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Date Posted: 14:16:16 11/28/02 Thu
Author: James "Da Maniac" Jones
Subject: Justification? [WeWA Communication Breakdown rP]

An absolutely stunning day. How is not known, comparing it to literally every other day for the past week, where it has all been rain, rain, and rain. The sun shines brightly, and the winds have died down dramatically to a mere puff. Of course, temperature is not always what makes people warm or cold. The prone figure of James Jones, the FedWars.Com Champion is seen on a wall. The buildings around the wall have completely eclipsed the sun from the area, leaving a dark and depressing shadow in its place. Not that "Da Maniac" cared. Time was getting closer and closer by the day. He looks at his watch, surprised to see 3PM coming up on the screen. Time really flies when you're having fun, huh? Jones did not view this as fun - in fact; Jones viewed nothing as fun. As far as he saw it, life was there to be lived, not there to have fun. The FedWars.Com Title gold is the only real shining light in the deserted area. No one else wanted to remain in the darkness when the warm weather had come and made its presence known. Jones in his left hand has a cigarette, burning down quickly. He notices this and takes a long drag out of it, inhaling the smoke deeply and sniffing it out of his nose. Jones watches it go forward as he flicks some ash on his faded jeans by accident. James cursed violently and kicks out at air.

"It must be stopped. Ric Righteous must be silenced. Not for the kids, God no, I'm not worried about his vulgarity. However, I have been quite amazed at the level of disrespect he shows me in his Promos, and basically just how he sees me. Righteous simply thinks I'm an egotistical, brain-dead, worthless idiot. Well, I enjoy his insults. Inside it just gives me a feelin' of joy, knowin' only too well that his miscalculations will be his downfall. He has paved the way for the 'Technician Of Hardcore' to enter Communication Breakdown, and exit with twice the amount of value, and twice the amount of respect. This is my chance; the one big opportunity that you cannot...AT ALL COSTS...let it pass you by. F*ck Ric Righteous and his catchy insults, his lack of respect and knowledge of me will be his problem at the final day. In fact, maybe it's a flaw and problem, but I'm already lookin' past Communication Breakdown to what follows it. The banner headlines - "James Jones: The Conqueror", and simply how far it elevates me up, to have my name up there with Ric Righteous', Snake Eyes' and Obsidian's. Ric can come back on screen and make more jokes at my expense, well and good, I'm expectin' him to, but his words fail to hide the reality of this grave situation for the WeWA. In less than two weeks' time, a certain 'nobody', as dubbed by everybody, will become dual Champion, shock the world, and become NUMBER ONE. THAT is the reality, THAT is the story that will grip the nation. And THAT man is ME." Jones spoke softly, his voice only rising at points he decided really needed to be emphasised.

"Da Maniac" reflected for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. The silence is unbearable, and thankfully it doesn't last long. A pigeon flies down on the ground beside Jones' foot, pecking viciously at the ground for any source of food.

"You're right Ric, I'm not Ric Righteous, and nor will I ever be Ric Righteous. And despite the thoughts you have about that such fact, I view it as a majoy compliment. It means that I don't have an ego as long as a wet week. It means I don't have to lower myself to talkin' about goin' to the bathroom in order to get people's attention. It means I don't need to nickname myself two-hundred and thiry-eight times just so people won't forget me. It means that I don't need to hallucinate in order to realise success. Ric, you get the point I'm sure. So you've never lost that precious WeWA World Title although it was once Lee Riel's and Obsidian's. What are you lookin' for? A pat on the back? Better still; a medal for bravery? Truth is Ric, maybe you have not lost the WeWA Title ever, but neither have you ever fought me. The opinion you hold of me is laughable and not laudable by any means. A shadow? A peon? A little MCW guy? These are the ways I'm viewed by you Ric -- I'm correct, am I not? Not only are you all the things I said you were earlier; but you're also a complete liar, or if not that then a misguided individual. You say that I have no idea about you; son, exactly when did you think that Battle Royal took place at Night Of Champions? A few MONTHS ago? Boy, we're lookin' at a year and a half almost now since I took to my very first WeWA PPV and showed the BACW up for what it truly was. If that was me then, and I destroyed the BACW wrestlers; what the hell am I now? The answer is one which shall send cold shivers down your spine, Ric. Despite the warm weather you will have to rub the palms of your hands together, stamp your feet on the ground in order to feel the slightest bit of warmth. And why? It's 'cause of my sheer presence. My Promos don't bore you Ric, despite what you say. They in fact SCARE you. They make you feel insecure about yourself. C'mon Ric, forget about that ego for a moment, and look at it logically..." He stops for a brief second and kicks a stone at the pigeon, though it misses the bird by a lot.

