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Subject: +She dubbed Traitor+

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Date Posted: 12:39:50 10/12/02 Sat
In reply to: Demon's Light 's message, "~{The Light that Leads Evil}~" on 22:38:57 10/11/02 Fri

DT's voice reamined low, deadly:

My plan is as follows..

She looked from one to the other.

We infiltrate the East terra, the Flaris making it seem as if they are upon the side of good. I would like to put Demon in charge of the so-called 'peaceful entrance' asking Loh to allow your people hospitality.
You and I, Queen, will watch from thre skies. Whenst Demon gives us a signal, say the opening of her wings, we will drop and charge the populace of the East. The Flaris follow..my plan only needs ten Flaris besides you two.

She silenced, allowing them to speak for or against her idea.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: )^(Queen of the Raging Flame)^(

Fate's Flaming Future
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Date Posted: 15:43:05 10/12/02 Sat

She gives a curt nod. It sounds good enough, but if anyone there knows anything about the Flaris, they know we are not capable of being Light. Those that do 'turn' Light go insane within a few years. If any there know that, our plan is ruined. She turns from DT and addresses Demon.

You are one of my best generals and scouts. Will you take the position of leading this team? I leave it up to you to decide because there is always the chance that we could fail, especially if water is involved. She quietly awaits an answer from Demon.....

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~{The Light that Leads Evil}~

Demon's Light
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Date Posted: 15:50:08 10/12/02 Sat

She smiles and nods, yellow orbs glittering with a demonic light. It would be my pleasure, my Queen. I will lead them well, but I think it best that you don't come with us this time. It is unknown territory and few will be there to protect you. She states this calmly, knowing that her Queen would not like the idea of staying behind in a battle. That was not the way of the Flaris, their leaders' fought bside them.

She turns to DT, hoping that if she gets DT on her side that the Queen will relent. She has no one to take over the throne if she were to perish during this battle. She has no children yet, nor siblings. And no mate either. If our Queen comes, her death would crumble the Flairs. Is it imperitive that she be there, or can you do without her in this battle? She will not be there in body, but she can be there in mind. She waits to see what both femme's answers will be, knowing that she had come close to crossing the line but it wouldn't be the first time....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: |:|:...:|:|

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Date Posted: 17:13:22 10/12/02 Sat

Angered hiss sounds and emerald body approaches.
Moemntairly, he could be mistaken for his mother.
Regal posture, demonic maybe insane light flood from his eyes.
Snarl, unearthly threat rings out as he stands before the three ness's.
Speaks, cold and threatening.
They held no power over him.
He was of as regal blood as the queen.
And more powerful, once he mastered his skills.

What is the hell do you think you're doing?
Or I shall make you leave...

Blueish haze pours from his raised hands.
They could smell it.
Especially the flaris's.
Their greatest weakness.
And he controlled it.
Hisses menacingly.


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[> [> [> [> Subject: ±She dubbed Traitor±

Dark Tiger
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Date Posted: 11:40:14 10/13/02 Sun

DT calmly stepped between the Flaris and Bairavee. She smiles:

Bairavee, is this the way you would treat a friend? I promised Ezmerelda I would watch over you young ones.

Cold facade softens.

I am welcome here, young one, your mother allowed me entry whenst I pleased. Will you go against that?

She ignored the Flaris for the moment, this was between her and her best friend's son.

Dark Tiger
-The Rebel-

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: |:|:...:|:| [+:...:+]

Bairavee Fallen Embers
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Date Posted: 15:40:01 10/13/02 Sun

Male growls, optics flaming with an angered red.
His mother was gone.
He doubted she would return.
Would he go against the promise of a mother who would, surely, never hear of it?

The one who allowed you entry is no more, at least for now.
This is my birthplace, my home.
I will not have you plotting against those whom still allow those not of their race to dwell here.

Males optics glow strangely.
Clawed hand gustures to slimmed body, somewhat like that of a shadows, but less bulky.
Wings unfurl, their odd shape distinguishing him from all others.
Cold, his eyes remain on her.
The cold moist mist continues towards her, gracing her nose with ice cold water hands.


From the darkness, another appears.
White, dubbed every so slightly with aquamarine.
Friendly simper quickly thrown towards the three who have decided to plot in her home.
Clawed hand raises and rest on her brothers shoulder, calming him.
Mist dulls slightly.
Her Gaian form was more than likely one of water, and already it began to show.
Hello Dark Tiger.
Good to see you alive and well.
Revenge on LoH getting anywhere?

