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Date Posted: 15:01:31 06/18/02 Tue
Author: Lord Kyrocos
Subject: "....."
In reply to: Lord Denarius Shelley 's message, "Denarius sat slumped in his chair..." on 13:06:18 06/14/02 Fri

.....he said nothing, not a word passed his lips as he rose and faced Denarius. There was a stern look of a flame in his eye, and he took that flame and passed it over the room as he stared directly into each of the senator's eyes. Some whinced, others stared him back with the same fire, but they all understood his silent plea. He nodded at Denarius and turned toward a nearby window that was only slightly cracked. He pulled the blinds and flung his hands upon the sil, and with one powerful motion thrust the window open fully. One of the Senators started to speak, but with a quick signal, he was silenced. He pointed out the window.

"Look. Feel. Hear them."

He closed his eyes and turned away, he could no longer bare the sights, sounds, and feelings that his heart was so heavy with. With this he walked towards the door.

If no one has anything to do instead of talking about doing them, I'm going to go do something. Senators, how can you sit and gamble with time and the lives of our citizens? I don't know about the rest of you, but I can no longer sit, and look, and listen to this outside, when all that exhists in this room is a feeling of helplessness and voices falling on idle ears.

One last time he passed the flame over the table, stopping at each seat, afew Senators nodded at him, and sensing a chance of hope, he stood slient as ever and waited for another to rise with his or her action, and not their voice...

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