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Date Posted: 14:02:52 01/25/02 Fri
Author: DM MAGIC!
Subject: Re: Content? I mean?
In reply to: GoWFO 's message, "Re: Content? I mean?" on 16:23:54 01/24/02 Thu

>How the *fuck* am I going to make extra room in my already
>crammed schedule for all this extra reading?

I did a bit of research, and I found it:

>5:15 pm -dodge a flurry of pop-ups while surfing for free
>5:20 pm -crack another beer

Okay, what you need are two things -- 1) you need your wife to fellate you while you are on the internet and you need to install anti-popup software. You won't need to search for as much free teen porn because when your wife's head is bobbing up and down while you are sitting in your chair on the computer, you won't be that discriminate with what teen you find. OK, I am with you, mostly: if you're going to toss off you want there to be a FRESH YOUNG NUBILE THING who is utterly perfect. Like Elisa Bridges. But if you're getting the sense of your penis in someone's mouth, you don't really need total perfection. Also, you won't have to close so many popup windows due to the software you've installed. The only drawback is that, now that you're using that free time to read Pinback's Web Central II, you may inadvertently ejaculate into your wife's mouth while reading a Clash update, and transfer the feelings you get from achieving an orgasm into your wife's mouth to Clash. 2) you really need some DM MAGIC!! (I am ending my messages in a less and less transparent way all the time, but help me: it's the only gimmick I got.)

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