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Date Posted: 19:09:27 08/08/01 Wed
Author: MFW
Subject: Monday Night Thriller #2

(Fireworks go off in every direction as the crowd in the brand new arena goes wild. Heavy metal starts to blast over the speakers)

Jason: Welcome to Monday Night Thriller!! Tonight, I am your commentator, Jason James. With a whole new look and arena, comes new commentators. Next to me, I'm sure you all know this man, Conan!
Conan: Hello and welcome! Finally, we are rid of Undertaker and Shane!! They left with all the old. They got what they wanted, our wrestling. The catch is we got a whole new set up. Here is a tape of what Taker and Shane had to say:

-A film pops up on the titan tron. It shows Undertaker and Shane in the WEW ring.

~Undertaker: Well as you know, you've handed over to us what we wanted!! The MFW website!! Hahaha!! We won, you lost!! Hahahaha!!
Shane: Nobody saw it coming! Right fans? (The WEW fans go wild)
*Click Click Boom!! "Breakdown" by Tantric plays as even the WEW fans go wild.
Xas: I believe you're wrong, Taker!! You see, I gave you the MFW website, but what I didn't give you was our new MFW website. Sucks to be you!! (Taker & Shane go crazy, while Taker shakes the ropes) So I guess you could say, you are the weakest link! Good-bye!~

Jason: If that's any indication, we'll get back to the show! Tonight, we're gonna see first evers once again! First, we're having the first ever Hell in a Cell match and then we're going to have a Barbed Wire Ropes match. What a night it will be!
Conan: And tonight Natural Disaster will get his rematch, he truly deserves!! But next, the masked man gets the rematch he deserves, in a TLC match!!

IC Title / TLC Match
Slacker vs. Masked Man
*"Fearless" by ICP plays over the speakers and Slacker, who is all tapped up, comes out with the IC title. Slacker rolls into the ring and shows off the title.
*"Smooth Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm as the masked man comes out. He slides into the ring, but Slacker knocks him down.
*This is not a test!! Sirens go off as Frequency comes out to the ring wearing a referee shirt.

Slacker asks Frequency is doing, but he doesn't get an answer since the masked man nails him from behind. The masked man hits a scoop slam and then hits a dropkick. The masked man then warns Frequency. Frequency just watches the match close. Slacker tries to come back with a clothesline, but the masked man ducks and hits a neckbreaker on Slacker. He goes for a pin, but Frequency only counts a one count before Slacker kicks out. The masked man gets a chair outside the ring and brings it in, but Slacker kicks masked man down. He grabs the chair and goes to hit the masked man, but the masked man pulled on Slackers' legs. The masked man gets up to be smacked over the head by a chair from Frequency. Big Mak then runs down the rampway, but Frequency gets out and stops him. Big Mak questions Frequency. The masked man ducks a chair shot. The masked man sits Slacker up in a Tree Of Woe. The masked man goes to the other corner. He runs and baseball slides into Slacker's face. Then the crowd erupts. Natural Disaster sprints down the ramp with a chair in his hand. He slides in the ring kicks the masked man in the gut and DDTs him. Slacker gets up and grabs the masked man. He holds the masked man up in front of him. Natural Disaster grabs the chair and winds up, he starts his swings and the masked man ducks. Natural Disaster hits Slacker and there is a big gash in his head. Natural Disaster turns around and begins to swing at the masked man again. The masked man jumps up and missle drop kicks the chair into Natural Disaster's face, Natural Disaster flies out of the ring. The masked man then rolls up Slacker. Frequency gets in the ring and reluctantly counts the three count.
Jason: I can't believe it. We finally know who he is, but he just won one of our titles!!
Conan: My favorite wrestler tried to help him, and look what happened. Slacker ruined everything!! He desevered to lose the title!!

*Capital P is walking around asking people if they'll fight him for the Hardcore title. Capital P then walks up to a fan and asks them if he'll fight him for the Hardcore title. The fan agrees and Capital P tells him to follow him.
*King is sitting back in his locker room watching a movie where two women are kissing. Just then, someone knocks on his door. He barely opens his door, and talks to someone outside.
King: Are you ready? Did anyone see you come in?? Good tonight's the night.

Jason: Who is King talking to? Whoever it is, they have something planned for tonight!
Conan: But next up, Capital P will take on his biggest fan, I guess. It's going to be great!
Hardcore Title
Capital P vs. Capital P's biggest fan
*"Anthem pt. 2" by Blink 182 plays as a "P" appears on the titan tron. Capital P comes down and gets in the ring.
Capital P: Well everyone, I found my opponent. He is my biggest fan and next I will show everyone that dreams do come true. Now everyone welcome, Timmy Coleson, Capital T!!
"Anthem pt. 2" by Blink 182 plays again as a "T" appears on the titan tron. A boy wearing a T on his shirt and jeans runs down to the ring.

