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Date Posted: 13:48:07 11/30/02 Sat
Author: James "Da Maniac" Jones
Subject: Hunger Strike [WeWA Communication Breakdown rP]

"I think it's all up to me. Time has passed me by, and still I'm in the same position. No worse; but no better either. Many have walked right past me, as if I didn't exist, ignoring my presence in order to fulfil THEIR own dreams. Too bad they all failed, huh? And now finally...it's all up to me. The hype, the radio air-time, the quick commercials...that can all go to hell. I don't care about the money; I care about the glory - solely. What good is havin' millions upon billions of dollars if there is no happiness or real, true glory to go with the package? Absolutely none. Men do it every day. They make promises, like all they're here for is to 'kick ass' and so on, the usual rookie-talk, and that money is not a value. And yet...within a few months of their severe trash-talkin', they fold inwards. Money suddenly grabs their attention, and they become so frantic and disillusioned to get it that they lose all logical mind-set and thoughts. Oh I've seen it in my two years as a fighter. I've seen it happen to the best and worst of 'em. Anybody that becomes corrupt by material wealth does not DESERVE success and glory. The general reckonin' is, that with money, you can BUY success...you can BUY glory. Minor places may allow it on the hush, hush, takin' bribes to escalate the nobody up the ranks, but the larger leagues have done of. And thus, money no longer has its sentimental value you once believed it has."

The voice stops. Nothing can be seen. No indication of whether we are inside, outside or even in space. The only sounds are of the man's breathing, and his brief shuffling every now and then, though that is very brief. A slight cough. It's the loudest sound thus far in these weird conditions. Conditions of...nothing.

"What happens followin' this you can also have a stab in the dark at yourself. Those men, drunk with wealth have nowhere to go but down under. Though they try and make somethin' out of nothin', it's already a lost and abandoned cause. Who the hell wants rich boys that can't wrestle for nuts? Of course, what Owner would ever SAY that to one of these rich boys? In society they have this mental attitude that wealth implies that they are the superior bein's. When in actuality, it is more times than not the poorer and less well-off who are the supremes of this world. Sometimes it's not as blatantly obvious as others, but it still fails to hide the fact that the rich are not always the better and superior. My own situation is quite relatable to such a scenario. But obviously, you don't know who I am, so how the hell would you be able to relate my situation to what I've just discussed?"

A small bout of laughter, confirms the belief that this is more likely than not James "Da Maniac" Jones, the FedWars.Com World Champion, though it's not a confirmed and known fact yet. The silence returns again, only to be viciously interrupted by the giggling of two people, sounding reasonably young, of the opposite sex. They shush each other as they seemingly enter the room, still giggling but now not as much.


Jones pulls on a chord which switches on a light, and illuminates the room completely. All three people squint from the sudden change of darkness to light. The two facing Jones are no older than twenty, and the girl's bra is already half-way off. Sheepish, embarrassed and disgruntled she has her hand across her breasts...just in case. The guy on the other hand is looking at Jones as if he's just seen a ghost or illusion that will never be seen again. The three are in a mediocre size janitor's closet, with only a couple of brooms, sprays and random stuff. The dust particles fly around the room, causing the girl to get into a fit of coughing and spluttering. Jones, wearing his black jeans, black t-shirt and black cloak with the clenched steel fist on the back of it. Jones is incredulous. How dare they interrupt him like that. This was HIS setting for his LAST WeWA Promo. He holds a hand to the door, extending his index finger towards it.

"Out," he uttered. The two hesitate, but the girl, overcome by the dust runs out of the door, leaving her boyfriend on his own. He looks at James, not knowing what to do.

James "Da Maniac" Jones, who had his FedWars.Com World Title across his shoulder nods his head at the guy, telling him to follow his girl out. Still the man just stands there, and Jones' patience is wading rapidly. His face brightens and his clenched fists down by his side begin to shake. The guy is overcome with a wave of utter confusement and he shakes his head and walks out of the door also. Jones slams the door shut, and does not bother to turn the light off again. His Promo was ruined as far as he could see.

"Where were we? How does the situation highlighted above coincide with my own current issues? Take a quick look at Ric Righteous, and it should come to you. The egotistical maniac has it all -- money, fame, girls...MATERIAL WEALTH IN GENERAL. He makes no secret of such a fact. No, no, don't get me wrong at the same time. I'm not implyin' that he's sleepin' around or handin' over bribes to get the push, I'm away that he has bags of talent, but the money has in turn has completely gone to the head of "The Righteous One". Ric said it himself, "That’s what this is all about. Money, Power, Respect, total domination. Anyone tellin' you they are just here to beat up people, or to hurt people is a friggen idiot that still needs help tying his shoes,". It's all about money, and power, and respect, and total domination, huh? Is this the stance taken by one who DEMANDS glory beyond measure? I think not. And this is where Ric Righteous' flaws lie. He is now corrupted by greed - the desire to have MORE money, MORE power, MORE respect, and MORE domination, in which case leads to the lack of interest in success and glory. What's the reply? He's experienced so much in the past that he needs no more. BULLSH*T. Nobody in the green Earth that God or some other creature made can EVER experience too MUCH success or glory. It's just not possible. Ric has achieved a lot, a helluva lot in fact. He's taken over the BACW virtually, but as long as I stand up, with MY FedWars.Com Title, he has not achieved it all. And that is what I take to be Ric's lack of vision. He reckons he's already crossed the finish line. What a grave mistake to make so close to Communication Breakdown."

