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Date Posted: 13:36:27 11/28/02 Thu
Author: Cross and The Cyphallic One
Subject: To Bossier City

** Originally this was going to be a 'Tonight' based interview. It has been changed, however to a 'In two days' interview. But, nontheless, this will most likely be the last until Scott Cross wins the Unified Titles. The MCW has bee, so to speak, given the day off before their work at the PPV. Today is basically the touch-up day, sending out what you think is important to win your match. Cross and Cypher are of no exception. Since yesterday, the two have hardly said another word about the MCW. Now, since The Crusher has announced his "guaranteed victory" at the PPV, we are once again ready for another promo cut by the two. **

::: 1:00 AM EASTERN TIME :::
::: CLUB VIBE :::

Outside the snow falls heavily. It will become packy soon and the wandering drunks after closing time will be ready to throw snowballs at one another. Inside Club Vibe, a popular bar/dance club in Peterborough, Cypher's hometown, the beat of "Gonna Get Thru This" by Daniel Bedingfield booms over each room and floor. Sitting at the bar is Scott Cross, his iTag Partner is somewhere on the dance floor.

"What's your strongest?" Cross asked.

The bartender said something inaudible and pured Cross a shot of what was apparently the strongest alcohol there. Cross took it down.

"Hot damn! That's a lot stronger than in Michigan.."

More inaudible comments from the Canadian bartender. His name was Nick and works the late-late shiftsat Club Vibe. He has short brown hair and was going with the beat of Bedingfield. Cross looked at him.

He looks like a normal American to me.

More of that stuff was brough to Cross as he asked for it. The camera pans to a different angle now, one at the centre of the dance floor. In the middle grinding with two beautiful Canadian ladies was The Cyphallic One, oozing Cyphallica at every step. Back to the bar, Cross ordered shot after shot.

It's more fun fighting drunk. You give no respect who you beat the s*it out of. You have no remorse or care whatsoever. You could kill a man.

Cross noticed the camera pointing at his left side.

" By the way, Crusher, if you're listening, I said I hated Canadians, not Americans you deaf f*ggot. "

The bartender stared angrily at Cross.

" I'm an actor, a wrestler, Nick. I don't hate Canadians... but if I did, what did you plan on doing about it? "

Cross remembered beating the hell out of the three security guards at the Redd in Flint. The times...

" I love it. Nobody has taken Triple B seriously. We don'tneed to, anyhow. Both myself and Crusher said you were worthelss and not worth the time we have, yet alone the beatings you'll get in the cage. In that context, Crusher is right. But, aside from Triple B, my good friend Crusher has become somewhat of an idiot. "

" You see Crush, old pal, you believe to be helping everybody out. A good citizen donig what's right. Giving sweatshirts to little children, taking time out of your "busy schedule" to sign some autographs. And even helping otu a group of losers that you lead around liek a flock of sheep. But tell me, when have you ever lead them around? I haven't seen you with Xtreme Damage or whatever they are called since you merged them and became a leader of them. You haven't lead a single person to victory. "

Cross takes another shot.

" Crusher, I don't even know why you call me a mid-carder. If I was, Crush, why would I be a #1 Contender twice in a row? Why are you taking so much time in talking ill about me? Why would you team with a so-called "mid-carder"? Everybody is entitled to a great job, and I have to say a 10 Rating is great, but remember, I haven't participated in the WeWA for a whiel now. However, when I did, I became the Top Gold Wrestler and Power Wrestler at the same time. And becoming a Gran Slam winner means nothing but a spot in the Hall of Fame. You may have won every title while you werehere, but remember, you also lost them. Having them all at one time or another doesn't make you great, Crusher. "

Just then, Cypher walks in off the floor and orders a Molson Canadian.

" Why don't you do something except sit on this stool all day drinking? Hell, you might be able to get one fat chick here, right Nick? "

Nick nods.

" I mean, Scotty, I'll even lend you one of those. Unless you're gay. "
" Why would you assume that jsut because I'm not up there making a jackass of myself that I'd be gay? You f*cking idiot. Plus, all of those bitches you were with are all god damned sluts anyhow. "
" F*ck you. "

Cypher leaves the bar with the Molson and goes back to the ladies.

" What's his problem, anyhow? I'm up here with the two finest Canadian hoes there are, and he's at thebar whining about Crusher? I'm enjoying myself here, not worrying about my match with Deadcell. What an assclown. "

Back to Cross.

" You see, Crusher, I am not afraid of your moves either. Some powerbomb, some blowjob, and some camelclutch submission with a few extras in their. I've kciked out of them all, yes I have. You may have made so many tap out, Crusher, but I am not everybody. I may have tapped out once or twice, but so have you to the JOL. We seem a bit equal on this, Crusher, so trying to make it positive for you won't work. You say I talk the talk, and I do, and that I don't walkt the walk, huh? Well, if I don't walk the walk as you say, why am I once again fighting you for your title? Mike has got to have some reason... I wonder, maybe because I actually deserve it? You don't. Who cares abotu a 10 Rating, that was a while ago, and what have you done lately? Nothing. Than shut your motuh and stop whining, you raging jackass. Bleeding is guaranteed, somebody losing is guaranteed. I will not lose again, Crusher. We will both bleed, we will both be in pain, I do not hdie that fact, you do. You know the pain you'll receive, and so do I. "

" Crusher, you beat me in the King of Extreme Tournament, and all of our earlier matches because of experience. I was a rookie than having to deal with adjusting to the hardcore style of the MCW. But now I'm not, and this is why I will beat you this weekend at the PPV. And by the way, Crusher, I was born in Detroit. I am a real god damned American, unlike your sorry ass. Whatever gave you the idea that I was Canadian is beyond me. "

" Weapons may be your play toys, Crusher, but that gives you no advantage. We are all in the MCW; we are all extreme. Weapons are not going to help you. Nothing will. Just the Doctors who have to rush you to the ER for air after losing so much from the Jaws. Triple B is no hasbeen, he is the jobber. I am not jobber, Crusher, consdiering the winning column I've got. And the fact that I sort of have a World Title shot? You really have to think things through. You are such an idiot, and that is another factor in your forthcoming loss...your inevitable loss to The Juggernaut of the MCW, Scott Cross. "

Cypher is back at the bar.

" Considering you're over hear trying to ease the pain of your loss to Crusher last week, Scotty boy, I believe I'll take the chance to point out that Deadcell has no chance in our match at winning. "

Cross laughs.

" Piss off, assclown. You had your time. "
" Go right on ahead. We'll see how correct your prediction is this Saturday. "
" It's no prediction, fag, it's an inevitable fact. "
" Arguing will get you nowhere... "
" Anyhow. Deadcell you and I fight for the third time this Saturday, and your blatant loss of words only helps me take the win. I know you're too afraid to say anything, but come on, give me some f*cking competition. "

" Thurman Skydive... " started Cypher. ", you will get what's coming to you in time. A dose of Cyphallica. Your "Thurmacetamol" will help nothing... "
" Now that, finally, is soemthing we can both agree on. "

Cross raises his shotglass and taps Cypher's beer on the side.

" Now, Scotty, do you want one of those fine bitches before we leave? "
" No thanks, I have your momw aiting in the limo. "

Cross smiles and picks up his jacket. It's chilly outside. Cypher takes his MCW Fleece V-Neck Pullover and puts it on. They both walk outside into the night. "1:45" Cypher reads off his expensive Rolex he got for a pre-marriage gift from Tina Sweet. "To Bossier City, Louisiana" Cross said as they approached the limo. "The Juggernaut will become the World Champ in Bossier City..."


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