"...I'm not puttin' words into your mouth, Righteous...I'm just enlightenin' the misunderstood fans, that have no clue WHAT to believe. Believe this folks; RIC RIGHTEOUS IS INTIMIDATED BY THE TECHNICIAN OF HARDCORE. Go on reporters; write it down your pieces of paper, go ahead journalists; put it on the front of tomorrow mornin's paper. Is this some random bullsh*t off the top of my head? Stupid question. It's the truth, and ol' Righteous there in the corner, yeah the guy shiverin' to bits can relate to this logic and utilise it to figure out his own issues. The smart comments and over exaggerated facts bely the real Ric Righteous and his real state of mind. Is he confident? Don't make me laugh any harder. Is he nervous, knowin' that his previously untouched record is in severe jeopardy of degradin' down to Rob The f*ckin' Job's? You had better believe it. I can taste it, literally could take a bite out of it. The victory is in front of me, only one warrior is left to stop me from achievin' total success. Ric Righteous, "The Messiah" himself, in all his wisdom, witty comments and damn well impressive track record cannot stop me this time 'round. You might be back in the BACW, and for those idiotic wrestlers it might be bad news...but to me it doesn't mean a damned thing. You could have just pumped yourself with steroids to make yourself look stronger for the next thousand years, but you still have the same flaws as before. Oh yeah Ric, I'm puttin' YOU down now. Bet you've never been 'disrespected' like this before, huh? You're used to the full treatment - happy smiles, bowin' heads, kind compliments to feed your ego and so much more...WELL NO MORE RIC. Want to debate that matter? Bring your uneducated and unaware self to Communication Breakdown and we shall physically have a debate over opposin' views. But the victor is ALWAYS the truth-bearer. The one who talks the smack and has nothin' to back it up is always shown out to be what he truly is in situations like these. I think we all know who the victor shall be at Communication Breakdown in this case."

Jones tosses his head back and lets out a loud, deafening fit of laughter, causing the startled pigeon to flap its wings and fly into the air, wanting out of the strange laughing. James taps his FedWars.Com Title briefly, a slight flicker of a grin spreading over his lips.

"Ric, you can convince yourself otherwise; that's fine with me. As far as I'm concerned, you're opinion can go to hell, along with the rest of you. You're a revoltin' state of a Champion, and an embarrassment to the eWrestling.Org name. How dare you come out and condem me. How dare you call me a nobody, just because I've never wandered down your side of the street. Especially since I'm here now, in the flesh; the real thing...about to get extreme. I'm sure that will get a cynical laugh outta you, Ric...it's all you're good for. We call people like you pessimists - the glass is half empty. Always lookin' on the negative aspects of everythin' except for one thing - YOURSELF. Oh it's blatantly obvious that you don't have an ounce of respect in your blood for any other soul except for yourself Ric. And besides your own opinion; that is a MAJOR flaw. One which I will undoubtedly take advantage of at Communication Breakdown. DUH Maniac? Very, very original indeed. All I can is roll my eyes and put my head in my hands. It's been said before Ric, by 'nobodies' as you like to label 'em, and without doubt it'll be said the same, so don't go around sniggerin' at the fact that you ripped off about twenty odd people, all of which have their careers cremated at this stage. A never was? Wonderful. I can't wait to see that expression of yours when I, a 'never was' spins you around three times and completely rotates your neck into a sickenin' landin'. I'll thrive on the fear in those eyes, not knowin' what to expect next - like a sheep before the butcher. But unlike the sheep's slaughter, yours will be a much more prolonged extravaganza, with plenty of sufferin' and pain. I'm sure you're shakin' your head, tellin' yourself that it isn't so, but son, IT'S THE FUTURE FLASHIN' BEFORE YOUR EYES. Keep somethin' in mind, Ric though, as you go through all the punishment imaginable. It's a third of an ancient Irish proverb; Pain heals."