He pauses for a moment, breathing in and out quite quickly to let the words settle in.

"Ric, I'm sure you're shakin' your head in disagreement...and that's fine. The way I see it, you won't ever live up to the truth when it involves yourself, despite the fact that you're the first one to point the finger at others and accuse them of lyin' through their teeth or accusations like that. So you can continue to live it down; it's all gunna add to your downfall next Saturday night in Las Vegas, Nevada. Admittin' the truth is not always the best choice, and you've chosen to live a lie, just in case it affects your inevitability. C'mon Ric, you seriously cannot see yourself in a league of your own, can you? Can you honestly say, lookin' in my one real and one glass eye that nobody is capable of touchin' you? Are you implyin' from that Ric that it's all about you? The hype, the banners, the newspaper headlines; are they all about you, Ric? Is that how much you're convinced of your own abilities? Well, it's time for you to be brought back down to this Earth. No one has dared tried to dethrone you in the past, after all, you are "The Messiah", the man who has achieved more than everyone else. I've grown tired of your lack of respect for me, and the lack of respect for everyone else. It's not like you're the God among men Ric, far from it in fact. So why then do you have this no respect rule? Is it to keep your mind clear of any doubts that you may encounter? Oh be realistic Ric, you're walkin' yourself into your own damned hole. I started diggin' it, and you've taken the shovel from me and have done the job yourself. You've TALKED yourself into the problems that now await you at Communication Breakdown. Don't you get it? You're not "supreme" or "superior". You don't possess anythin' that I don't, except a far larger ego. So, what drives you to this conclusion of everyone bein' a mere shadow of yourself?"

"Fear? Undoubtedly. Fear and desperation, as I've previously stated. You've walked down to the hole of yours, and with every word you've spat out, you've dug yourself deeper underground without really noticin' it. Scared of what, exactly Ric? I'm not goin' over my head here, I don't think you fear me personally. That's not really what's gettin' to you, is it? It lies deep down, in the back of your brain, where the realisation has just kicked in: You're not as good as you thought you were. WHAM. Down you fall to your own lack of judgement. Down you fall, below the ground, unable to rise once more. Blinded by your own ego you failed to distinguish between your abilities and the abilities of a perfect individual, one who in this world, is non-existent. Ric, it's too late for you now to realise what you've got yourself into and manage to get back out. As far as I can see Righteous, not only will you lose your eWrestlin'.Org WeWA World Title at Communication Breakdown, you'll also lose the will to carry on. Why should you, right? Once you've been completely humiliated by a man you dubbed "nameless" and called "sunflower girl", what is there for you? The press will eat you up like yesterday's leftovers, and that shall be the end of one Ric Righteous. He led to his own downfall, they'll say, and will be right when sayin' it. No one could blame me for erasin' your name from the WeWA. I can be credited to a certain extent, but Righteous, you paved the way for your own destruction. The BACW will miss you, even the WeWA will miss you, but to me, it'll be like a breath of fresh air. One loud-mouth idiotic fool down; another fifteen to go, if that's how many are in the BACW now. Ric, you decided it for me. You made up my mind. All I have to do now is erase you to permanently blacken your legacy." Jones said these words with such conviction and confidence you could tell he truly meant each one that he said. He nodded his head briefly, rubbing his FedWars.Com Title.

James puts a hand through his bleached blond hair and looks around his surroundings for the first time since the light had been switched on. He takes an old broom from a shelf and twirls it around his hand until it falls, crashing to the ground. "Da Maniac" grunted slightly and sat back against the wall again.

"It's just like the ol' sayin' goes Ric; one man's downfall is another man's rise. How fittin' to the current scenario at hand, wouldn't you agree? Of course, silly me, it's you I'm talkin' to; why the hell would you agree if it meant that your tough-guy aproachin' image was damaged even slightly. It's always the same with men like you Ric. Maybe not as successful as you, but still the ones who think that they're the big fish in the pond. The general reckonin' is that they're supreme and therefore better than anybody else, younger, older or the same age. It also means that they believe they can't be stopped; they actually believe their own bullsh*t 'cause they've said it so many times that they now live by it. Can't you relate to all this Righteous? You've not always been AS confident of your abilities as you are now. Son, because of that, you're in over your head this time 'round. Forget about Obsidian's downfall - that was due due to happen quite some time ago. You were just in the right place at the right time as far as I can see, Ric. Do not live off the name-tag of "Obsidian's Conqueror", it only makes you more of an idiot that you actually are. Righteous, Obsidian is the figure that has completely turned your head upside-down and made you confused between the reality of the situation and the situation that you would like to have. They're two completely different things, but you cannot for the life of you see the difference. It's humorous at times, and other times it's just damn well annoyin' listenin' to you rant of how you ended a man's career that was so great and now will continue this process. Damn it Ric, you're makin' me angry. Can't you see it? Can't you see that my enragin' me, you're awakenin' the MANIAC inside of me? Oh Ric, this isn't a metaphorical use of the word; it's the f*ckin' reality that you fail to see."

