Bairavee Fallen Embers
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Date Posted: 22:49:13 10/13/02 Sun
((Oh and remember, no silver on anyone sept the soveriegn, and that Crystal Tears! i think... :P))
Male smirks, but optics slighten slight.
Pure male growls, then lowers his emerald hands.
Deathly mist seeps back to him, slowly dissapating into him.
Still, he remains somewhat theatening towards the others.
He was alone.
None would tame him, he was wild.
Optics fly to sister, shrugs her arm away.
Next to brother, whom had adressed him so coldly.
Silent snarl forms upon cold lips and he speaks.
Nay, I am not yet that cold or disgraceful.
But I am so very close, deathly close.
Beware, for thee cannot restrain me.
Voice holds a hint of threat, optics prove it.
Snorts towards the queen and speaks again.
M'lady, no one appoligises for me.
But seeing how my brother has taken that responsibility, I shan't repeat it.
I do not believe we were properly introduced.
I am Bairavee, pure son of the belated sovereign Ezmeralda.
How strange, that makes us both royalty...
Steps forward and gently lift her flaming hand, cold touch still remaining.
Gentle kiss is placed on her talon, then he releases her.
Smirks and tosses his head slightly, optics scanning furiously for one who was not there.
Hisses softly, then turns, vanishing into the blackness beyond.
Femme draps hand away from him, as though he has been shocked.
Simper flows easily towards her brother, then towards the others.
Notices his transformed state imediately and frowns.
Now, now she was the only one left in Ezzy's line not Gaian.
And none were left to release her power.
None except,
optics flee towards her exiting brother and she sighs.
She doubted he had the power to release her, or the will to.
Forces a smile, but remains silent, worries of a hidden power destroying her from within slowly surfaceing.
Shudders, barely visable and looks away.
Fallen Embers
+The Last+
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