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Subject: +smirk+

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Date Posted: 17:54:47 09/24/02 Tue
In reply to: Bairavee 's message, "|:|:...:|:|" on 17:56:12 09/23/02 Mon


Female laughs softly,eyeing the male.She speaks,words rolling in an entrancing manner to the emerald male.
My my.How little we know about each other anymore.I have long changed my name to Blood & Terror.But,some people still call me Black Tundra.Thats alright too,I suppose.
She sighs softly,looking around the cave,before returning her red eyes to the male.
No,I didn't come to see you.I had to talk to your mother about something.But,its not important.At least your here so I have something to play with.
She looks at him strangly,eyes looking him up and down.
You have changed a lot.Last time I saw you,you were a hatchling,but now....Things have drifted and changed.Isis is dead.The light lands are weak and scattered.There is a new king and queen,and even the darks are getting a bit weaker.What we need,is people with power.Leaders with power.Dragons like you and me.Dragons who take charge of their homelands before their homelands fall.
She now locks eyes with him,there was a definate change in her.A change for evil.A change for power.She had power in her lands.Not great here yet,but it would grow,she looks at him carefully,before speaking again.
Did you know Bairavee.That I am a pure Death Dragon?Did you know that now we are the same age?Did you know,that when I saved you from those other Death Dragons,that I was only a hatchling?I'm guessing you didn't.
She watches him,eyes fiery and alert.True,she would seem old to those she helped when she was a hatchling.But no,she was a dragon in her prime.She didn't think Bairavee would believe her.But how could he not?Her eyes were set and serious.She looked young and she was very fit with the build of a warrior if she needed to be one.Yet very beautiful.No,Bairavee had never known the real BT.The evil and strong BT.He had known a hatchling.She wasn't all black anymore.She had a reddish coloring around her edges.Her teeth had turned black,her talons were rubies.Her eyes had been the most amazing change.They went from all black to red and the sweetness of a child had left them,taken over by the power of the adult.She waits.He was smart,but was he smart enough?


The Changed

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[> [> [> Subject: |:|:...:|:|

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Date Posted: 19:06:59 09/25/02 Wed

Smart enough?
Of course he was smart enough.
He believed her.
Strange, how she held his interest much more strongly now.
The same age?
This caught his interest even more strongly.
When his mother purified him, he had lost most of the deathly blood cascading in his blood.
But still, some lingered.
It seemed she too was purified.
In mind, and in body...
A few years back, his mind would have interested him more, but now, her body was much more interesting to is wickedly shaped mind.
He too was changed.
In mind, as well as in body.
He was wicked.
Ruthless and cold, life of few held merit to him, and all other could rot in hell, he didn't give a damn.
Body, now scaleless and slender, he was still but rather muscularly for his breed.
He was handsome, breathtaking and godlike.
He radiated power, although wisdom was soemthing that didn't catch his fancy yet.
Gray lines wings, and trails down the wing face, like the tears on a weeping creature.
Gray, the color of one who would never inherit the throne.
But so close to silver...
Something else she said.
Dragons like us...
Blood & Terror...
It suites you well.
What a damned time we live in...
And yet, so full of opportunities.
Tell me, what every made you think you could play with me?
If anything, I shall play with you, my little mousie...
Hising laughter is heard and red optics flash.
Approaches, not meaning to strike fear upoon her, but to many it would.
Takes his place slowly beside her.
Picture perfect.
Two of the greatest species, side by side, so full of power.
And what,would happen now?


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[> [> [> [> Subject: Bronze approaches, a frown upon his handsome face.....

Bronze Warrior
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Date Posted: 00:28:01 09/26/02 Thu

His silver gaze flickered across his very changed brother. He wondered, even feared in a way, that when he was transformed, he would be changed as his brother had been, but worse.

Silver optics settle on the dark femme by Bairavee's side. A smile is given, though it was hard to accomplish for one who rarely did such a thing. but this dragoness had saved him from being taken over by those in the Land of the Dead. Her and Famina had saved him from tuning against those he cared for most. She had also saved Bairavee's life. She deserved his gratitude and he would show it in any way he could see fit.

Hello BT. It has been a long time, hasn't it? he asks, sitting upon gleaming bronze haunches, head heald regally as he awaits her speach....

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: +wonder+

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Date Posted: 17:10:44 09/26/02 Thu


Things were very different.Somehow,Bairavee was no longer a friend.Somehow,he was much more.She smirks,about to speak,but stops at Bronze enters.She smiles,ruby eyes observing him a moment,before speaking to him.
Hello Bronze.It has been long.How are you?
Though it wasn't possible to see,for she had learned how to hide emotion,at the moment,for some odd reason,she really wan't Bronze to leave.Any other time she would have been fine with his company.She glances at Bairavee,he was why she wanted Bronze to leave.She blinks,smiling to herself and awaits his answer anxiously.


