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Date Posted: 19:12:11 11/27/02 Wed
Author: The Crusher- MCW/WWS Unified Champion, Grand Slam Winner
Subject: Tick Tock

(Scene in)

(It is a cold, windy, snowy day. The snow is falling slowly. The wind’s gusts get stronger each time it blows. The Crusher is walking along the sidewalk on this day. The snow flying in towards his face, the wind trying to push him back. He is wearing a Crusher tousle cap and a Steelers winter jacket. He is also wearing some sweatpants and boots. He walks by a group of kids. They realize who he is. They ask for some autographs and he is happy to give them to the kids. The Crusher keeps walking and he then sits down on a bench.)

Crusher: This is the best. The cold air, the wonderful snow flakes, and the chilly wind. This is perfect. Perfect just like me. Some may think I am crazy, but who cares. But enough about the season let’s get down to brass tacks.

(The Crusher gets out a sweatshirt. He sees a kid walking by and he looks cold. He grabs the kid’s attention. He signs the sweatshirt and throws it to him. He then smiles and gives him a thumbs up.)

Crusher: The time is ticking until the PPV. I am in the main event and it has been one month since I have won this title. Wow that month went fast. Now I am in a Triple Threat Elimination Cage match. I am in this match with Triple B and Scott Cross. This match also has a special guest ref and that is Matt Manson. First, let’s talk about Triple B. Triple B you are completely pathetic. Triple B you aren’t worth my time. Just so you know, you will be eliminated and you will go down like the loser you are!

(The Crusher gets hit with a snowball and throws one back.)

Crusher: On to Scott Cross now. Scott let me get this off of my chest now. Good luck at WeWa and bring the Tag Gold here. Now let’s get back to business. Scott stop worrying about Skydive and start worrying about your big problem, the champion, me! Scott, you can talk the talk, but you can’t walk the walk. Scott, you can say all you want about me being afraid, but the thing is words don’t hurt people, I do! Scott, you can say I live in denial, but if I do then why am I the champ and not you? Scott you call me unworthy and I haven’t done anything. Then Scott why then last month in my match at the PPV did I bring in the first 10 rating in WeWa. Scott, if I am unworthy then why am I a Grand Slam winner. Scott, if I am unworthy, why am I the best. Scott think before you act because now you are in with the big dogs and you will get hurt. Scott, you aren’t anything but a mid-carder. Scott I lead those nine men to victory, I lead them to success. Scott, I help them, like I helped you. Scott if they want to give in return they can, but do I need them to win, no. Scott again you are wrong. Scott those nine men look up to me because they know they either are with me or against me. Scott I lead the largest faction now ever, making me the best. Scott, James Jones doesn’t care that he lost this because now he has the FedWars.com title. Scott I wonder, what does he enjoy more? Scott, he lost to me just like he did in the tournament for the US title. Scott, you may think you are to much to handle, but if that’s true then why did I destroy you last week, and many times before. Scott, I can handle you with ease. Scott, you will never get this title off of me, after how long it took me to get it, how much I had to work. Scott, I have been screwed out of this to many times, now you shall feel the same thing. Scott I told you already I am not afraid of The Jaws of Life, I am not afraid of The Flag, I am not afraid of The Cross-Shot. Scott I have kicked out of The Flag and The Cross-Shot. I have broken The Jaws of Life. Scott you should be afraid of me when I use The Crushing Bomb, The Crushing Blow, and The Crunching Crusher. Scott, when kendo stick and barbed wire are impaling you through the dumpster and you are crying for help, don’t worry you know that you have lost. When your carcass is set to flames by the tables, don’t worry they will use fire extinguishers, after I beat you over the head. When your bones break from the pain of The Crunching Crusher, don’t be afraid of the surgery. Scott, if you think my Crunching Crusher is so weak, then why did it make Da Maniac, Triple B, Brick Pittman, Matt Manson, you tap out. There are more. Scott they all passed out from the pain and now you will yet again. Scott, the move will work again, and I will lock it in, I will keep it locked in until I see the stretchers coming down to wheel you out. Scott, if you are to good for me, then why have I beaten you week in and week out. Each week Scott it is the same; you talk the talk, but can’t walk the walk. Scott, you think I am no match for you, then why did I beat you in the King of Extreme tournament, why did I beat you for the number one contender match. Scott it is simple I am that much better than you! Scott, everyone knows that I am better than you and I will retain my title! Scott, prepare for another lost to The Crusher. Cross, don’t like Americans, which gives me one more reason to beat you. Scott, welcome to America, you first class to losing to The Crusher is here. Oh yea Scott, have fun with Thurman Skydive, if you know what I mean. You homo!

(The Crusher stretches.)

Crusher: The match this week is a Triple Threat Caged Weapon Elimination Match. Weapons are all over. The cage is surrounding the ring. The only way to win is to make the other two men tap or pin them. We all know how I love cage matches. We all know our much I love weapons, so boys watch out for the Danger Zone!

(The Crusher pulls out a newspaper.)

Crusher: Oh yea, boys I refuse to lose and I won’t lose to a has been and a jobber. Triple B you are the has been and Scott you are the jobber. What a nice couple. Scott, don’t forget, Thurman loves you because you are a homo. Maybe that’s why you are hanging around with Cypher. We have a Canadian Brawl for All.

(The camera fades as The Crusher begins to read the paper. He finishes reading it and walks away in to the snow.)

(Scene out)

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