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Date Posted: 23:05:35 11/28/01 Wed
Author: Trinity
Subject: Re: The *real* rambling theory.. ; )
In reply to: Trinity 's message, "Re: Yippee! I found my rambling theory =) Plus responses to Khali.." on 22:44:39 11/28/01 Wed

This is originally from an e-mail to a friend, so it may sound kinda funny sometimes. I'm just going to copy and paste as it's getting rather late..

Also, I'll explain that I often times get an (speculative, and sometimes just downright crazy) idea that will just *explode* in my head.. *g* This is mainly just rambling thoughts that made me go hmmmmmmm.. Don't *necessarily* believe or want all these things, just thoughts!

Hey.. hey! Here's a thought!! =) You make a good point that it wasn't in fact *Darla's* soul that was making the choices the vampire did.. It was the baby's.. Darla knew the baby was dying, and knew there was just *nothing* she could do, nothing she could give, to stop that from happening. Darla finally realized the *one* thing she could offer, and gives her life to save the baby. But like you, and then I *g*, just said, *Darla's* soul wasn't there to make that realization/choice. It was the baby. So what if the baby had enough influence over the demon to force it to kill itself??????

OK, now I'm just going to run off a bunch of evidence here and attempt to form it into some sort of plausible theory.. bare with me??????? ; )

~~In an ancient prophecy, Darla was meant to return, apparently to tear Angel from the PTB.. but what if only indirectly.. what if it's the child she and Angel create that accomplishes this?? Though the syphillis kinda
negates this point, I do find it rather ironic Darla originally returned as a human..

~~In the very same prophecy is the ritual to raise Darla. The words Lindsey uses to finish the spell at the end of TSiLA translate to, "And the five shall be a sacrifice... and the one who is dead shall live..." "Even as life and death are not two things but one... in darkness is the light, in light is the darkness. Arise!" The word "Shanshu," meaning both life and death is also mentioned.

~~Now we have another prophecy which states that in the coming of the baby, there will be *no* life, *only* death. Wait.. aren't they the same thing???

~~Darla tried repeatedly to destroy the baby inside of her. She failed each time. Something prevented her from succeeding. But was something protecting it, or was it powerful enough to protect itself?????

~~The Shaman nearly went into convulsions when he attempted to "read" the baby. He said that he could not help. No man could. That it was not meant to be known. What was it that "hurt"/threw the Shaman back?? The baby again?? Why was he so afraid??

~~A vampire cult worships this thing (and has absolutely no regard for the mother btw) as "The Miracle Child.." Master Tarfall, Underlord of Pain foresaw the baby, and Cyril seemed excited over its arrival..

~~Why didn't Sahjhan tell Holtz about the baby?? Why was he soooooo adamant that Holtz kill (Angel, or Angel and the baby, or even just the baby?? He does forsee the future afterall.. And he did bring Holtz back *just* in time for the baby's birth) at the end of the eppy??

~~The Tro-Klon is a confluence of events that will bring about the ruination of mankind. Holtz came with orders to destroy Angel (but only Angel?? Did they make that clear????). Sahjhan was adamant he do it then.. The baby is
born, yet was dying, so one would assume weak.. Perhaps too weak to protect itself with whatever powers it *might* have?? This may have been Holtz's *one* chance to destroy it, but since he didn't, the Tro-Klon begins.. Fred never was too sure of those 'dates/times' afterall..

~~The Shanshu prophecy said the vampire with a soul not only had to survive the coming darkness, but also the Apocalyptic battles (ruination of mankind???). I can't help but notice how much Buffy's and Angel's journeys have mirrored each other. They continually experience slightly different versions of the same "events." Buffy had to send the ensouled man she loved to Hell to save the world.. Will Angel perhaps have to send the ensouled (yet still possibly very evil and very powerful??) child he loves to Hell to
save the world as well??

Does any of that make any sense?? Can you at all see where I'm going with it?? I don't know that I could put it all into an actual worded theory, but there's the evidence I'm considering.. Feel free to add or subtract, and certainly to theorize yourself!!

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