Subject: + Evil One + |
Author: Raistlin
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Date Posted: 12:39:49 12/04/02 Wed
In reply to:
Crystals Tear
's message, "-€-" on 18:55:25 12/03/02 Tue
+ Carefully, the Shadow Lord listened + + Nodding his ebon head, obviously paying attention + + The emerald hued one had some points + + Glancing towards the gold hued dragon, he held his sarcasm + + How convient it could have been, but now was bad + + Eyes flashing scarlet and sable, he remained silent + + Listening + + Hearing the sovereign's words in his head + + But, his son appeared + + He listened to Kaal's words + + Shaking his head...This was the heir to his throne + + Hopefully, he wouldnt die soon + + Nodding head, the sable brute looked now to the silver one + The minx, to him - Vixen + + Eyes narrowed, nostrils flared + + Scraping the rock with his hind talons, his anger was obvious +
I suggest you do not toil with my son. If we are to create a compromise, both the Gaians and the Shadows should learn to deal with each other's differences. Understood
+ It was not posed a question, but a statement + + Turning gaze back to Bairavee + + His emotionless eyes gazed within the emerald one's orbs +
I agree upon the previous statements. I also propose some... In time of war, the Gaians and Shadows do not split up. Fighting will be together, as well as deciding on which side to be on. We shall not be considered Light nor Dark to any of the Westerns, only to ourselves. We will not remain neutral, but instead think before we act, whether for or against our true alignment.
+ Looking to the sovereign, he smirked + + His terms were reasonable, as were the others + + Glancing towards Crystals Tear, he shrugged +
I offer my home to your dragons. I can and will make adjustments to my homeland to better accustom your kinds, all of them. I extend my land, but not leadership of it. Everdark was created by the Shadow Lord and will be ruled by the Everdark. The Sovereign may rule beside the Shadow Lord, but the decisions of the land are his alone
+ They should be able to understand that + + It was his lands, he was willing to add some light to it + + Perhaps it would not cause problems +
Once the Gaians grow, they may move or remain in the Shadow's lands. Or expand Everdark - Then, the Sovereign may rule his own land, the Shadow Lord rule his. I agree to the terms of traitors... The traitor will be exiled, sentenced to life outside ours. Unless intended and planned, the compromise shall be talked about before terminated. Respect will be held between the two, or banishment from the lands. No blood lines shall be mixed unless approved by the partners and told to the leadership. Any thing else, plus my previous suggestions?
+ Looking at the male, his eyes flashed + + From sable and ruby + + To sapphire and sterling + + The Shadow Lord in his true form + + Touching his heart stone, he showed the Sovereign he was not lying + + Nodding head, he waited, but eyes sparked +
The Shadows can teach the Gaians of magic, jewels, their art of fighting... As the Gaians can teach the Shadows of elemental domination and skills we do not possess. Together, my friend, we could be invincible
+ T'was true + + As he pondered this thought himself + + Waiting, wondering, thinking +
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