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Date Posted: 01:07:23 11/28/02 Thu
Author: Xstatic
Subject: Tonight....this is Hell....

< Scene opens >

Voice: This PPV....Hardcore hell...Aptly named for the own Hell Xstatic will put Johnson through....Blade's will come quick....lets cut to our camera man and check up on Xstatic...

~~ Xstatic is Leaning against a wall in a dark alley. he looks around and spots the camera man. His Red and Black Facepaint looking intimadeting to any who look at him. his trenchcoat covers his body as he stares at the camera ~~

Xstatic: Tonight...the night before thanksgiveing....everybody tommrow will be with their families enjoying turkey and watching football......Laughing around the Fire why they share stories....cousin's......aunt's........Uncle's.....grandma's Grandpa's...wifes,son's and daughter's......everyone....being togther as a Famly enjoying.......but me...i will be here...as My Wife and child go and enjoy a beutiful Dinner at My Mothers house....i will be here alone...by my self...and who do i have to thank for this? Cross.....Johnson....to name a few....but you see...Hardcore Hell......I won't be beat...i can't be beat.......My time is nearing....my time to be with my daughter getting closer......thta's right....I will beat Mike's ass....then move from Mike...to a Pain in my ass.......Blade......

~~ He pushes off the wall and starts walking. The camera Follows behind him. he looks around and smirks some as he picks up a pipe. ~~

Xstatic: Mike....Imagine the sound of your skull collideing with this steel.....Imagine the Impact...imagine the roar of the fucking crowd.....Johnson....with you i am done....onto Blade......With this Pipe....I would Shove it up your ass....but you would like that to much.....so instead....I am gonna fucking kill you with it.......like i said Blade....your a Has been....I would probablly reach the HOF before you.......i will have the Unified title before you......Hell Blade.......this PPV...not only will Johnson feel it...but so will you...bring out Aikman and deadcell....they will also feel the hell i have to bring............come to the ring.....stay in the back...it dosen't matter....one by One...i will take you three....and knock you all the fuck out.......Now blade....I hate you...I don't respect you....you aren't a Wrestler....just a fucking nuinsnse.......a fucking Pain in the ass......a fucking No body.......now blade.....if you wanna finish this....stay the fuck outta my buisness......but if you wanna make it personal....like you already fucking did....say my wife's name.....say my daughter's name......Sya what you want about them..because Blade...the biggest insult of your life will be when i beat you in the ring.....bring my daughter in....and she fucking kicks you in the balls.......what's worse.....getting you junk beat in by a 5 year old? or loseing to me? think about it dick face.....

~~ He looks at the camera and Lights a cigerrete before takeing a puff and exhaleing the smoke ~~

Xstatic: Have a very good thanksgiveing Johnson....because this will be your last...and Blade....the same message goes to you...enjoy....because come time to face me....you will be entering My own personal Hell.......

~~ He walks further and disappears. ~~

Voice: that is all from Xstatic for now...Happy Thanksgiveing everyone.......

< scene ends >

OOC: Have a great thanksgiveing guys....and Mike i was curious when you were gonna switch Xstatic's Profile...if you need his Stuff again let me know...Later

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