Blood and Terror
The Changed

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: |:|:...:|:|

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Date Posted: 19:22:33 09/26/02 Thu

Dragon growl softly, barely audible.
Strangely, he too wanted his brother to exit, even though he hadn't talked to him in the longest time.
Although he wasn't as good at conceling his emotions as the changed femme, he was still good at it.
Wicked smirk lays on dark emeralds features and he narrows red optics only slighty.
Clears his throat and speaks.
Hullo Bronze.
Still waiting for Ezmeralda to change you?
Awaits an answer, cock expression learing out towards the male.
He had been transformed, only parcially by choice.
The power had been waiting to destroy him, it had awakened unoticed.
Then he had changed.
But for the better or worst?


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: He sighs....

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Date Posted: 19:40:28 09/26/02 Thu

He addresses BT first. I'm fine BT. Thank you for asking. He then turns to his brother. Hello to you too Bairavee. And yes, I'm still waiting for mother to change me.

Silver gaze flickers between the male and femme. Shaking his head, he speaks to both. You know, it's clear you'd rather not have me present. So I'll desperse with the pleasentries and leave you be. He nods to his brother and bowes to BT, turning away and walking off into the shadows.....

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[> [> [> Subject: ..|~*~|..

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Date Posted: 18:26:49 09/27/02 Fri



Slowly the Sovereign femme approached the gathering, her step lagging and lovely dial low hanging 'pon her sinewy neck.
Something had caught the emerald. But what?
T'was it merely age creeping into those bones? Or perhaps something in her haunted mind affected her. Perhaps, perhaps. But none shall ever know for sure.
Her scarlet prisms spilling their rubine light o'er the cavern as they flickered to each present form.
She had been listening, observing, deep within her home in the cloaking darkness. What the Blood and Terror made some sense, yet one item made none whatsoever. Was she not a Mate to her Arkanis long ago? Did they not adopt draclings? T'was many a year ago, according to her statements she would have been a dracling with a Mate and family.
Oh well, what was cannot be changed.

..*BT, dear friend, how are you? 'Tis been so very long since I have seen you, not since That Day, hmm? Anyway, 'tis very refreshing to see you once again*..

Looking to her bronzen son, she smiled. Many a prideful thing will come of him, as there will with Bairavee.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: +surprise+

BT yellowpurplegreen
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Date Posted: 17:58:01 09/30/02 Mon


She nods to Bronze as he exits.She could not tell her thanks to him for leaving them alone,yet she felt another's presense,one that would soon reveal herself.
Goodbye Bronze.I hope we meet again soon.
She stands by Bairavee's side,watching Bronze fade into the shadows.She waits and watches,as Ez steps out.She restrains herself from crying out in delight.She leaves Bairavee's side and approaches the emerald dragoness.
Ezmerelda!It's great to see you again.It has been a long time since we last spoke,or even saw one another.It has been a long time since I have even seen the Dark Lair.
She smiles softly at Ez.She seemed slightly troubled,but it wasn't her place to ask.They hadn't seen each other for so long.It just didn't seem right.Onyx dragoness glances back at Bairavee for a moment,but flickers her main attention back to Ez,her old friend,yet they were so distant now.She sighs lightly,wishing she could just ask what was wrong,hoping Ez could read her eyes.


Blood & Terror
The Changed

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: *player giggles* Sorry bout the name.I just wrote the colors there because I wanted them in the right order. *grins sheepishly*

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Date Posted: 18:02:12 09/30/02 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *~Enters~*

Fallen Embers
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Date Posted: 17:17:29 10/01/02 Tue

Femme enters the cave, optics spy the small group and she slowly makes her way over. She nods to BT and Ezzy, smirks at Bairavee.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: +nods back to Embers welcomingly+

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Date Posted: 17:19:07 10/02/02 Wed


+she watches as the female enters and smiles at her+
Hello Embers.
+nods back to her in greeting+


Blood & Tundra
The Changed

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Males silver optics flash from the shadows, his glimmering hide somehow hidden....

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Date Posted: 23:21:36 10/02/02 Wed

But his eyes could not be. He watched the happenings, pleased his mother had finally shown up. He approached her, sleek bronze form melting from the shadows back into the real world. He stops beside her and sits on strong haunches, a warm smile sent in his sister's direction. Are we ready mother? he asks.....

OOC: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zari, it's Chrissy!!!!!!!!! I didn't know you played BT!!!!!!!!!! It's a small world after all *giggle*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: |:|:...:|:|

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Date Posted: 14:21:17 10/03/02 Thu

Male's red optics narrow slightly, annoyed that once one leaves, another appears.
Moves from BT's side, standing loser to his mother.
Their conversation would continue later.
Optics flash to his two sibling and he yawns, cocking his head to the side.
Hullo Embers.
And again Bronze.
Odd isn't it?
Us all together again...
Silent snarl form on lips at revocked memory of the bronze that had so foolishly left them.
When the war came, he would be no more....
Smirk returns to his seductive features and he embraces his younegr sister, for he hadn't seen her the longest...


