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Date Posted: 16:23:54 01/24/02 Thu
Author: GoWFO
Subject: Re: Content? I mean?
In reply to: Ben 's message, "Content? I mean?" on 01:15:00 01/23/02 Wed

What the hell is going on here? I don't have time in my already spectacularly exciting life, to spend an extra minute reading "Pinback's Web Central". Now I will have to re-work my whole daily routine.

Previously an average day was a follows

6:30 am -alarm goes off
6:30:02 am -hit snooze button on alarm

6:39 am -alarm goes off
6:39:02 am -hit snooze button on alarm

6:48 am -alarm goes off
6:48:02 am -hit snooze button on alarm

This continues till wife starts hitting me with pillow,
usually around 7:23 am

7:26 am -bathroom stuff (trust me you don't want the details)

7:45 am -get dressed

7:50 am -start car and prepare to make a 30 minute drive 10 minutes long

8:20 am -start work 20 minutes late

8:21 am -dispense with grumpy hello to co-works

8:22 am -count the minutes till 5:00 pm

5:00:01 pm -get in car & go home

5:10 pm -arrive home, say the usual yada, yada, yada to wife.

5:11 pm -crack a nice cool beer, turn on computer

5:14 pm -check for updates at "Pinback's Web Central".

5:14:09 pm -see there is none like usual, crack another beer

5:15 pm -dodge a flurry of pop-ups while surfing for free porn

5:20 pm -crack another beer

5:29 pm -open bag of BBQ chip, crack another beer

5:45 pm -wife asks what I'd like for dinner, I say "I'm not that hungry, but I'd like another beer."

6:00 pm -turn on TV & watch news... it's depressing... crack another beer.

6:04 pm -save bladder from bursting, make a quick run to the toilet for 'killer pee' <--- not a good rock band name.

6:13 pm -go to fridge only to realize I'm now out of beer. Well I'm sure you all know that saying "there is always room for vodka"

6:15 pm -mix-up a quad-Caesar

6:34 pm -at this point my memory of the evening minutes start getting blurry.

1:17 am - awake in easychair in TV room, stagger to bed.

6:30 am -rinse, lather & repeat

How the *fuck* am I going to make extra room in my already crammed schedule for all this extra reading?

At least before I could say "Thanks for nothing."

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