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Date Posted: 21:38:54 12/04/02 Wed
Author: The Fallen
Subject: Last Chance...But for who?...

(The Fallen is standing in the parking lot...He is looking around and sad to say, he is without the United States Title)

(A Camera man advances toward him, cautiously...uncertain of what the fallen champion would do next)

(The Fallen glances over to the Camera man, his usual emotionless glare stuck within his eyes)

Camera man: Excuse me sir...Can we get a word about hardcore hell?...And your...Los...Match with the Cottonmouth King...

The Fallen: Yes...Ck, I have been proven wrong once again...You came into Hardcore Hell confident that you shall defeat me and you did...No matter the reasons for your win...But I shall move on...Congradulations Cotton, you have shown me once again the errors in my over confidence...But this brings me to my match at Saturday Main Events against Scott Cross...The one man that has constantly Faught against my climb to the top...The one wrestler that feels he is the greatest of all...yet he holds no title to highten his claims...

(the Fallen goes quiet for a moment as he is constantly looking over his surroundings)

The Fallen: Scott, you and me in our second fight for the #1 contendership...This time I shall pay close attention to my surroundings...It will be you and me...One on one...In the ring...Scott we have battled once before...I have seen your abillities...I have witnessed what you are capable of...At Holloween Horror I faced you in a cemetary match...and thanks to the interfearance of James Jones you picked up a win and went on to face the unified world champion...But this time...It will be different...You see A wise man learns from his mistakes...And I have...Ck took my title...And he won it because of your interfearance...I have had a long string of interfearances since my arrival...But I have learned my lesson, and I am well aware of my surroundings...I beleive it was Stone Cold who said a very helpfull phrase...DTA...Don't Trust Anybody...So in that ring, when you and I go for our second round...The only thing I shall trust...Is the Fall...For it has been detained long enough...And this saturday at main events...The fall will come for you Scott Cross...You had your chance and you blew it...Now it's my turn to bring you Face to face with the fall from grace...You can't get past this Cross...The fall will be braught to crusher one way or another...The Cottonmouth King, was most fortunate to escape the fall...But you will not be so fortunate Scott Cross...This saturday, The fall shall come to you...Your dream is to become the unified champion...And your nightmare, much like all others within this federation...It is to fail...to never climb the ladder to the unified title...To fall from your own form of grace...But what you shall soon realize, is that, dreams may be what you make of them...But in reality, your nightmare is what I make of it...At Saturday Main Eventa, I will finally show the MCW the true power of the fall...Since my arrival I have yet to win a complete match...But I feel that my luck is slowly changeing...Can you feel it Cross?...

(He closes his eyes and breaths in as he tilts his head to face the ground...As he braught his head back up he slowly opens his eyes and stares into the camera, the cool empotionless features shown more terrifing as his eyes narrow and an evil grin crossed his face)

The Fallen: Can you feel your nightmare?...The fall will be braught to you Scott Cross, there is nothing you have left to do...But accept it...For it is faced toward you...The first true victom of the Fall from grace...I have a purpose to searve...Crusher is the last leader of Damage INC..he is the last believer in the power within numbers...Ck escaped the fall...but he shall recieve it sooner or later...perhaps not by me...but my sources say, that a more deadly advisary shall be set face to face with The current United States Champion...A blast from the past...But I am not here to speek of CK's fate...I am only here to warn Scott Cross, not to underestimate me...Because saturday...the fall shall come to you...Be aware Scott Cross...For your nightmare, shall be realized, and it will become your reality...

(The fallen turns from the camera man and walks away)

(The Camera man wasn't sure what to do...The Fallen's evil pressence had returned and fear had once again over taken his actions...But what's this?...A limo just pulled up...)

(The door to the limo opens as The Fallen looks in his evil smile returns as he places each hand on the roof of the limo)

The Fallen: Now theres a face I haven't seen in a while...

Unknown Man's Voice: Lets get this show on the road, Fallen...The old days have returned, and soon Damage INC will Suffer a pain like they have never felt...

The Fallen: It's about time...

(the Fallen folds up his Trenchcoat underneath humself as he climbed intot he back of the Limo)

(The Camera man keeps the Camera angled on the Limo as it drives away...There was a Symbol on the back window as the camera Zoomed in...it was a "T" and a "S"...The "T" seemed to have Stabbed through the "S" as the "S" appeared to bleed to the base of the window)

(The Limo drove away and the Camera Fades to black)

(Scene Ends)

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