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Date Posted: 20:27:20 11/27/02 Wed
Author: The Caged Crippler Chris Ceslar
Subject: A well deserved rest...But tomorrow, there will be hardcore hell to pay

(The scene opens to the camera man standing outside a house...The camera man walked up to the door and is now knocking on it)

(C4 Answered the door looking tired and worn out from so many hours of training)

C4: What the hell do you want?

Camera man: We were wanting a promo before tomorrows big triple threat match...

C4: Listen I'm tired...I just got back from the gym like an hour ago and i need some sleep...

Camera man: Restin up for the match?...Well can you give us a quick promo on what you think about The Unknown and Thurman Skydive's seemingly endless string of promos?

C4: I guess come on in...

(C4 enters his home and left the door open as the camera man followed...It was a fairly nice house and clean...They entered the living room where C4 sat on his couch)

(The camera man sat across from him on the love seat)

Camera man: So C4...We have all been wondering what you think about Unknown and Thurman's latest string of promos..

C4: I have nothing to say except...Damn. I mean they give out so many promos that it's almost sick...Just because they try and get as much air time as they can don't mean that they're gonna win. It takes the best to be the best. I have been training non-stop since I found out about this match. This will be the first title I hold as C4. I ain't letting those fairy's screw me out of this one. I've been in that gym night after night, scoring myself and toning my edge. I'm at 195 pounds just from a week and a half of training...I have no more weight that I can lose...It's been all toned into muscle...thats all I have left...These guys have been too buisy building their egos instead of toneing their game. They put out so many promos I'm startin to think if this is a shit talkin match their training for. If thats the way we're playin this game, then I will lose. Cuz I ain't much for shit talkin. I'm here for some actual competition, not to let the crowd know how much threats I can make...They'll be able to see just how much talk I'm about tomorrow...I'll break those bitches in 2.3...And thats how it's goin down.

Camera man: So I can see your lookin fit. Do you think your ready to turn your loosing streek around tomorrow for the Cruiserweight title. You got some strong competition standing against you.

C4: You know what...I'm more than ready to turn this shit around. And what better chance would I get to show the world that I am the caged crippler, then to Take down two of the best shit talkers in the cruiserweight division...I think the odds are stacked in my favor...I've been training night and day for this moment...And the so called "competition" have only been training their mouths...Go ahead Unknown talk about how I'm over weight and out of shape...What have you been doin besides runnin at the lips. Talkin shit about how your gonna do that, this match is for this person, and my compitition ain't this, and their that...You know what?...Your a poor excuse for a wrestler and a even poorer excuse for a man...So go ahead, talk about anything you want. But like I said before, this si my time, it's my turn...You come back into this federation after so long and think your auto-matically gonna walk over the compitition right off the bat...It don't work that way...You can't sit on your ass and run your mouth and think that it makes you a wrestler...I've been here. Non-stop working my ass off for this compony...It's my time, not your Unknown...But you see, the only thing that's unknown about you, is the fact that you ain't nobody special...You Talk about this ,match and what you do here, and how you like being thrown through tables...But the truth is...You ware that mask to hide your own shame, you call yourself the unknown because you don't even know what the hell you are...Your nothin but a jobber, who runs from the scene the second it gets too hard for him...But guess what bitch boy, I've been here, and I've been through match after match, getting my ass handed to me in every one of them...And where am I...Still here, learning from each mistake, and not whinnning about shit...But I swear that It will all pay off tomorrow...I will be the one to leave our match as the cruiserweight champion...And that is all you guys got to look forward to...What I'll do to you both, will be crippled...And thats just something you'll have to get use to...and get the fuck over...The promo and the shit talkin you do, don't make the wrestler...The Strength and dedication to your job, and the devotion to what you hold most to your morals, is what makes a wrestler...It's about heart, not words...

Camer man: Your match is only a matter of hours away...How do you hope to get passed the unknown and thurman...and do you expect a double team attempt by the two of them...

C4: I hope so...Because that will only prove what they really are...Cowards...Afraid of the Caged Crippler...But they better tare me to the ground and make sure as all hell that I can't get back up...Cuz if they turn their backs on me for one moment, I'll be back up and on them...2.3, is all it will take...thats the countdown...I will break atleast on ankle tomorrow...The only question is, whos' will it be?...An unknown wrestler who fabricates to make himself look better...Or a skydiver thats aperently taken too many hits to the head...It don't matter to me, the'll get theirs one way or the other, and I will come out of Hardcore Hell, the new Cruiserweight Champion...

Camera man: now you've talked about Unknown a lot in this promo, but what are your thoughts on thurman skydive?

C4: I'm not sure what to think about him...His promos are always amuseing...I mean he is either completely stupid or just messed up in the head...But he like unknown, is constantly talkin shit...but unlike Unknown, he leaves me nothing to retaliate against...He never completely puts me down and he never completely mentions me in a promo...He's more focused on Unknown than anyone...They pretend that this is their matc, that they earned the Cruiserweight title...Skydive has yet to have a real match, and Unknown has had only one...Both left the MCW While I remained her fighting for anything I can get my hands on, and both instantly expect to trample me as if I was nothing...I stuck through it, I made it her...This is my time...I am the cruiserweight division...I have power, I have agility, and I have heart...Thats what a champion needs inorder to survive...thats what a wrestler needs to make it in this buisness...I am the Caged Cripler...and that makes me dangerous...I earned that name for what I can do to a man when the countdown has been set...When I detonate, it is crippling...But they can continue to doubt, and talk down at me...It's no problem...But when their lying flat on their back- or in whatever way I leave them- whern their crippled...They'll know, that I'm telling the turth...But to tell you right now...I have to get some rest, I have actually been training non-stop, and I'm sorry, but I'm only human...and if I plan on defeating two men, if it comes down to it, I need all the rest I can get...So I will thank you for stopping by, and watch closely tomorrow...It will be one hell of a match, that I promise you

(The camera man stood and began to walk out...but as he opened the door C4 ahd one more thing to add in)

C4: Oh yeah...Happy thanksgiving thurman and unknown...I know it will be a happy one for me, when I come back home for dinner wareing the Cruiserweight title...

(The camera man walked out after that and turned of the camera)

(Scene ends)

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