Timmy kicks Capital P in the knee, but Capital P picks up Timmy and slams him down on the mat, giving him no remorse. He then kicks Timmy in the gut and goes outside the ring and gets a trash can filled with signs. He digs out a sign with the letter P on it and wails it over Timmy's head. He then sets Timmy up in the corner and puts the trash can in his lap and walks backwards. He charges full speed at Timmy and then dropkicks the garbage can smashing Timmy. Capital P gets out of the ring and gets a table. He brings the table in the ring and sets it up. He picks up Timmy for the Capitalizer and hits it, sending Timmy though the table. Capital P pins him and wins the title.

Jason: I thought Capital P would go easy on Timmy! I guess I was wrong.
Conan: He was competion!! Capital P just crushed the competion!
Jason: Come on! Timmy is a 14 year old boy, how is he competion to a full grown adult?? But next we'll see Frequency in a ladder match against X-Con.

*Frequency is strapping up and getting ready for his match when Slacker walks in.
Slacker: How could you count my loss? I just lost my title!! Now you'll go with-
*Frequency holds out the IC title.
Slacker: H-how'd you get this??
Frequency: Had Hitman dress up as the masked man. Natural Disaster wasn't supposed to interfere, but Hitman didn't want to blow his cover!
Slacker: But what about the masked man??
Frequency: He quit remember?? What did you think he'd just come back? Nah, he was too much of a pussy to stay here and hang with the big boys!! Also, I told Hitman he could have a shot at the MFW title if he did. So he jumped to the offer.
Slacker: Wow! You're the best.
Frequency: Oh yeah, don't interfere tonight, I'm doing this by myself tonight.
Slacker: You got it!

Jason: Well that match is next!
All*Star Title / Ladder Match
Frequency vs. X-Con
*Put you on the lockdown!! "Fight Music" by D12 plays as X-Con comes to the ring with his police men behind him, holding onto his hands. They unlock his handcuffs and let him into the ring.
*This is not a test!! Sirens go off and new beat is added to the music as Frequency comes out wearing his uniform.

Frequency climbs to the top rope and hits a missle dropkick right away. X-Con stumbles backward and comes back to get a huricanrana. Frequency gets up and then hits a DDT. Frequency gets Con up again and slams his head into the turnbuckle. The police outside the ring throw two ladders in the ring. Frequency grabs a ladder as Con grabs the other. They both swing them at each other and then fight as if they were swords. Frequency wins the sword fight by knocking Con over the head, making him do a flip. Frequency sets up his ladder and starts to climb up to the dangling All Star title. Con pushes Frequency off the ladder and down to the mat, next to the ropes, where the police officers move the ropes and get Frequency tied up in them. Con climbs the ladder and a masked man dress in a black robe and mask runs out and pushes Con off. Just then another man dressed in a black robe and black mask runs down. They stand face to face in the ring. One pushes the other and that sets it off. The two fight away. As this goes on, Con climbs the ladder. As he gets to the top he reaches for the title, but the cable the title is hanging on jerks up and is raised out of Con's reach. Con goes all the way to the very top of the ladder. He wobbles and reaches up as Frequency gets loose. He climbs to the top rope and jumps, spearing Con, landing on the top of the ladder and sending Con down to the mat. The title is lowered and Frequency grabs the title for the win.
*Frequency gets down the ladder and walks to the brawling masked men. Frequency grabs the masks and pulls them off to reveal one being Slacker and the other being Gemini. They both look with blank looks and then tried to explain to Frequency, but Frequency watches as Big Mak slides down the cable hanging from the rafters. Big Mak gets on the ladder and climbs down. Frequency gets out of the ring and walks away with an angry look on his face. Big Mak chases after to him, but Frequency yells for him to stay away.

Jason: What a match, and once again, Big Mak helps Frequency win the match. You have to admit, he would have lost without Big Mak.
Conan: Come on, these guys are closing in on him, making him chose! I wouldn't be suprised if he doesn't pick any of them!
Jason: Well we're getting right into the next match! A hell in a cell match, with the european title on the line. This is the type of match that will be the main event at Blockbuster! Except there will be another cage inside this one.

European Title / Hell In A Cell
King vs. Natural Disaster
*"Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed plays as Natural Disaster comes out. The letters ND appear on the titan tron and the crowd goes wild. The cage starts to lower as ND slides into the ring.
*Mouth's writin' checks yo ass can't cash!! "Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit plays as King comes to the ring with his title around his waist. He rolls a huge suitcase behind him. He rolls it to ring side as the cage comes down over the inside and outside of the ring.