"It doesn't specify how LONG it takes to heal, but the first part of it says just that pain will heal. So when you think you're all by yourself, like you've been victimised by the phenomenon, just crane your neck slightly to the left and to the right. Granted it shall hurt like hell, considerin' you've just been nailed by the single-handedly most devastatin' move of all time, but what you'll see is other men, like yourself lyin' in beds like yours, wearing bandages like yours. And then it'll strike you...pain may heal, but it's a damn lengthly process when the donator of it is someone with as dangerous a streak as I have. Oh don't feel alone Ric, you won't be the only one who needs psychological help followin' our encounter. Dozens of warriors are traumatised once they've met the real "Maniac", so don't feel sheepish. And remember always that those people, they're there to help you through the difficult period in your life when you feel like sh*t and completely lose confidence in your abilities. Yes, even you Ric, with all your cockiness and perpetuated egotism currently, you too will soon wonder why you ever thought so highly of yourself and your own capabilities. Why the hell did I ever think of exceedin' my own abilities when it's no secret that I can't?, is what you shall be ponderin' day and night for weeks on end. It's all ahead of you Ric. The pain, the punishment, and the torture that follows on afterward. The mental pain, and mental punishment, the mental torture...THERE IS NO END TO THAT. Images of the Hypnosis shall remain in your mind for the rest of your days. Ever bled like a tap's runnin' water when it splashes out of the tap? No? Well be prepared to. Go on, look forward to it Ric, hold your head up high until that day comes, 'cause you don't want the people to think you're SCARED, right?"

More laughter comes now, as Jones looks at the cigarette that had once been between his fingers but now lay on the ground, completely out. "Da Maniac" gets off the small wall and paces backwards and forwards up the same one-hundred metres for several seconds, before finally looking at the camera again.

"The second part of that Irish proverb is; Girls dig scars. At least there's somethin' to look forward to, huh Ric? Sure, maybe you'll be titleless, and yeah, virtually worthless, but at least you'll continue to impress Sexy Sasha with those scars that you will so soon possess. Oh it's not a mere estimate Ric, or an educated guess, it's the reality of the situation ahead. Once you realise that, maybe THEN will you think twice of degradin' me as some looper who luckily stumbled into the Communication Breakdown main event. I may come across as stupid and weak to you Ric, but you have no clue...not a f*ckin' clue about the real me. A nobody from the MCW? I think not Righteous, and the sooner you start speakin' the truth the better for you. Do you think I'll forget about all your insults once Communication Breakdown comes around? Do you think I'll just shrug my shoulders and have a clean fight with you?? C'mon Ric, you must think I have some sort of a purpose. Those insultin' comments have all been noted to be used against you at Communication Breakdown. Don't think for a second I took it in good humour and think you're a real funny guy, 'cause I most definitely do not. I'll help you with your love life Ric, that's how damn kind I am. By scarrin' you for life I will have single-handedly won you the heart of Sexy Sasha's. So if anythin' instead of blamin' me and pointin' the finger at me followin' the beatin' you will encounter, you should be thankin' me for salvagin' somethin' of you so that Sasha can be yours. After all...girls dig scars."

