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Date Posted: 19:52:41 12/03/02 Tue
Author: The Fallen
Subject: 5 Days to go...{WeWa Comunication Breakdown RP)

(The Fallen is seen walking into MCW HQ, waring his United States championship title...)

(The camera-man walks toward him)

Camerman: Fallen...We haven't seen you around here in a while...what have you been up to?

(The Fallen looked at the Camer man with his emotionless stare)

The Fallen: I have been thinking...Thinking about my place in the MCW...I am the United States Champion...But I have not yet earned such a title...At the MCW PPV Hardcore Hell I face The Cottonmouth King...The leader of Damage INC...In the ring for the United States Championship...Then 5 days from now, I face Xstatic...The leader of the Xtream team...And co-leader of the Alliance between the two stables... Xstatic has over looked our match at comunication breakdown....And for that I do not blame him...It doesn't seem really important...And yet to me it does...For at comunication breakdown I will tare into Damage INC...I will bring the fall to those who desearve it...Xstatic...CK...They will realize that their errogent ways will bring them nothing but pain...Strength in numbers may prove to be a worthy opponnent in some cases...But when matched against the power of the fall...It means nothing...Xstatic you underestimate what I can do in the ring...You over look how much pain I can bring to those who doubt me...But you will understand soon enough...The fall from grace is faced toward the three leaders of Damage INC...And Xstatic, that includes you...A simple Pinfall will mean nothing...I will break you...That is your fate...That is your future...So doubt me all you can...And over look our match...But in 5 days...You will realize the truth....

Camer man: I see...and Fallen what are your thoughts on the up comeing MCW PPV...You go face to face with the top leader of Damage INC...The Cottonmouth King...We understand that you two have had a lot of bad blood between you will this be shown in your match at Hardcore Hell?

The Fallen:...Ck I have listened to your promos...Talking about our match and speeking of how you are going to take my United states title from me...as if it was an effortless feat...But you need to realize and remember...I am not the man you dropped from the cage and into the crowd...I am not the former champion of whom you destroyed countless times...And I am not the wrestler that you braught face to face with the fall from grace...I am The Fallen...I am the united states world champion...Do not underestimate me simply because you defeated me when I was errogent to the truth...I know now that there is no one that is unstopable...and now it is my turn to show you the same leasson you taught me back in the UWA...You are not unstoppable Cotton...And I will prove it to you at Hardcore hell...Three men disclude themselves from all other wrestlers...Three men stand ontop of this federation, holding it in a deathlock, and submitting it to their power, their strength in numbers...But those three men shall soon fall from grace...From the forgotton UWA champion that shall face me for my title at Hardcore Hell, to the forgotton leader of the Xtream team who shall face me at Communication Breakdown, and it shall end, with the Falsified Unified Champion of the MCW...Crusher...It will end with you...After I defeat Ck and retain my united states title...After I destroy Xstatic at WeWa Comunication breakdown...After all is said and done...and the dust settles...There will only be you and me...Then you shall face the fall...Fear not the power of Scott Cross and triple B...For when all that is over...I want my match against you, for the Unified world championship...At the next PV I want my chance to take your title from your shoulders and place them next to mine...The Fall shall fly to you on swift wings Crusher...I will bring you to an unknown world of pain, suffering that you have never witnessed nor felt...I shall bring you Face to face...With he fall from grace...Soon Crusher...Soon it will be down to you and I...then what shall you do?...Where will you run...And How will you hide...From the Fallen...

(At that he turned from the camera man and walked away into the MCW HQ building...)

(The Camera man felt the power in the Fallen's words and felt sorry for Ck, Xstatic and crusher...For they are the targets in the path of the fallen...)

(Scene Ends)

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