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Date Posted: 19:28:31 12/04/01 Tue
Author: Blue
Subject: If I'm wrong, I'll gladly say so but ...
In reply to: KhaliG 's message, "Interesting Interviewon BC&S" on 14:06:28 12/04/01 Tue

Me thinks with strong certainty ...

this is a fake.

There are so many holes in this interview I see Swiss cheese. LOL. Now, I'm no expert on DB but I've read many of his interviews. I also know to take whatever he says about storylines with a grain of salt.

On the other hand here are the problems I see with this interview:

1) Let's start with the obvious: Who's Hallie? Which campus? She's definitely a new poster and this is probably her first post but she doesn't give any concrete info of where this interview took place. Neither has she answered any of the questions from the posters addressing her post. I guess I'm supposed to believe that DB would call a random "college" station from what I've heard is in the UK?

DB has called radio stations to talk about the show, but they were professionals and not college stations.

2) The interviewer is an obvious B/A shipper and emphasizes this about three times in his questions to DB. Too weird.

3) Please don't take this a diss against Charisma Carpenter. Charisma Carpenter is a beautiful woman, but I've never heard DB refer to any of his co-stars as "incredibly hot." And he just got married? When he does describe a co-star that he has a connection with he describes them in a more "professional" manner. Then again, the most I've ever seen DB comment on Charisma was mostly in 2 sentences keeping it short and simple, because the only one I've seen him rave about in any recent terms was Julie Benz.

4) Too much "opinion." It's true that DB has a opinion and he definitely uses it, but also from his other recent interviews he knows when NOT to give too much of his personal opinion on things that relate to possible storylines such as the "Darla is Angel's soulmate" and C/A comments. Joss likes to keep all doors open for speculation.

5) These *seemingly believable* "interviews" have been posted over and over again on Michelle's boards, and let me tell you whoever is doing this is good, but not too good. This is probably the same person that has also used the name "Emily." She posted a so-called Marti Noxon interview on the BC&S stating that she along with some other fans were creating a new official site for Marti and passed along an interview they did with her to celebrate the upcoming opening of the site. The interview was very *believable* and again had an anti-B/A slant.

It was false.

There was also another believable article of sorts hinting at some upcoming spoilers for season 4/5 and quotes from SMG and JM.

And it was false as well.

For some reason if someone wants to mislead the masses they'll post their *info* on Michelle's boards. They are popular that's for sure, but this interview even though it has *great* Darla comments just sounds too false to me. Until someone comes along saying they heard the same I can't believe it.

just my honest opinion,

Blue =)

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