Words are kind, lacking all spite and anger she might have felt towards a traitor.
She didn't care.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: )^(Queen of the Raging Flame)^(

Fate's Flaming Future
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Date Posted: 21:24:57 10/13/02 Sun

Optics of a different color, but just as cold as the male's meet. She steps out from behind DT's body so that she may speak to the emerald in a respective manner. When Demon moves to stand in front of her, she motions her back. I have no need to challenge The Dark Lair. I do not want it. In fact, I need your Queen Isis' help in saving my people, and I'm not fool enough to endanger that. If you wish us to leave, then fine, we will leave. But our plan is mearly against the Light East and has nothing to do with The Dark Lair.

She watches the emerald intently, gaze never wavering from his though her body shuddered at the smell of the moist threat that emitted from his hands. She had spoken the truth and she could only hope that he was smart enought to see that.....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~{The Light that Leads Evil}~

Demon's Light
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Date Posted: 21:28:04 10/13/02 Sun

Femme glares at her Queen's back when silently commanded to remain where she was at. If the Gaian decided that he didn't feel like being kind or felt like listening, her Queen was as good as dead. All she ould do was hope that if something happened, she could save her.....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: :^:A Warrior's Hell:^:

Bronze Warrior
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Date Posted: 21:37:25 10/13/02 Sun

The newly transformed Gaian male stepped up beside his brother and sister, his now golden hide shimmering in the light from the Flaris' flaming hides. Now opal eyes glare at the emerald. Don't Bairavee. I think she's telling the truth. Plus, that water can hurt me just as it can her. And if you've become that cold, you've disgraced what's left of the royal Gaian family.

His gaze flickers to the Flaris' and he gives a slight bow to the Queen. My apoligies for my brother's lack of respect, my Lady. His slightly warm gaze freezes when it lands on DT. When you decide to plan against someone other than te Light's, don't expect that you will be welcome here. We'll have no planning for a meltdown of the Dark's within these walls.

The gold turns to his sister and gives her a warm and loving smile before turning towards his brother. What do you say Bairavee? he asks with a raised brow....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ((lol, wow! I'm sooo behind this all :P)) |:|:...:|:| [+:...:+]

Bairavee Fallen Embers
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Date Posted: 22:49:13 10/13/02 Sun

((Oh and remember, no silver on anyone sept the soveriegn, and that Crystal Tears! i think... :P))

Male smirks, but optics slighten slight.
Pure male growls, then lowers his emerald hands.
Deathly mist seeps back to him, slowly dissapating into him.
Still, he remains somewhat theatening towards the others.
He was alone.
None would tame him, he was wild.
Optics fly to sister, shrugs her arm away.
Next to brother, whom had adressed him so coldly.
Silent snarl forms upon cold lips and he speaks.

Nay, I am not yet that cold or disgraceful.
But I am so very close, deathly close.
Beware, for thee cannot restrain me.

Voice holds a hint of threat, optics prove it.
Snorts towards the queen and speaks again.
M'lady, no one appoligises for me.
But seeing how my brother has taken that responsibility, I shan't repeat it.
I do not believe we were properly introduced.
I am Bairavee, pure son of the belated sovereign Ezmeralda.
How strange, that makes us both royalty...

Steps forward and gently lift her flaming hand, cold touch still remaining.
Gentle kiss is placed on her talon, then he releases her.
Smirks and tosses his head slightly, optics scanning furiously for one who was not there.
Hisses softly, then turns, vanishing into the blackness beyond.


Femme draps hand away from him, as though he has been shocked.
Simper flows easily towards her brother, then towards the others.
Notices his transformed state imediately and frowns.
Now, now she was the only one left in Ezzy's line not Gaian.
And none were left to release her power.
None except,
optics flee towards her exiting brother and she sighs.
She doubted he had the power to release her, or the will to.
Forces a smile, but remains silent, worries of a hidden power destroying her from within slowly surfaceing.
Shudders, barely visable and looks away.

Fallen Embers
+The Last+

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±.she dubbed traitor.±

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Date Posted: 10:05:49 10/14/02 Mon

DT's smile lengthened as she saw the others she had sworn whole-heartedly to the Gaian Queen Ezmerelda she would forever watch over.
From Bairavee,to Fallen Embers, to Bronze Warrior she looks and speaks, before Bairavee fully exited wanting her words to touch his ears also.

You only know of what Prince Bob spoke, he believes me to commit treason upon Queen Isis, to overthrow her. I admit to you that this idea purposely crossed my mind and I spoke of it to the Flaris.
The Flaris spoke against this idea, and I relented...excpecially when her majesty returned.
My plans of dominaition are dormant, and my plans would never go against Dark kind for Darkness is my family. They were against the rulers in charge.

