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Subject: ..(.+.)..Sheading..(.+.)..

Gravity of Love
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Date Posted: 12:58:47 06/25/02 Tue
In reply to: Jewel 's message, "~She rushes over to Thor's side, her eyes fearful.~" on 09:07:15 06/25/02 Tue


Finned dial shakes to each side to all questions and looks, orixes clouded with confusion of herself. She wished she had enough knowledge to explain but she also hadn't a clue 'bout her current ordeal. 'Pon each touch to her one or few scales o' deepest violet beauty fall like forgotten gems. Their frailness shattering 'pon the cold terra and glimmering of amethyst sorrow b'fore absorbed into moist tropical soil. After short minutes purpline flowers o' exotic origin grow from each shard as if it t'were a seed drenched in plentiful water and nutrients.
She emits a groan o' hasty concern and surprise, neck craning to spy at the happenings of her losed scales, but with each bend a stretch o' her sinewy neck more jewels fall apart and transform into flowering life. Staining her lovely form with scarlet patches slowly scabbing with purpline substance o' most silken feel. Expression o' worry and pleading tarnishes her delicate face as she locks each clouded eye onto Thor and Jewel. Voice breathy and chocked..

..+..I have not a clue, why I am this way...Mother, Thor, help..please?..+..

Midnight eyes lacking their usual stars o' silven light roll into enthralling sockets as the 'Ness falls out of mind yet remains in dreams. Her body lets go of many more amethyst scales to leave new patches, the old now silken purple yet blemished. Hollers in pain as she now falls from conciousness to rest on the two 'round her...

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No!Jewel18:13:47 06/25/02 Tue

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