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Date Posted: 14:56:10 12/18/02 Wed
Author: Aikman
Subject: Its about Time.......

~~Open. Aikman can be seen standing in a empty parking lot. He seems a bit excited about something. He rushes the camera crew and begins to speak~~

Aikman: Well its about damn time Aikman hits the Main Event.If I could only get a shot at that little bitch CK everything would be gravy. But thats a different story. If you haven't noticed I have changed my way of speaking. I have been through some therapy and got a few things striaght with my life. So form't now on you all will call me Aikman. Now onto this thursday night. Cross me and you shall tie it up in that ring in a TLC match. Ever since I have been gona not much has been said from anyone. But now I shall break the silence. Cross you are about to step in the ring with a very deadly man. I hope you are prepared to meet your maker cause I am gonna fuck you up like a mother fucker who just got out of jail. You are damn lucky you fight me the night after christmas. Now atleast you get a few days to say good bye to your family. Cross I am waiting for your response.

~~Aikman Walks away~~

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