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Date Posted: 19:11:10 08/08/01 Wed
Author: MFW
Subject: Friday Fight Night #2

(Fireworks go off in every direction as the crowd in the brand new arena goes wild. Heavy metal starts to blast over the speakers)
Conan: Welcome to Wednesday's special Fight Night. Instead of Friday night, we're having it tonight since Xas has a business trip to take. But whatever night, it's still going to be good. Tonight's main event will be a triple threat TLC match for the MFW title and the All Star title.
Jeffery: Yes and welcome, but our welcome will be cut short so we can go live backstage.

Backstage, Slacker is just arriving when Stryfe walks up to him and slams him against the wall. The brawl past an arena worker, putting a new window on Xas's door. Just then Stryfe takes Slacker and whips him into the window. The window shatters as Slacker lay on the floor.

Jeffery: Oh, oh my god! That was unexpected!
Conan: That my friend, was awesome!
Jeffery: Well, we'll be getting into the next match.
Conan: It's gonna be great! The second ever Hardcore match, but this is the first time Capital P has defended it!

Hardcore Title
Capital P vs. Storm vs. Carson
*"Bodies" by Drowning Pool plays as Carson "drop the ender" Michaels comes to the ring. He raises his hands to the fans as the crowd booes him.
*Lightning flashes and thunder sounds over the speakers. A radio report can be heard in the background which says: "A storm is coming! Oh my god! It's here!! Take cover!! No one will survive this!!" Then static comes in place of the talking. Just there's a loud "Boom!" as fireworks come from the rafters like lightning. Then wind can be felt through the whole arena. Then a huges flash of lightning looking fireworks strikes as Storm appears in the ring.
*"Anthem pt. 2" by Blink 182 plays as a "P" appears on the titan tron. Capital P comes out with the Hardcore title in the air. Capital P is pushing a rolling trash with junk all over in it.

The match starts with Storm attacking Capital P. Capital P throws Storm outside the ring with a clothesline as Carson dropkicks Capital P. Capital P bounces in the ropes and lands in a huricanrana from Carson. Carson goes for the sharpshooter, but Storm comes from behind with a trash can lid. Carson falls forward, right into Capital P's baldo bomb. He hits it and goes for the pin. 1,2,NO! Storm hits Capital P with the can lid. Storm rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. He brings it in to meet a big boot from Capital P. Capital P goes to his cart and digs through it, not finding what he was looking for. He picks up the cart and wails it at Carson, who had just gotten up. The cart lands right on Carson and pins him down. Capital P gets in the ring and crushes Carson under the cart by sitting on it. The ref counts. 1,2,NO! Storm again stops the count by hits a spinning leg kick, knocking Capital P off the back end of the cart. Storm goes to the ropes and signals for Code Red. He turns around to be hit by Capital P and gets a foot to the stomach. Capital P lifts him up for the Capitalizer. He gets ready to hit it on the cart, when a man with a man runs in from the crowd carrying a baseball bat. The man throws Storm the baseball bat, as Storm wails Capital P in the head with it. Capital P lets go of Storm and falls down. Storm continues to wail on Capital P. He signals for Code Red again, as he gets Capital P to his feet. Storm picks him up for it and slams him down on the cart which was still on Carson. The ref started the count as Storm celebrated on the turnbuckle. 1,2,NO! The man pulls the ref out of the ring. Storm turns around to notice his mistake. He body slams Capital P as the man slides the ref back in. He makes the pin on Capital P. 1,2,3!!!
*Storm grabs his title as the storm starts to come, but he stops it. He requests a microphone and begins to speak:
Storm: In history, great alliance were made!! Well even storm's have alliances, hell storms start by alliance, when cold air allines with hot. Just as those examples, Storm must too. That's why I want to introduce, my tag team partner, for the team of Storm Season, Dreamer!
Dreamer: That's right, I've allined myself with the biggest baddest guy! Next week, we plan to take on the new tag team champions, so we can imbarrase them by stealing their titles.

Dreamer & Storm leave together with Storm holding his Hardcore title.
Jeffery: I would have never suspected that!!
Conan: I did, knew it all along! You're just stupid, you can't figure things out!
Jeffery: Whatever! Next up, the first ever tag team match. This will be outstanding, I promise you that!

Tag Team Titles
King / Napalm vs. Natural Disaster / Shadow
*"Mouth's Writin Checks Yo' Ass Can't Cash!! "Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit plays as Napalm and King come out together as the crowd goes wild.
*"Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed plays as Natural Disaster walks alone and with the European title. He walks down the rampway, but stops at the end.
*"Dragula" by Rob Zombie plays as the lights flicker. Soon, Shadow appears coming down the rampway and even scares his own partner. They both run to the ring as the lights go back normal.

Shadow and Napalm start it off. Napalm hits a DDT, but Shadow gets right up for a full nelson slam. Shadow then tags in ND. ND and Shadow hit a double suplex. ND takes control by whipping Napalm into the ropes. Napalm jumps over ND and on his way back slides under ND's legs. He grabs ND's legs and makes him fall. He turns him on his back and hits a leg drop between the legs. Napalm walks over to King and tags him in. King head straight for ND. King pounds on ND's with right hands repeatedly. Soon, King is on the top rope waiting for ND to reach his feet. He goes for a huricanrana, but gets a powerbomb from ND, sending both men down. The ref starts the count. The ref gets to 6 as ND and King start to go for their partners. ND seems to be closer. King tags in Napalm as ND tags in Shadow. Shadow hits a big boot on Napalm and throws King over the top rope. ND goes to the other side, where King is. He slams King's head against a guard rail. Shadow, inside the ring, picks up Napalm for a running powerslam, but Napalm reverses it into a reverse DDT. Napalm then gets up and goes to the second rope. He hits a leg drop. The Napalm runs full speed toward where King and ND are. Napalm jumps the top rope and lands on both men with a splash. Napalm gets up and helps King up. They roll ND into the ring. First they whip Shadow into a corner. Napalm gets on all fours as King runs and hits the poetry in motion. They then whip ND into the other corner. Napalm gets on all fours again as King runs and goes for the poetry in motion, but ND hits spear on King instead. Napalm turns ND around and hits the Twist Of Fate. Napalm gets up and whips Shadow into the corner. King goes to the top rope and hits an elbow drop on ND. Napalm sets up Shadow for the Frankensteiner, but Shadow kicks Napalm in the head and axe handle slams King. Shadow then sets up King for the widow maker. Napalm gets up, but so does ND. ND gets in Napalm's way, but Napalm pushes ND into Shadow. Shadow drops King and tumbles outside the ring. Napalm then hits the impaler on ND and goes for the pin. 1,2,3!!!!

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