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*squeel*) +¦+¦+

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Date Posted: 17:05:24 10/03/02 Thu

(*she tackles Chrissy* I didn't know you played Bronze! Jeez,we meet each other everywhere! *grins*)


+she watches and smirks at Bairavee's comment. Us all together again.... it did kind of seem like the old days.she could remember those days well.Ezzy's fight against Broak.the death dragons trying to take Bairavee and posess Bronze.she was startled to see how much she was related to these things and these dragons.they were more of a family to her than any family she had ever had.she smiles and looks at Bairavee,smirking.who would have thought.when she was small she would have pounced anyone who even mentioned her and Bairavee together.but now,well,things were different.things had changed.her,her friends,her family.these dragons around were her family,and she wondered if they knew how much they meant to her+


Blood and Terror (formerly Black Tundra)
The Changed

(*she sniffles* That was so beautiful. *bursts into tears*)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ((lol, okee day then!))|:|:...:|:| [+:...:+]

Bairavee & Fallen Embers
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Date Posted: 22:07:55 10/03/02 Thu

((-_- Shoot me. My sister quit CM, and dumped all her chars on me. :P But thats okee, cuz now I can plot some more!))

Dark optics connect with the femme, a soften gaze filing his eyes.
Strange, how he too felt as she did...
Releases his younger sister and turns to his mother.
Welcome Mother.
I do woul like to know when you shall transorm these two.
And when my training shall commence...
Corners of dark smirk turn up slightly, a grin almost appearing on his facial features.
It dies as quickly as it came and he steps back, leaving his soveriegn mother to transform them both...


White femme returns brothers enbrace, but remains silent.
She was worried and excieted about the change...
But could she handle it?

Fallen Embers
~The Enchanted~

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*grins*) +¦+¦+

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Date Posted: 18:09:34 10/05/02 Sat

(*sighs* Plotting is always fun.)


+she watches as her friend.Bairavee.her Bairavee.she smiles to herself,trying to keep from laughing out loud.she watches,curious about this transformation.she could transform into Death Dragon form,but what did they transform to?she looks at Bairavee and speaks to him through her mind ~transform?i do hope you are still as handsome when you are transformed~ she flashes a wicked grin at him and awaits his answer in her head.she watches Ez,Embers and Bronze as well.she watches silently,red eyes on them all+


Blood and Terror
The Curious
Curiosity killed the cat.Good thing she's a dragon.

*squeaks* Chrissy!I got a motto!Chrissy!Look!I have a name and a title and a motto.I feel so special and loved! *grins*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: OOC post

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Date Posted: 23:37:52 10/05/02 Sat

I can't think of anything for Bronze to say at the moment so it's just me posting. Anyways, I love the slogan and title Zari!!! Curiosity killed the cat, good thing she's a dragon. Very cute. And I almost had a heart-attack there before I realized that Kris was saying that that the foolish bronze was Spakinth and not Bronze. Wooh! Scared me there. Hey, what other characters do you play Zari??? I wanted to know so that I could see if I know your characters from other places. This is my list, padon the fact that it's so long:

Shimmering Pixie
Wild Paradise
A Knight's Glory
Innocent Seduction
Hunter's Moon
Restless Wind
One Wish Granted
Summer Rain
Pink Lemonade
Silken Web
Guardian of the Dark
Fear's Creator
The Devil's Spawn
White Midnight
Daring Deceit

Sinner's Game

Tender Gury


Devil's Temptress
Twilight's Fire
Tormenting Passion
Bronze Warrior
Ashes of Death
Flickering Embers
Hell Vixen
Shadowed Tears
Charred Victory
Warring Beauty
Thunder Clash
Dream Tide
Raging Wrath
North Star
Deep Sea

I think that's it. Let me know if you know any of the others'. Other than Bronze, Silk, and Sinn of course. ^_~

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (*grins*)

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Date Posted: 15:40:29 10/06/02 Sun

Well,I don't need to post at the moment either.Ok,lets see.Here are the ones I can remember:

BlackMagic Wolves:
Ram'shi (queen)

Non Camelot Wolves:
Golden Galaxy(alpha)


Fierce Rains
Dark Fire Lord
Death at Dawn
Terror at Twilite
Horror on the Horizon
Blue Flame
Blood & Terror (Black Tundra)
Famina(queen)(sorry,i luv her.can't help showing off. :)

Shattered Soul
Rearing Rage
Ice Glaze


Big Cats:



I think thats all.Thats all that I remember anyway.I have a few more though,I think,that I can't remember.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: WOW!!!

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Date Posted: 22:57:40 10/06/02 Sun

That's okay, I forgot about my Death Dragon's:
Whisper of Wings
Cold Terror
Death's Eternal Silence
I'll post for them in a bit. I got to find their stats first. I have no idea where they disappeared to.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Lol

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Date Posted: 16:49:17 10/07/02 Mon

Smooth move there hun, lol. Muahha, I'm bored too...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Zari...

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Date Posted: 19:01:46 10/07/02 Mon

Hi hun, tis me, duh. ^_^ I noticed that you play Famina, yay! lol and I want to play a shadow dragon. Just wond'ring, can we plot something up to get me a shadow dragon, and make it interesting? I've got about a gagillion idea's, b/c i dont want to study for History*gag* so email me, k? kittyshadows@hotmail.com pleeaaaseee??? Luv ya! ttyl...


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *nods* Ok,I will.

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Date Posted: 16:40:45 10/08/02 Tue

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