A slight snigger from Jones, despite the fact that he is in a completely angry and determined mood. He needed it though, to restore some sanity in his deranged mind.

"It's quite sad though, at the same time, that for somebody with such a mouth and such an insight into the future that he completely folds within and crumbles completely. It's so sad that it's even laughable that you'll never achieve total success, Ric, although you already think you have. You're right; you do starve for the FedWars.Com Title - I couldn't agree more with you. Unfortunately, the closest you shall get to gettin' relief from the hunger pains is a mere sniff of the Title...AND THAT WILL BE IT. Not a scrap, not a leftover, not even the tiniest of chews. While on the other hand, I shall be feastin' on my newly won eWrestlin'.Org Title. It's a sad world we live in, Ric, and if it were possible I would throw you a small little bone to keep you alive, but you see because of the fact that hate was invented and discovered; there's absolutely NO chance of that happenin'. Uh huh, you guessed correctly. I hate you. No, no, in actuality, I despise you more than any other bein' on this planet. For your slickness, your lack of awarenees, your superiority complex...ALL OF IT. I hate it all. And believe me, Ric, when I say that I will go to THE LIMIT to ensure you never get a scrap of success again in the limelight. You don't DESERVE it Ric, as far as I can see. You've fattened yourself up while the rest of us had to listen to the rumblin' of our stomachs. Well what goes around comes around, and the cliché shall come back to haunt you at Communication Breakdown. I'll have you to myself, and in that position I will TAKE CONTROL. The final taste of the WeWA for you will be gettin' your neck rammed into the canvas from the phenomenon - The Hypnosis. F*ck the Right Move, it stands for nothin' but another reason for me to dispose of you in Las Vegas."

Another brief pause. Jones adjusts his shades, and pops another peppermint into his mouth, chewing ferociously on it, needing it to keep himself in check until the night dawned. He was ready. All he needed was the green light now.

"Time's up, and not a moment too soon, Ric. Just the perfect timin'. You've shown your true colours to me, and so I've no alternative but to shrug my shoulders and be careful to succeed in the task at hand. You're still a potent threat; don't think that I'm underestimatin' you. But what I am doin', which really is the factor in my thinkin' of sweet success at Communication Breakdown is that I am REALISTICALLY lookin' at my own capabilities and comparin' them to yours. Like you Ric, I'm not completely one-sided, biased and blinded by my own repuation to view you as an absolute zero. Saturday night however, zero of ninety-nine won't make a different Ric, 'cause you're lookin' at the whole one-hundred of a package. James Jones. Your FedWars.Com Champion and FUTURE eWrestlin'.Org Champion. The cameras shall all be turned to me after Communication Breakdown, Ric. Every last one of 'em shall be flashin', takin' any picture of me -- standin' over the bloodied heap of you, lyin' in bed at night, eatin' my lunch on a rainy day...it won't matter to them, as long as they can get my picture. What a turn-around it shall be, to have you in the shadow of MINE. Who would have EVER seen that happen? Oh Ric...the answer is too simplistic to overlook it. The one person who had this vision in his mind for YEARS ON END of overshadowin' Ric Righteous will be the man who actually does it -- ME. James Jones. The FedWars.Com Champion. The future eWrestlin'.Org Champion. Not a bad feat for a "nobody" from the MCW."

Jones explodes into a mad fit of laughter, as he struggles to his feet, completely overcome by his laughter to care about anything else. He picks up the broom he has been twirling around earlier and smashes it into the wall, as it cracks with an almighty sound. "Da Maniac" holds his FedWars.Com Title high in the air, as if he has just defeated Ric Righteous at Communication Breakdown to become the main man in the business. James opens the door quickly, blowing one last kiss of death and misfortune at the camera, before disappearing out of the door, still howling with laughter. Illusion or reality? Time will tell...


If I can walk a thousand miles a day
I try to do it 'cause I don't know if you really say.
I think I saw the sky tonight
Pushing through; it feels alright.
And I just don't know who I want to be.

And every time I see your face, I laugh out loud
Acting hot you're fitting in with all the crowd.
And if i could I'd stop the time
And ask you for a clever line
And just because I know you won't give it to me.

It's raining hard again here now
That'll never change.
Let's start a war
So who's to blame
When it starts to rain down?

At times I think that all I need is summer sun
Burning in my eyes and breaking through the trees.
At times I feel my place is empty
It looks as though I never met me.
But my smile does only show one side of me
And i can show you a little slice of everyone.
Laughing in the dark I think you're having fun
The sunlight in your face that time
Washes away all the grime
Aakes me forget just how much I hate you tonight.

It's raining hard again here now
That'll never change.
Let's start a war
So who's to blame
When it starts to rain down?

Yeah yeah yeah...

Let's start a war.
So who's to blame
When it starts to rain?
Starts to rain...
Starts to rain...
Starts to rain...

Starts to rain down.

"for sure"

- Lostprophets

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