He sniggered, still pacing up and down. "It's givin' me this all-mighty feelin' of sweetness in my stomach. It drives me on to get the job completely done and dusted at Communication Breakdown. The fact that followin' the pay-per-view I will be basked in glory. The FedWars.Com Champion, the eWrestlin'.Org Champion - that shall be me. That shall be what pushes me up past Ric Righteous to a land never before witnessed. Ric Righteous can talk about bein' a legend in his own right, but the fact is, he's never been where I shall be followin' his downfall. In an instant I shall become a household name from one big fight and from one huge night. Communication Breakdown. How fittin'. After I do take Ric down off his own made mountain, the communication will be buzzin'. The Internet, the telephones...EVERYTHIN' will be too busy after the PPV talkin' about the happenin's, and how James Jones shocked the world. It will be SO busy that indeed, a communication breakdown will in actuality occur. The Internet servers, the telephone companies won't be able to deal with so many people usin' the same thing at the one time. Am I exaggeratin' the point? You tell me, Ric, 'cause as far as I can see, I'm as close to the truth as I am to the finish line...RIGHT ON IT. Do look after yourself, send your regards to Sasha and Pint Midget. Please tell 'em not to be angry at me followin' the condition that you will be in. It's not my fault; after all you DID sign the contract. And when you did you signed away your human rights, Ric. So when it's you, lyin' on your back, findin' it so difficult to even breathe after Communication Breakdown, stripped of what was once yours, you'll be lookin' up at me, and you'll see the face of a man who has achieved true glory. You'll see the face of mine Ric. You'll see the fact of a man who just tore you apart at your own game. The final part of that proverb is; Glory lasts forever. How bloody suited it is to this situation, huh?"

Jones stops walking up and down in the same line abruptly, and says nothing for a moment. He lowers his shades, revealing his eyes for the first time. The FedWars.Com Champion walks closer to the camera's lens, intimidating it as much as he can with his sheer presence.

"In review; Pain heals. Girls dig scars. Glory lasts..."

His voice trails off for a moment, pointing at his FedWars.Com Title and and then makes the sign of another Title belt around his other shoulder. A slight smile comes over him, one which tells a thousand words of how he feels.


The scene fades to darkness with the image of James Jones laughing to himself upon walking away from the camera, and finally out of the dark shadow into the light, where his eyes are completely blinded momentarily before he gets his bearings right. Just like the WeWA and his entrance into it. Time will tell...


I've been waiting for a good day
I've been holding back long enough
I've been hurting to tell you some things.
It's not the falling of the temperature
That's making all our bones run cool.
It's the breeze you make
The presence felt when you're around me.

And it feels like I'm at an all-time low
Slightly bruised and broken
From our head on collision.
I've never seen this side of you
Another tragic case of feeling.
Bruised and broken
From our head on collision.
I've never seen this side of you.
Another tragic case.

And I'm still waiting for a good day
I think I've held this long enough.
I think it's safe to tell you some things
It's not just what you say to people.
And it's not the way you look at me.
It's the way you present yourself
For all your worst critics to see.

And it feels like I'm at an all-time low.
Slightly bruised and broken
From our head on collision.
I've never seen this side of you.
Another tragic case of feeling.
Bruised and broken
From our head on collision.
I've never seen this side of you.
Another tragic case.

Then you were gone
You were gone
All this time you just didn't know it yet.
You were gone
All this time you just didn't know it yet.
You were gone.

And it feels like I'm at an all-time low.
Slightly bruised and broken
From our head on collision.
I've never seen this side of you.
Another tragic case of feeling.
Bruised and broken
From our head on collision.
I've never seen this side of you.
Another tragic case...
Another tragic case of feeling.
Bruised and broken.
Another tragic case and I've been...

Still waiting for a good day...
Still waiting for a good day.

"head on collision"

- New Found Glory

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