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Date Posted: 23:10:35 11/13/01 Tue
Author: Blue
Subject: Re: What happens to Darla in "Lullaby?" + another theory
In reply to: KhaliG 's message, "Re: What happens to Darla in "Lullaby?" + another theory" on 22:15:37 11/13/01 Tue

>Ps, that's Pilgrim Soul? I remember reading her posts
>on the ASS Board last year and really enjoying them.
>It would be great to have her post here more often.
>The more posters we get, the better the postings.

Yeah, we've written back and forth. The truth is that she's distanced herself from the show so much that she's not emotionally invested all that much anymore. She still loves Darla and Angel though, and she told me she'll try to post here when possible.

>Are you talking about the few posters who write the
>pro-darla posts? I think there was a hppy thread post
>that the board mom set up and I'm quite happy with the
>few responses it got, at least it shows that there are
>*some* darla-lovers hanging around on that board.

Yeah, I'm going to try and contact some of them, especially the ones I used to post with while there.

>I know and I love the Host.

I really like the way they are using him this year. I think they used him and the bar just a *tad* too much last year.

>I know what you mean, for some reason, A.I. felt like
>a *team* and the rapport was really nice.

You *hit* it. That's exactly what I was trying to say.

For someone
>who is supposed to be a "Big Bad" to the A.I. team,
>Darla, in a weird way feels more like a part of the
>group rather than someone who was working against it.
>I loved her "It's nothing." to Wesley when he asked
>if she was all right.

So true!

>Well, they gave Wes a storyline with fred and put him
>in the role of the Leader. Cordy's being gung-ho with
>the super-hero stuff and Fred's being the shy, yet
>strong girl who has a quirky brain. Why do I get the
>feeling that Fred's going to be cooing over the baby?
>She is such a sweetie :)

She really is and yep. I think she'll be really close to the baby.

>ER, The West Wing, to name a few. Sheesh, ER has Peter
>benton who has a three-year-old son, who is just about
>the cutest actor I have ever seen and yet he remains a
>part of the storyline, even though the main theme of
>the show is about Doctors. If these "real-life" shows
>can include a baby on the set, then by golly, Angel
>can do the same thing.

So agree.

>I say the same thing too. The key to trying not to
>care too much about this storyline is to STAY AWAY
>from the anti-Darla places and if you click on those
>boards, jump right out and I don't know, replay scenes
>from your favorite eps.

That really is it. Just stay away from the anti-Darla places because all they do is stress me out and that's silly!

Yep, still rewatching "Quickening!"

>I've come across a few posts like that. I'm almost
>betting that a few of these posters were the same ones
>who had wanted Dawn to die last year in The Gift.

Exactly, and you know what? Dawn worked out just fine and the baby has more of a significance than Dawn. The baby is truly Angel and Darla's.

>try very hard not to scream and rip that posters head
>off, so I meantally say, "That poster is so not worth
>it." and close that post.

LMAO! I sooo understand.

>I just shake my head at this hatred towards a small,
>helpless baby. I don't care if that baby is
>good/evil/whatever. To me, it doesn't matter. In the
>Lullaby promo, when I heard that little guy crying, my
>heart just went out to it. I don't want him killed,
>okay! I don't! if the writers make him evil, I'll be
>very, very annoyed and not sure if I will watch more
>Angel eps.

You give me confidence it will never happen. Live baby, live! That's it! Well, if the child was a girl I think "liv" would have been a perfect name.

>The net makes us crazy fans, that's all I've got to
>say. The trick is to surround ourselves with people
>who can keep that perspective.


>It seems as though here are only select few who
>really post on the Angel NG. Some of them irritate the
>heck out of me. I guess it happens in all usenet
>groups, you get your regular posters that just
>dominate the posts, making it feel like a clique that
>newbies can't quite break through.

Yeah, I would never try to post there. I hope Cheifseattle and David Hines write something up soon.



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