Eyes cold steel as she thinks of Prince Bob and Oblation. True, she had once found the purple drake could become one of friendship and yet now she loathed him.


She sighed, eyes of hell softening deeply.

The only to considerably trust me now are the Flaris and the Gaians,

Eyes harsh again as quicly as they softened. She was a rebel now, twisted and corrupted in her mad ideas of power.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: [+:...:+]

Fallen Embers
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Date Posted: 12:42:41 10/14/02 Mon

Femme smiles slightly in reply to DT's words.
Silently watches her brother go.
She would ask him later.
Turns back to the femme then speaks.
You are welcome in our home so long as your ideas remain in the interest of all darks, whether they be the best or not...
Turns and exits, following in the dark exit of her brother, leaving the others to plot as they wished.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±turns±

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Date Posted: 13:34:22 10/14/02 Mon

DT turns towards the Flaris and Bronze Warrior. Giving the latter a smile she says to him.

You might join us if you wished of it..you and your siblings. I have sheer doubt the East imbesols already have light of our plan. I believe they would stopp low enough to spy.

eyes narrow and claws clench and unclench in anger.

Dark Tiger
-The Rebel-

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Ack! *hits her Computer*

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Date Posted: 13:36:49 10/14/02 Mon

It's sposed to say:

....I have no doubt the East imbesols have light of our plan...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: )^(Queen of the Raging Flame)^( , ~{The Light that Leads Evil}~ , & :^:A Warrior's Hell:^:

Fate's Flaming Future , Demon's Light , & Bronze Warrior
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Date Posted: 23:06:48 10/14/02 Mon


Royal Queen of the Flaris places the clawed hand that the emerald had placed a kiss upon on the ground. He had startled her by his action. Most could not stand to touch a Flaris. Her gaze swivels to the golden dragon and she offers him as friendly a smile as her cold heart can muster. I thank you for your assistance just now, it may have saved my life. Your brother doesn't seem all too yielding.

She nods to Demon, watching the femme's shoulders sag in relief. She was a good guard and warrior; the best in fact. The Queen was glad to have one such as she by her side at this uncertain time. Orange optics focus on DT as she listens to her words and waits for the gold to respond....

Fate's Flaming Future


The orange and yellow flamed dragoness sighs in relief as the emerald Gaian leaves. She had been ready to take his head off if he hurt her Queen in any way, shape, or form. Though she probably wouldn't have been much help. No Flaris could stand any form of water. It would have meerly killed them both. She smiles at the golden male, the smile was one of thanks. His quick words may have been the only thing that had saved them both.....

Demon's Light


The male returns both the Queen and her guard's smile, his almost as cold as their's, but not because he didn't like them. It was meerly who he was. Opal gaze flickers to DT. I may help, I may not. It depends. I still haven't learned completely how to use my powers. I know that the Hellbender is strong in me, but there is a chance that I'm a Pure. I need to find out what I am before I commit myself to anything. He gives a bow to all three female's before turning to go. I bid you all good day and good luck.

Bronze Warrior


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±she dubbed Traitor±

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Date Posted: 10:03:12 10/19/02 Sat

DT nodded towardst Bronze Warrior then turned towardst the Flaris.

With the mind that the Light Ones might be onto our plan, I have already moved against it. This plan remains within my skull alone and will not be verbalized until an appropriate time.

Dark Tiger
-The Rebel-

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: )^(Queen of the Raging Flame)^( & ~{The Light that Leads Evil}~

Fate's Flaming Future & Demon's Light
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Date Posted: 13:31:07 10/19/02 Sat


Flaris Queen nods her flaming skull to DT. Let me get my troops assembled. When I have completed that, I will tell you and we can make arrangements to attack. She gives another nod and motions for Demon to follow her out of the lair to ready their people....

Fate's Flaming Future


Other flaming femme nods to DT, and then bowes to her Queen. She quickly follows Fate's Flaming Future, mentally picking out dragon's to help.....

Demon's Light


OOC: Can I please have your e-mail address so that I can send you the stuff on the Flaris? Thank you.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±.She dubbed traitor.±

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Date Posted: 09:48:35 10/20/02 Sun

DT nodded her ebon dial and spread her wings. She had her own things to do to ready for this battle. She would return here soon, and hopefully the Flaris would know to come back here..the only safe haven.

Dark Tiger
-The Rebel-

OOC: K..click on my name...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±.She dubbed traitor.±

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Date Posted: 09:50:44 10/20/02 Sun

DT nodded her ebon dial and spread her wings. She had her own things to do to ready for this battle. She would return here soon, and hopefully the Flaris would know to come back here..the only safe haven.

Dark Tiger
-The Rebel-

OOC: K..click on my name...

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