical test was not properly done the medical
>businessperson would be
>responsible for a refund or a blood test re-do, until
>it was done properly,
>instead of having Medicare paying for faulty
>merchandise. The medical
>business would have been treated just like any other
>I called medical lies "Health Sabotage".

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