ND wails on King as the match starts. ND hits two suplexes and then goes for three, but King lands on his feet and hits a leg sweep. He gets ND to his feet and hits a sidekick. King bounces on the ropes and puts ND between his legs, but ND flips him over. King lands on his feet and gets ND set up for a reverse DDT. King then goes to hit a lionsault, but ND gets his knees up. King lands outside the ring. ND takes a moment to recover as King starts to climb the cell. He climbs till he reaches the top and then starts climbing toward the middle with his arms as his feet dangle below him. King positions himself above ND. ND gets out of the ring and climbs the cage too. ND then reaches the top and climbs to the middle to meet King's right hand. They battle on the top with right hands, and then switches to left hands. Soon, King gets both hands up and starts to kick ND, kicking at his arms. King swings back and comes back with a huge kick. ND lets go and falls, but grabs King's legs. King tries to kick him off, but he starts to climb up King. Soon he reaches the cage again. He spits in King's eyes and King let's go. He lands smack on the mat. ND then lets go and hits a splash on King. They both lay on the mat trying to recover. ND rolls out of the ring and gets the suitcase. He unzips it and gets nailed in the head by a pipe. A man gets out and gets in the ring. He helps King up as King gets a mike from under the ring. He turns it on.

King: This is my new partner! I think you all know him. His name is Napalm! We challenge anyone who wants a tag team title shot to take us on!!
Just then Shadow runs down with a sledgehammer. He busts the door off and goes after King and Napalm. They run, but King runs right into the Disaster Drill. ND gets the 3 count for the win. ND and Shadow stand together in the ring as the four people have a stare down.

Jason: Wow! That's all I can say. (Conan doesn't say anything since he is up yelling to ND)
Conan: You got em!! Got ND! ND, ND, ND!!

*Frequency is seen with his bag walking out of the arena. Big Mak meets him in the hallway, but Frequency ignores him. Big Mak yells to him, but he just walks out. Big Mak gets a depressed look on his face and heads to the ring

Jason: Next up, we're having the main event!! A barbed wire ropes match for the mfw title!!
Conan: ND won!! He won! Hahahaha! Proved all of you wrong!

MFW Title / Barbed Wire Ropes
Big TJ Mak vs. Storm
*Lightining flashes and thunder sounds over the speaker. A radio report can be heard in the background which says: "A storm is coming! Oh my god! It's here!! Take cover!! No one will survive this!!" Then static comes in replace of the talking. Then a loud "Boom!" as fireworks come from the rafters like lightning. Then wind can be felt through the whole arena. Then a huge flash of lightning looking fireworks strikes and Storm appears in the ring
*Watch your back, for Big TJ Mak!! "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit plays as Big TJ Mak comes down with his title to a huge roar of the crowd. Mak gets in by hopping over the turnbuckle

Storm clotheslines Mak to start things off. Mak comes back with a clothesline of his own. They brawl to the turnbuckle. Mak gets hold of Storm and launches him into the wire. Storm twinges when he hits it and immediately moves. He turns around as Mak hits a superkick. Storm stubbles into the wire again and twinges once again. Storm comes back with a spear and then an elbow drop. Storm picks up Mak and slams him back down. Then gets him to his feet and whips him into the wire. Mak twinges and walks away from it, blood running down his back as the scars from going through the glass window are ripped open. Storm gets knife edge chops on Mak, severely hurting Mak. Storm picks up Mak and delivers a backbreaker. He then whips Mak back into the wire and again Mak twinges. Mak then falls down, blacking out from the pain. Storm picks him up and goes for the Outsider's edge. He hits it and then stands up and signals for Code Red. Storm turns his back on Mak as Mak gets up and goes to the top rope, missing the wire. Storm turns around stunned as Mak gets the Iron Arm. Just then Slacker limps out. Mak gets up and puts his hand out, signaling for Slacker to bring it. Storm somehow comes from behind and rolls Mak up, but only gets a 2 count as Slacker comes down to the ring. Storm gets Mak to his feet, but Mak gets Storm ready for the rockbottom. Mak hits it and warns Slacker. Slacker gets on the apron. Mak turns around and hits a stunner. Slacker reaches over the wire and chokes Mak with a piece of barbed wire. Mak grips his teeth from the pain. Slacker chokes him for three minutes and Mak loses hope when all of a sudden, Xas runs down and pulls Slacker down off the apron. Mak digs the wire out of his skin and stuns Storm again. He rolls him up and gets the three count. Xas wails on Slacker and then gets in the ring. He helps Mak up, who is bleeding badly. Xas raises Mak's hand and hands him the MFW title.
The show ends with the crowd cheering for the new alliance of Xas & TJ Mak, who are celebrating in the ring.
~End Of Show~

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